Stubbs's Blog from Wimbledon - 網球

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-07-08T00:58

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※ [本文轉錄自 Williams 看板]

作者: VWilliams (VStarr) 看板: Williams
標題: [威家] Stubbs's Blog from Wimbledon
時間: Wed Jul 8 00:58:02 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hi everyone and welcome to the last and final blog from Wimbledon.

Sorry I havent written in a few days, I have been a little busy packing up my
apartment here at Wimbledon and getting all the last minute things together,
as well as being a little tired yesterday! So, unfortunately we lost in the
final, but it was a great match and the atmosphere was awesome! The Williams
siters were just a little better on the big points on Saturday and that's all
it takes sometimes, but like I said, it was a privilege to walk onto Centre
Court and play a final again here at Wimbledon and be watched by the best
fans in tennis. They just love the doubles here and even some familiar faces
like Billie Jean King... it was so cool to see her up there watching us play,
it just makes me try even harder! We had some fun points and in the end it
was a memorable match and tourmanent. Sam and I took all our friends and
support group out after we finally did our drug testing. If only you guys
knew what we do after matches! Here are me, Sam, Serena and Venus all sitting
around after press, sitting in this little office area, waiting to do our
drug testing, but no one could go! It was funny! I went first, thank God...
then we went for a LATE dinner, then again I did end up dancing with Serena
and Venus at the only venue open after midnight in Wimbledon Village, and I
think I managed to sneak out and not pay them for the drinks they bought me,
fair is fair right! Winners should always pay! Ha ha...
抱歉我這幾天都沒有寫網誌 因為我忙著打包離開在溫網租的公寓
昨天也蠻累的 很遺憾我們在決賽輸了球 但是決賽打得很漂亮 氣氛也很棒
威廉絲姐妹在關鍵分上面處理更好 有時候這就是所有成敗的原因
但在中央球場 全世界最好的觀眾面前比決賽已經是一種榮幸了
我知道觀眾們都愛雙打 甚至有些大家熟悉的人物像Billie Jean King都來了
能看到他來觀戰太酷了 讓我們更想打好一點 有些球很有趣
最終這是場值得留念的比賽 Sam跟我在藥檢完之後找支持我們的朋友出來玩
居然沒有人可以離開 還好我是第一個做完的
後來我們一起去吃晚餐 那時候已經非常晚了
後來我偷溜了 沒有付給他們他們幫我買的酒錢 很公平啊 冠軍總該請客 哈哈

Serena was way too good on the day in singles earlier. She was serving
unbelievably all day, trust me I saw enough of them go by me at 120 miles an
hour, and she was a little mentally tougher than Venus in the end, a suprise
in some way, but on the other hand, it must be so diffcult to play your
sister at your best all the time, and Venus looked very flat and not at her
best for sure. Credit Serena though, she was flawless.
Serena在雙打前的單打打得實在太棒了 整天他的發球都很不可思議
我一天下來已經看夠了一個又一個120mph的發球 而且後來他心理素質比Venus更好一點
某方面來說蠻令人訝異的 但另外一方面 我想跟自己姐姐打球很難打出最佳表現
Venus就像洩了氣一樣 今天也不在最佳狀態 但還是要歸功Serena一點瑕疵都沒有的表現

The men's final yesterday was a heartbreaker for Andy Roddick and I was so
sad for him in the end. Roger is a great champion and proved why he will go
down as the best ever. Fifteen Grand Slams proves it now. But I hope Andy
Roddick comes back here one day and gets to hold that trophy he so desparetly
wants, because after yesterday, I have never seen anyone deserve it more. He
was so humble and gracious after the match and I am proud to call him a
friend. I was never more proud of him yesterday. Keep your head up Andy, one
day it will happen.
男單決賽對Andy Roddick來說肯定是個心碎的結果 我也很替他難過
Roger是個偉大的冠軍 也用十五個大滿貫證明了為什麼他可以成為史上最佳
但我希望Andy再回到這裡 拿到他夢寐以求的冠軍
他在賽後還是那麼謙虛跟優雅 讓我以做他的朋友感到驕傲
我從來沒有比昨天更為他感到驕傲過 加油Andy 有一天好事會發生的!

Okay everyone, well it's been fun letting you in on my daily life and grind
here at Wimbledon. I hope to do it one day again soon. Have a terrific summer
and see you all back for the US OPEN! NY here we come! But for now, as they
say here in England... CHEERS! I am off to get on my flight to Washington for
World Team Tennis. Come watch if you get a chance, I am playing for the
Washington Kastles... adios!
我希望有天能再跟你們分享 希望你們有個愉快的夏天 美網再見! 紐約我們來了!
但現在用英國的話來說....乾杯! 我要飛回華盛頓了
我將在那裡打World Team Tennis 如果有機會的話就來看吧
我這次為Washington Kastles出賽 再見!



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-07-10T14:21

A.Agassi VS Roddick

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2009-07-07T23:40
好像是什麼兒童節的慈善演出!? 有人知道這大概是什麼時候的影片嗎? 裡面的Agassi和Roddick都好年輕喔~XD;feature=related - ...


Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-07-07T16:31
2009/7/6 1點左右(台灣時間2009/7/6 21點) Roddick發揮了自己的技術及力量 為溫布頓男網決賽奮鬥...... 記得從以前 哥哥買了PS2其中一款的網球遊戲 選人時~我第一個看上的正是叫Andy Roddick 當時的我什麼人都不認識 我單單只靠它給我的數據及外表來選擇 那是我第一次 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2009-07-07T14:58
從2004年溫布頓開始 是他讓我愛上網球的 還記得那年的決賽 一開始他打得很順 一場雨 就讓整個比賽顛倒了過來 終究還是輸在心理層面吧 好不忍心 之後有機會再看到他的比賽 還是會覺得不忍心再繼續看 但心裡還是默默的在為他加油 因為我知道他一直很努力 也從來沒放棄過 今年溫布頓準決賽 我看到他的改變 ...

2009 Wimbledon Final & Semifinal

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-07-07T11:57
*請勿轉錄* 謝謝^^ 記得開燈喲! Final 1 - BBC,3.06GB,avi,單一檔 (1)種花電信的空間(為了方便上傳所以切成比較多個檔^^) part1:l34eh6 part2:nn7lup part3:m7tthp part4:lnxy7d part5:leyk ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-07-07T10:43
※ 引述《metguyjeremy (甩不斷的金屬頭)》之銘言: : : and#34;thanks for all the support and well wishes!! : it is very much appreciated and w ...