Stosur教練-David Taylor 話當年 - 澳網 Tennis

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-12-13T04:03

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Sam Stosur and coach David Taylor stick together through tough times
Valkerie Baynes From: Sunday Herald Sun December 11, 2011 12:00AM


DAVID Taylor believes other tennis stars would have ditched him earlier this
year, but not Samantha Stosur.Coach and athlete have stuck together through the
lowest points of Stosur's career.

Now they are enjoying the rewards - a grand slam title, accolades as
Australia's best player and mentor and, this week, an exhibition tournament
in Singapore.

"A lot of challenges have come along with it, but the highlights definitely
outweigh the more difficult times," Taylor told the Sunday Herald Sun.

"I believe if I had been coaching someone with a different character, I may
have not got to the finish line, so to speak.

"They probably might have terminated my services before now, because with
expectation comes a lot more pressure and she didn't do that well the first
half of the year.

"Possibly another player might have looked for answers outside herself. Sam
didn't and that's a real tribute to her character and also very fortunate for
me that I could keep working with her.

"Not many players have those big, long-term coach relationships but I think
it reflects on their characters the ones that do."

他這教練早早火掉 (某部分球迷也很想 XD),但正因為他教的對象是Sam ,才

Dave認為,要是其他球員像Sam 一樣遭遇到低潮,她們反而不會考量自身的因
素,但 Sam則不然,身為教練他感到非常幸運,兩人也因此能繼續合作,長期

Taylor and Stosur teamed up briefly around the time Stosur was struck down by
Lyme disease in mid-2007.Healthy again in early 2008, she and Taylor, the
Australian Fed Cup captain and then Olympic coach, began work on her return.

But that long road would be nothing compared to the trials of earlier this
year.Failure to defend her Charleston title in April plunged Stosur into
self-doubt only six weeks before she was expected to go one better than her
2010 runner-up finish at the French Open.

Paris proved a big let-down with her third-round exit and, even worse, she
failed to win a match at Wimbledon.Stosur had some "big, long talks" with
Taylor during those times.They managed to turn things around and, two months
later, she won the US Open.Stosur's profile has soared, but she and Taylor are
happy to just keep on with the job.

They are in their fifth pre-season training block and head to Singapore for
an end-of-year invitational from December 16-18.

回歸網壇的準備,此時Dave 身兼澳洲聯邦杯隊長及奧運教練。

考驗,Sam 四月份在查爾斯頓賽衛冕之路上慘敗,自此陷入自我懷疑的長

Sam 賽後和Dave談了很多,兩人試圖做點改變,企求脫離困境,兩個月過
-18 號,參加新加坡年終表演賽。(不曉得會不會帶 Emma XD)

"Before last year, she was never invited to any exhibitions," Taylor said.
"Obviously it's quite lucrative. Sam's not so much interested in that. She's
more interested in her preparation and good matches.

"We're on the same page. The big focus for us is the tennis and not the other
things that often tennis can bring you.

"It can bring you so much celebrity and status but Sam is not interested in
that at all and nor am I, and I don't want to coach a player that's
interested in that either."

As like-minded as they are, the secret of this pairing is even more simple.

這點兩人看法一致,Sam 不看重名聲地位,而他自己也不想教到對此很在

"We just really trust and respect each other and always listen," Stosur said.
"We both learn lots of things from each other. Sometimes it's hard to know
how a coach-player relationship is going to turn out, but I can happily say
that this one has gone very well."

Taylor agreed.

"Trust is a massive thing and I don't take that lightly, that Sam has trusted
me with her career," he said.

"She only gets one shot at this and that's a big thing to be entrusted with.
I'll do anything I can to help her win her matches because she's given me
that responsibility."

Sam 表示,我們很信任且尊重對方,傾聽是很重要的一環,在對方身上都


更要拼了老命,不計代價幫她贏得比賽,因為這是Sam 給他的任務。


希望明年底也能繼續看到老生常談的新聞 XD Dave辛苦啦!!

Tags: 網球

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