The 10 Greatest Wrestling Matches Of All Time - 摔角 Wrestle

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2015-03-31T14:26

Table of Contents


10. Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Eddy Guerrero, Halloween Havoc 97

Rey Mysterio had defeated Eddie Guerrero on two separate occasions prior
to this. Guerrero’s frustration had caused him to try to rip of Rey’s
mask, which led to this legendary title vs mask bout at Halloween Havoc.
This match is borderline perfect, I mean really the moves are almost
pulled off flawlessly. These are not just hip tosses and head locks too,
I mean crazy corkscrew spins, backflips and hurricarana’s out the ass.
One can really see that these two were on point when Rey Mysterio hits
the fanciest DDT of all time. This is no spot fest though, it is paced
very well and Guerrero orchestrates like the virtuoso that he is. Guerrero
stretches and beats down Rey Mysterio through out the match. Rey keeps
trying to hit Guerrero with big high flying moves, but the champ is just
too sly for that. It’s interesting to see when Guerrero finally starts
losing his concentration, it is subtle and not over acted like you would
see in many other matches. Anyone who loves Jr Heavyweight action needs
to see this one.

9. Cactus Jack vs. Triple H – Street Fight, Royal Rumble 2000

This is the match that started HHH’s brilliant streak in 2000. Mankind
had rights to a title shot, but Triple H kept brushing him off. Mankind
challenged HHH to a street fight, and HHH arrogantly accepted because
quite frankly, Mankind was not in The Game’s league. However, HHH did
not count on Mankind going into his alter ego in the hostile maniac Cactus
Jack. The clean, rich, blue-blood champ who had the power of the McMahon
regime at the palm of his hands, was forced into a New York City brawl.
Even if you’re not familiar with the plot, it’s hard not to draw a smile
when you see a douche like HHH who is all pretty getting his **** messed
up by this hairy slob in Cactus. There are literally zero submission/
grappling maneuvers in this match, but these two still transition from
one spot to another very fell and fluently. The two men shred each others
skin and bash each others bones in with thumbtacks, chairs, two by fours
and even the ring bell. Cactus is brilliant here, you can tell that Cactus
has only one thing on his mind and that is to hurt Hunter. In one part of
the match, HHH has a steel chair and lures Cactus into fighting him
despite Jack being unarmed. Cactus doesn’t give a damn and runs head
first into a hard chair shot. It’s just great psychology all around, and
a real pleasure to watch these two men kill each other.

8. Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart – Iron Man, Wrestlemania 12

Both Michaels and Hart are often cited as the greatest workers in North
America, and during this point in time there really was no other wrestler
better in the States than these two. What the WWF was going for was an epic
athletic competition, and that is what they delivered that night.
Wrestlemania 12 is quite literally a one match show, with the Ironman
match clocking lasting a full hour. What made this match was just the
athletic story it told. These two men (who for what ever reason looked
cooler than ever that night), were just so evenly match, both men trying
to out wrestle each other technically. The mid point of the match got kind
of dull, but the final act of it has flawless execution. This match match
was booked to look like as much of a sport as possible, which is really
what wrestling is about.

7. Ricky Steamboat vs. Ric Flair, Clash of The Champions VI

This was the sequel to the Chi-Town rumble in which Ricky Steamboat had
finally won the belt from Nature Boy in a near hour battle. The two fought
each other on free national tv on Clash of the Champions VI. In order to
ensure that the best man truly won, it was changed from 1 fall to 2. The
hype to this match was huge, and this became a true instant classic in
which many people including Terry Funk claimed that it was the best match
they had ever seen. These two wrestlers wrestle a long ass match yet go at
a fast rate with a variety of moves, but that was expected giving these two
cardio machines. While Steamboat was often kicking Flair’s ass, he would
make one mistake where Flair would totally take advantage of and turn the
tables. The two would work on certain parts of the body, and who ever got
worked on would sell it wonderfully. It’s really a match of high drama,
and you can’t tell when a fall will come which is why this match has aged
so well despite the out come being well known.

6. The Rock vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Wrestlemania 17

The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin both reprsented the Attitude Era to
the fullest extent. Both were edgy, over the top and unpredictable. These
two had clashed many times, but for what ever reason their fight at
Wrestlemania 17 always feels like it is the biggest. The aura surrounding
the fight is similar to Floyd Mayweather fighting Manny Pacquiao, it just
feels like the answer to who the really best in the world will be decided
by this contest. These two came out guns slinging, nothing but a ton of
punches, clothslines, kicks and a crapload of weapons. It’s classic
Attitude Era style, not to mention a few ounces of drama and a very
unpredictable twist supplied by Vince McMahon.

