Sony Open Tennis 2013 - 邁阿密 週二 - 台灣女網 Tennis

By Bethany
at 2013-03-20T16:26
at 2013-03-20T16:26
Table of Contents
: 推 egaenots:淑薇4月份好像沒報任何wta比賽,該不會真的去衛冕文山吧. 03/20 14:55
: → egaenots:..且這樣和彭一年也配不了幾站,真的有要拼年終嗎... 03/20 14:55
: 推 e8672596:第二盤 XDDD 03/20 15:07
: 推 sula748:衛冕文山也是不錯 可以找回一些自信心... XD 03/20 15:16
: → coolfish1103:有可能去文山... 4/22-28... 隔周也有幾個 50K 賽事 03/20 15:16
: 推 tomakai:期待淑薇和Aga的對戰! 03/20 15:17
: → coolfish1103:雙打只算11場次只要彭帥不傷的話打後面的大賽就夠了 03/20 15:18
: → sula748:土場也不是很在行 先去保些積分 再來備戰法網 03/20 15:19
: 推 egaenots:我記得雙打年終積分不是打多少取多少嗎? 還是我記錯了 03/20 15:43
: 推 egaenots:規則是說accumulate ranking points for any event that 03/20 15:48
: → egaenots:they play as a team, with an unlimited amount of 03/20 15:48
: → egaenots: events contributing to their 03/20 15:49
: → egaenots:排名是取11佳 但年終RACE是打多少算多少 所以派派/Kiri去 03/20 15:49
: → egaenots:年才差點被Kops-Jones/Spears取掉 03/20 15:50
: 推 egaenots:漏了兩個字 point total 03/20 15:54
: → coolfish1103:喔?等會去翻翻 Rule Book。 03/20 16:06
第 167 頁
b. Qualified Players - Doubles
The doubles competition shall consist of four (4) teams in a single elimination
The top four (4) teams using the 11 best 2013 doubles results as a team,
starting with the beginning of the Tour Year, shall qualify for the doubles
tournament. In order to be eligible, teams must have played together in a
minimum of two (2) WTA Tournaments (inclusive of Grand Slams).
用 2013 最佳的十一場雙打賽事且必須要打至少兩場
Any player who may be eligible to qualify for the Doubles Championship with
more than one (1) partner may choose the partner with whom she wishes to
qualify and compete. The partner not chosen is ineligible to play unless she
has qualified with another partner.
: → egaenots:..且這樣和彭一年也配不了幾站,真的有要拼年終嗎... 03/20 14:55
: 推 e8672596:第二盤 XDDD 03/20 15:07
: 推 sula748:衛冕文山也是不錯 可以找回一些自信心... XD 03/20 15:16
: → coolfish1103:有可能去文山... 4/22-28... 隔周也有幾個 50K 賽事 03/20 15:16
: 推 tomakai:期待淑薇和Aga的對戰! 03/20 15:17
: → coolfish1103:雙打只算11場次只要彭帥不傷的話打後面的大賽就夠了 03/20 15:18
: → sula748:土場也不是很在行 先去保些積分 再來備戰法網 03/20 15:19
: 推 egaenots:我記得雙打年終積分不是打多少取多少嗎? 還是我記錯了 03/20 15:43
: 推 egaenots:規則是說accumulate ranking points for any event that 03/20 15:48
: → egaenots:they play as a team, with an unlimited amount of 03/20 15:48
: → egaenots: events contributing to their 03/20 15:49
: → egaenots:排名是取11佳 但年終RACE是打多少算多少 所以派派/Kiri去 03/20 15:49
: → egaenots:年才差點被Kops-Jones/Spears取掉 03/20 15:50
: 推 egaenots:漏了兩個字 point total 03/20 15:54
: → coolfish1103:喔?等會去翻翻 Rule Book。 03/20 16:06
第 167 頁
b. Qualified Players - Doubles
The doubles competition shall consist of four (4) teams in a single elimination
The top four (4) teams using the 11 best 2013 doubles results as a team,
starting with the beginning of the Tour Year, shall qualify for the doubles
tournament. In order to be eligible, teams must have played together in a
minimum of two (2) WTA Tournaments (inclusive of Grand Slams).
用 2013 最佳的十一場雙打賽事且必須要打至少兩場
Any player who may be eligible to qualify for the Doubles Championship with
more than one (1) partner may choose the partner with whom she wishes to
qualify and compete. The partner not chosen is ineligible to play unless she
has qualified with another partner.
All Comments

By Anthony
at 2013-03-22T17:46
at 2013-03-22T17:46

By Ethan
at 2013-03-24T19:07
at 2013-03-24T19:07

By Suhail Hany
at 2013-03-26T20:27
at 2013-03-26T20:27

By Elizabeth
at 2013-03-28T21:48
at 2013-03-28T21:48

By Enid
at 2013-03-30T23:08
at 2013-03-30T23:08

By William
at 2013-04-02T00:29
at 2013-04-02T00:29

By Andrew
at 2013-04-04T01:49
at 2013-04-04T01:49

By David
at 2013-04-06T03:10
at 2013-04-06T03:10

By Valerie
at 2013-04-08T04:30
at 2013-04-08T04:30

By Anthony
at 2013-04-10T05:51
at 2013-04-10T05:51

By David
at 2013-04-12T07:11
at 2013-04-12T07:11
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