SYDNEY: Deja Vu Justine! - 網球

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2006-01-12T17:56

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SYDNEY: Deja Vu Justine!

On a return back to Sydney, after missing last year's early tour
in Australia; Justine again makes it into the finals. Playing her
first tournament since October 2005 due to injury, today's victory
is even sweeter. This time around she defeated 2004 US Open champion,
and feisty Russian Svetlana Kuznetsova 6-3 6-1 in 1 hour, and 10

Svetlana played last week's team competition the Hopman Cup, and
looked to be finding her forehand, and form for the new season.
Against one of her toughest rivals, especially on clay, and despite
Justine leading their head to head 7-1; this was to be a big test
for the Belgian. Justine passed her first exam with flying colors
as Kuznetsova lost serves, nerve, and match.

The 4 time grand slam winner broke Sveta's wilting serve in the
fifth game to lead 3-2. No double faults, and high percentage of 1st
serves at 70%, solid 2nd serves at 86%, and even 2 aces left the
Russian floundering to challenge the Belgian in the first set. 6-3
to Justine in 40 minutes.

The second set displayed a lack of match concentration, and Justine
had her toughest service games, regardless of what the scoreboard
flashed. Sveta had her own demons to deal with, and unable to utilize
her usual outstanding second serves to much advantage. Tussles for
both players toward the ending, but Justine prevails on serve for the
set, after unable of breaking the Russian's most convincing service
game when she was down at a very percarious 5-0. Justine wins the
second set 6-1 in 30 minutes.

Final Score 6-3 6-1 in 1hr and 10 minutes.

PS Deja Vu 為拉丁文 "似曾相識的人或物"
應該意指傷前的Henin彷彿又出現在場上之意吧 :p

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2006-01-14T21:33
deja vu是法文喔!

[影片]來囉~ Henin vs. Hingis

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2006-01-12T04:25
: 好像還蠻多球的 :p 希望在澳網前調整好嚕 !!! : 最後 希望跟 Kuznetsova 的比賽也能好好發揮 : Henin go go go ~~ 我跟我室友都沒辦法下載耶 用BT載 都顯示連接伺服器 然後連接用戶也沒有 是不是沒種子啦??! 我很想看Henin 拜託大家幫幫我and ...

[影片]來囉~ Henin vs. Hingis

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-01-12T04:07
終於看到較近期的 Henin 影片了 ^^ 看完了後有幾點感想 第一 我覺得 Henin 的反拍在這場發揮得真的很讚 ^^ 不過可能是 Hingis 回球彈跳有一點高 而且球速不會太快 讓 Henin 有充分時間去 deal with 第二 Henin 在這場比賽除了 smash 之 ...

[影片]來囉~ Henin vs. Hingis

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-01-11T23:50
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: Muenchen (Der Anwalt) 看板: Tennis 標題: [影片]來囉~ Henin vs. Hingis 時間: Wed Jan 11 21:16:45 2006 ...

Petrova因傷退賽 Henin直接晉級雪梨女網賽四強!

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2006-01-11T14:45
四強的對手為S. Kuznetsova henin加油阿 衝一個冠軍 - ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-01-11T14:13
※ 引述《bog (殺傷力)》之銘言: : 終於碰到排名比 Henin 高的選手嚕 : N. Petrova 目前排名第六 : 不過我懷疑是她大量參賽得來的分數 :p : 跟 Henin 對陣, Henin leads 6-1 : 希望明天也有好表現嚕 ^^ : Henin go go go~~ : PS ...