Tana Umaga quits the All Blacks - 橄欖球

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2006-01-16T16:12

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NEW Zealand rugby union captain Tana Umaga has retired from the international
arena after playing 74 Tests, citing family reasons.

"I want to spend more time with my family, and I just believe I sacrificed a
lot of time with my family to wear the black jersey," Umaga said today.

"I did that willingly but now it's time for me to sacrifice something and
give it back to my family."

All Blacks coach Graham Henry said he was sad and disappointed by the
decision of his skipper but agreed with his reasons.

"I think its a reflection on Tana's strength as a person and development as a
person that he's got his priorities right," Henry said.

"This day is a special day, I think

This is one of the great All Blacks and he's retiring from the game.

"He was great as a player, he was very brave, led from the front, a fine
defender, a huge determination to win, one of the great All Black captains."

Umaga, 32, had been the subject of specualation since the All Blacks
completed their grand slam tour of Britain and Ireland last November, with
British media reporting earlier this week that English clubs Harlequins and
Leicester Tigers had expressed strong interest in signing the Kiwi.

Indeed, it emerged today that Umaga told teammates after the Scotland Test on
the grand slam tour that he had played his last match in the black jersey -
but asked them to keep quiet so he could tell his family on his return to New

It also emerged that he first broached the possibility of retirement with
Henry in June last year, but the coach persuaded him the prospect of the
grand slam - only the All Blacks' second in a century - was too good to miss.

Umaga assumed the Test captaincy in 2004, under the stewardship of Henry, and
his side last year enjoyed one of the best seasons in New Zealand rugby
history - claiming the grand slam against England, Wales, Ireland and
Scotland after Bledisloe Cup and Tri-Nations victories and a 3-0 series win
against the British and Irish Lions,

Umaga first played representative rugby career with Wellington in the 1994
New Zealand provincial championship (NPC) after playing rugby league -
including a stint for the New Zealand Under-19 team.

He said today that he would continue to play Super 14 rugby for the
Hurricanes, and for Wellington Lions in the NPC.

He will rejoin the Hurricanes squad later this month in preparation for the
coming season.




雖然我不是忠誠的ABs fan


2007 World Cup 沒有Tana.真的很難過



All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2006-01-19T02:58
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-01-20T22:24
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2006-01-23T16:54


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-01-09T17:26
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全國橄欖球賽 六信扳倒黑衫軍奪標

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-01-09T17:25
【聯合新聞網 記者黃文記/台南報導】 橄欖球傳統好戲─建中與六信之戰,為全國橄欖球錦標賽掀起高潮,六信上半場靠著兩次 亂集團旋轉推進達陣成功,終場以13:3獲勝。 終場結束,六信隊員擁抱慶賀,建中球員則流下英雄淚,兩隊球員賽後惺惺相惜,給對方 安慰、打氣,場面溫馨。 全國橄欖球錦標賽昨天閉幕,高中組冠 ...

Re: 日本高校賽

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-01-08T20:07
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Re: 日本高校賽

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2006-01-08T01:29
※ 引述《ZARO (熱烤活蠍)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《ZARO (熱烤活蠍)》之銘言: : : 1月7號下午2:05轉播 : : 決勝戰 : : 桐蔭學園(神奈川) - 伏見工(京都) : : 桐蔭要挑戰該校第一座冠軍 : 比賽結束 : 伏見工以36比12擊敗桐蔭學園 : ...

Re: 日本高校賽

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2006-01-07T15:20
※ 引述《ZARO (熱烤活蠍)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《davidpaul (勤練spin的小偉)》之銘言: : : http://rugby.mbs.jp/ : : 今年進入第85回,以84回為例,在八強賽之後 : : 場場都有線上的全場轉播,連線速度還不錯 : : 觀戰重點在於啟光能不能5連霸(不過今年 ...