5. The Undertaker vs. Mankind – Hell In A Cell, King of The Ring ’98

The first Hell in a Cell was praised with huge recepetion, often cited as
one of the greatest matches of all time. When Undertaker and Mankind had
to have a second one, they needed to raise the bar – and in order to not
disapoint the fans they delivered two of the most notorious, impressive,
dangerous and replayed spots in WWE history. Mick Foley had gone back to
his Mankind persona after Vince firing Dude Love from the company. Though
this Mankind was different from the one that we saw in 96 (who happened
to have a big feud with the Undertaker as well). His outfit changed and
his demonor was even different, seeming a bit more human than his previous
incarnation. However, Mankind still had a mean streak and he was feuding
with The Undertaker. Undertaker wanted to hurt Mankind badly, so the two
decided to bring back the Hell in a Cell for the second time. This is
really more of a spectacle than a wrestling match. The two spots that
Foley took were shocking, and watching live many people thought Foley
would be hurt seriously. An underrated memorable moment is when Foley
is being taking back for medical attention, and everyone really does
think the match is over (even the guys backstage and what not) – but
Foley gets off the stretcher and runs back to continue the match. Aside
from the spots, this match also offers a high level of brutality, and
this is probably the biggest ass whooping in Pro Wrestling to date.

4. Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart, Wrestlemania 10

Bret Hart and Lex Luger had the most controversial ending at Royal Rumble.
It was declared they both were eliminated at the same time, thus granting
them both a title shot at Wrestlemania. This meant that champion Yokozuna
had to wrestle two people in one night. Yoko decided to wrestle Lex Luger
first, with Bret facing the winner of that bout later that night. However,
in all fairness Bret was also to be given an exhibition match. It was then
that his jealous younger brother, who was bitter that Bret was getting all
the spot light and a title shot stepped up to the plate. Owen Hart was
tired of people undermining him, and he was going to beat Bret and prove
that he was the real deal. This match is technical brilliance. When you
think about it, the amazing chemistry shouldn’t be a shock. I mean I’d
imagine that Bret and Owen had wrestled each other countless times before.
Everything they do seems so flawless, almost like a dance of sorts. It’s
a technical masterpiece because even a casual fan can look at these two
competitors exchanging holds as opposed to out right brawling and still
be highly entertained. This was a match that has grown like fine wine,
and as more years pass by more people start to like it. This was also the
match where people truly realized how good Owen Hart was.

3. Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Savage, Wrestlemania 3

While many people remembered Wrestlemania 3 for its theatrics in Hogan vs
Andre, another breed of fan fondly recalls the battle between Ricky
Steamboat and Randy Savage. Savage had crushed Ricky’s throat with a
bell months prior which nearly ended "The Dragon’s" career. The two were
finally slated for a rematch, and Ricky went all out. One thing that is
great about this match is that we saw a ferocity that we rarely see in
Steamboat One could tell that he was really pissed off even though he was
not resorting to mindless brawling. Even though Steamboat is mad, it’s
still hard not to root for him. Even though I’ve seen this match quite a
few times, I still find myself thinking "How is Steamboat going to get
out of this?" or "Hell yeah Steamboat, chop his ass again". The two put
on a wrestling clinic which stood the test of time and influenced
countless other wrestlers. It’s really the perfect blend of 80s
wrestling, psychology and choreography. When they both start going at
high speeds, Steamboat gets too predictable and Savage puts his ass down.
Which then leads toward the finale where Savage tries to end Steamboat’s
career for good with the bell. In the end poetic justice is served. It’s
text book wrestling.

2. Bret Hart vs."Stone Cold" Steve Austin –Submission Match, Wrestlemania 13

There may be no match that holds greater impact than Bret Hart vs "Stone
Cold" Steve Austin. This match defined the marking of a new era. When
people try to look to when the WWF switched from the "New Generation" to
the "Attitude Era" many will come to this bench mark. This was a feud that
was built up for nearly a full year, before the two were matched up in
this no DQ submission match for the #1 contendership to the WWE title.
The previous year Bret had lost his belt to Shawn Michaels, and as a
result took a long hiatus. While Hart’s career took a halt, Austin’s
career was sky rocketing as a winner of the "King of the Ring". He was
looking to make an even bigger name for himself, so he began calling out
the Hitman. After months of harassment the two would meet at the Survivor
Series in which Hart would come out victor. Austin was still not satisfied,
he continued to tarnish Hart at any chance he got. Hart’s patience was
growing thin, especially since Austin had eliminated Hart at the Royal
Rumble (after Austin was thrown out the match himself no less). The two
giant egos would collide one final time, when these men would have to
wrestle in a match where one man had to say uncle in order to lose. It’s
the story of the unstoppable force versus the unmovable object. Hart was
the greatest technical wrestler in the federation, offensively he had a
huge advantage. However, Austin had a toughness that was unparalleled by
anyone. Austin will not give up no matter what. While this match had two
very technically proficient wrestlers, this bout was very brutal. These
guys fought all over the arena, hitting each other with a bunch of ****
and trading painful submission holds. Austin screaming while blood was
dripping down his face is one of the most iconic images in Pro Wrestling.
This also showed a rare double turn in which Austin entered the match as
a heel, but left as a face despite his personality not changing, that hint
of gray between the black and white lines is really what painted the
Attitude Era.

1. Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker, Wrestlemania 25

What makes this match so great is that despite the fact that there was no
title on the line, both men are in their 40s and Shawn Michaels was a huge
underdog, everyone still expected excellence. However the real crazy thing
is that this match delivered exactly all of that and more. Michaels had
defeated JBL and Vladimir Kozlov in order to gain the privilege to fight
The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Michaels wanted to cement himself as a
legend of Wrestlemania, his task was to end the longest streak on the
grandest stage of them all. For weeks Michaels would get into the
Undertaker’s head, something that the Undertaker was used to dishing but
not receiving. The introduction to this match is bone chilling. Michaels
is wearing an outfit similar to Undertaker’s except it is colored white,
and he descends from the heavens. Undertaker of course ascends from below
while wearing his text-mark black outfit. The entire event just had a big
match feeling to it. The two worked a match with fantastic psychology t
hat was unmatched that year. Michaels was light on his feet, trying to
take Undertaker off guard and hitting him with submissions to slow the
dead man down. When ever Undertaker could grab a hold of Michaels he would
make the best out of his opportunity by hitting Michaels with a high
impact maneuver. These two are just masters at their craft, every move
that they did seemed bigger than what it really was. Even though Undertaker
was the favorite, these two put on such a compelling match that you would
really get lost in the near falls. Heck, even the count-out falls had my
heart racing. As J.R. said these two put on a match that makes you want
to get up and be proud to be a wrestling fan.

來源:The 10 Greatest Wrestling Matches Of All Time


Tags: 摔角

All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2015-04-02T06:17
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2015-04-03T22:07
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2015-04-05T13:57
UT BRET HBK 三個人都出現三次....太威啦!!!
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2015-04-07T05:48
很榮幸UT Bret HBK這幾場都看過 真的也是我心中名勝負
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2015-04-08T21:38
反正大概就這3位 SCSA 史汀伯 Foley打的都品質保證
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2015-04-10T13:29
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-04-12T05:19
班瓦和安格在2003Royal Rumble的WWE冠軍賽也是很棒 只可惜……
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2015-04-13T21:09
wm 25那場真的是太經典了
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2015-04-15T13:00
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2015-04-17T04:50
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-04-18T20:41
No.6 那場很好看 可說是世代傳承
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2015-04-20T12:31
覺得Kurt Angle應該入圍幾場
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-04-22T04:21
Kurt vs Brock的比賽也很經典
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-04-23T20:12
推 WMXIX 的Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2015-04-25T12:02
不過竟然沒有HBK v Nature Boy...
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2015-04-27T03:53
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2015-04-28T19:43
有那種世代傳承味道的那一場是19屆的Wrestle Mania才是!
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-04-30T11:33
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2015-05-02T03:24
對我講錯場了 過幾天忽然想到不是那一年 謝謝樓上

Brutal WWE Moves On Girls - THE REVENG

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-03-31T11:04
前陣子有個網路短片是一個青少年用各種摔角大絕將女友摔入泳池 影片一出網路罵翻天,不過沒想到Heyman找上門拍了個復仇版續集... BUT still - donand#39;t try this at home - ...

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Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-03-31T08:40
WM隔天Raw肯定有滿滿爆點的啦 防雷頁 黑門跟 Brock 開場就說要重賽 然後洲際冠軍賽DB vs DZ DB贏了 然後... 大白回歸啦!!! 跟預期一樣WM隔天Raw回歸 不過新髮型有 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2015-03-30T06:55
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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2015-03-30T02:55
請問各位大大 請問有地方可以看轉播嗎 thank you so much - ...

2015 WrestleMania 31的Match V4

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-03-29T21:08
今年的WrestleMania 31大賽,預定賽事一共有九場。同時也做一下部份的簡單賽前分析 ,預定賽事如下: Fatal Four Way Tag Team Match For The WWE Tag Team Championship: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro vs The New ...