Sloane Stephens 2017 SF - 網球 Tennis

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2018-10-14T01:31

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2017 US Open

Women's Singles - Semis. Match Completed
Arthur Ashe Stadium ══════════

Match Statistics
║Venus Williams[9] USA ║
║Sloane Stephens USA ║
Elapsed Time by Set: 24 30 73

View detailed serve statistics

Match Summary Williams(USA) Stephens(USA)
1st Serve % 56 of 88 = 64 % 55 of 86 = 64 %
Aces 3 2
Double Faults 6 2
Unforced Errors 51 27
Winning % on 1st Serve 35 of 56 = 63 % 31 of 55 = 56 %
Winning % on 2nd Serve 11 of 32 = 34 % 17 of 31 = 55 %
Winners 28 17
Receiving Points Won 38 of 86 = 44 % 42 of 88 = 48 %
BreakPoint Conversions 5 of 14 = 36 % 5 of 12 = 42 %
Net Approaches 10 of 24 = 42 % 8 of 11 = 73 %
Total Points Won 84 90
Fastest Serve 116 MPH 109 MPH
Average 1stServe Speed 104 MPH 96 MPH
Average 2ndServe Speed 85 MPH 75 MPH
DistCovered(Feet) 7619.3 7209.9
DistCovered/Pt(Feet) 43.8 41.4

Sloane's Serving

╔╦══════╦══════╦╗ ╔╦══════╦══════╦╗
║║1st Serve Fastest║║ ║║2nd serve Fastest║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
║╠══════╦══════╣║ ║╠══════╦══════╣║
║║ 100 107 104109 103 89 ║║ ║║ 84 81 84 0 73 83 ║║
║║ mph mph mphmph mph mph ║║ ║║ mph mph mphmph mph mph ║║
║╠══════╬══════╣║ ║╠══════╬══════╣║
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║║Deuce Advantage║║ ║║Deuce Advantage║║
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╔╦══════╦══════╦╗ ╔╦══════╦══════╦╗
║║1st Serve Average Speed║║ ║║2nd serve Average Speed║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
║╠══════╦══════╣║ ║╠══════╦══════╣║
║║ 96 95 96100 94 85 ║║ ║║ 82 77 80 0 69 72 ║║
║║ mph mph mphmph mph mph ║║ ║║ mph mph mphmph mph mph ║║
║╠══════╬══════╣║ ║╠══════╬══════╣║
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║║Deuce Advantage║║ ║║Deuce Advantage║║
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╔╦══════╦══════╦╗ ╔╦══════╦══════╦╗
║║1st Serve Total Points Won║║ ║║2nd serve Total Points Won║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
║╠══════╦══════╣║ ║╠══════╦══════╣║
║║ 12 6 2 8 0 3 ║║ ║║ 1 7 1 0 5 3 ║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
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║║Deuce Advantage║║ ║║Deuce Advantage║║
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╔╦══════╦══════╦╗ ╔╦══════╦══════╦╗
║║1st Serve Total Serve In║║ ║║2nd serve Total Serve In║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
║╠══════╦══════╣║ ║╠══════╦══════╣║
║║ 14 11 4 18 3 5 ║║ ║║ 2 11 2 0 9 5 ║║
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║║Deuce Advantage║║ ║║Deuce Advantage║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
╚╩══════╩══════╩╝ ╚╩══════╩══════╩╝

╔╦══════╦══════╦╗ ╔╦══════╦══════╦╗
║║1st Serve Total Aces║║ ║║2nd serve Total Aces║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
║╠══════╦══════╣║ ║╠══════╦══════╣║
║║ 0 0 0 2 0 0 ║║ ║║ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ║║
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║║Deuce Advantage║║ ║║Deuce Advantage║║
║║ ║║ ║║ ║║
╚╩══════╩══════╩╝ ╚╩══════╩══════╩╝

Service Winners: 0 Return Winners:0
Service Games :13 Return Unforced Errors:2
1st Serve Total Points In: 55 1st Return Total Points In: 56
2nd Serve Total Points In: 31 2nd Return Total Points In: 32
Serve Total Points In: 86 Return Total Points In: 88
1st Serve Total Points Won: 31 1st Return Total Points Won: 21
2nd Serve Total Points Won: 17 2nd Return Total Points Won: 21
Serve Total Points Won: 48 Return Total Points Won: 42
1st Serve Average Speed: 96mph 1st Serve Fastest Speed:109mph
2nd Serve Average Speed: 75mph 2nd Serve Fastest Speed: 84mph
Tot.Serve Average Speed: 89mph Tot.Serve Fastest Speed:109mph

Approach Drops Ground Lobs Overhead Passing Volleys
Shots Shots Strokes Shots Shots
Winners 4 0 1 0 5 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0
Forced Errors 0 0 0 0 6 8 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0
Unforced Errors 0 0 0 0 9 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

18 5 1.75 201.0 147 50 39 10 8 46 205 18 4 2.11 196.2 150 51 46 14 0 43 218
6 3 2.74 72.1 64 22 22 3 3 25 71 7 5 3.53 132.2 130 57 52 15 5 44 114
2006====S a i t o h K a z u m i====2007 2005=S u g i u c h i T o s h i y a=2006
11 8 3.28 192.1 173 75 70 14 11 73 177 14 5 3.38 189.0 165 77 71 26 1 61 195
10 6 4.61 136.2 146 73 70 13 9 54 130 10 6 4.35 128.1 110 67 62 23 3 38 115
2004===A r a k a k i N a g i s a===2005 2003====W a d a T s u y o s h i====2004

Tags: 網球

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