Team Up for Doubles Tennis with Agassi - 網球

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2016-09-16T09:04

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※ [本文轉錄自 Graf 看板 #1NsqGM0L ]

作者: deehsu (加州‧陽光~十年如一日) 看板: Graf
標題: [閒聊] Team Up for Doubles Tennis with Agassi
時間: Fri Sep 16 09:00:00 2016

* 訊息來源:

Support and Andre Agassi Foundation for Education & Children for Tomorrow and
Team Up for Doubles Tennis with Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf

You and a friend will:

* Play doubles tennis with Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, followed by lunch at
the country club.
* Enjoy a post-match dinner at the award-winning restaurant, Michael Mina.
* Get flown to Las Vegas and stay in a 4-star hotel.

Who says the U.S. Open final is the last big tennis match of the season?
Andre Agassi and Stefanie Graf are joining forces to fly you and a friend out
to Las Vegas for lunch at their country club and the ultimate game of doubles.
Team up, mix it up, or even fine-tune those singles skills with a few rounds
of King (or Queen) of the court. And since every great match calls for a post-
game celebration, you and your guest will head on over to the award-winning
restaurant, Michael Mina, for dinner and dessert. Whether you're new to the
game, a weekend league veteran, or somewhere in between, it's going to be the
best time ever. Flights and hotel included.

Who You'll Help

The Andre Agassi Foundation for Education seeks to transform public education
in two ways. Through its signature project, the Andre Agassi College
Preparatory Academy, the Foundation works to provide underserved children in
Las Vegas with a first‐class K‐12 education to prepare them for excellence
in college and beyond. Through state and national advocacy, the Foundation
strives to increase investment in, and accountability for, public schools.

Founded in 1998, Children for Tomorrow is dedicated to the psychological
rebuilding of children affected by war, violence and persecution. The
Foundation provides specialized therapy to help heal the deep emotional scars
caused by a daily life marked with violence. Contributions to the foundation
provide psychotherapeutic treatment as well as psycho-social services in
Hamburg, Eritrea and Uganda. Foundation headquarters opened in 2011 at
University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf.


(From Andre Agassi Facebook : )

DOUBLES?!!Steffi and I want to play with you and a friend followed by lunch at
the clubhouse - win or lose, it's on us. We'll fly you out, have a ball and
support "Andre Agassi Foundation for Education and Children for Tomorrow"





夫妻兩人最後還錄製了影片, ( )
要我也會選"Team Graf"~XDDD

Tags: 網球

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兩主裁遭ITF終生禁賽 因涉嫌在賽中參與

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2016-09-16T07:35
兩主裁遭ITF終生禁賽 因涉嫌在希望賽中參與賭球  新浪體育訊  北京時間9月15日消息,從今年年初起,賭球醜聞一直蔓延在網壇中。 近日,ITF(國際網球聯合會)宣佈因涉嫌參與賭球,將對烏茲別克斯坦主裁Sherzod Hasanov和Arkhip molotyagin處以終生禁賽處罰。   ITF在當地時 ...

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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2016-09-16T00:16
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Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2016-09-15T16:26
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Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2016-09-15T15:40
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Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2016-09-15T14:34
地點: 內湖 或鄰近地區也可 時間: 平日下班後或假日下午以後 人數: 1人可以拉球 多人可以雙打更好 資格: 很愛打 抽球穩定可以比賽最好 希望有等級3以上 目的: 就流汗囉! 想一週可打3次 多流汗多健康! 另外請問有無那種LINE群 就是隨時去都有人可以打的那種啊? 感謝 ...