Slam wait goes on for Murray and Britain - 網球 Tennis

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-01-31T08:24

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Slam wait goes on for Murray and Britain


Updated January 31, 2011 09:56:00

He is the dour face of Britain's enduring male grand slam drought, but
Andy Murray can take inspiration from Andre Agassi and Kim Clijsters as
he deals with his latest Australian Open final defeat.

他正好象徵著英國的男子網壇在經歷了這麼久的大滿貫冠軍荒之後, 那張了無生氣的臉龐.
不過Andy Murray在面對這次澳網決賽失利的同時, 也可以從Andre Agassi
和Kim Clijsters身上得到ㄧ些啟發

In each of his three major title matches, Murray has had to deal with the
historical weight of Britain's failure to lift a major trophy in 75 years,
when Fred Perry won the 1936 US Open.

在他的三次大賽決戰裡, 每一次他都得肩負大英帝國失敗的歷史重擔, 讓自己可以在
同胞Fred Perry於75年前, 也就是1936年美網捧杯之後, 再次高舉大賽桂冠.

Murray says he does not buy into the pressure from fans and media, but that
has looked anything but the case as he has slid to lacklustre straight-sets
defeats in all three matches, showing little of his acknowledged class.

Murray說他自己可不會買來自球迷和媒體的壓力的帳, 但是這些話似乎沒有考慮到他已經
連續三次在大滿貫決賽中, 以無趣的直落三比分敗北, 而這跟他自己聲稱的情況似乎

Despite a 16-8 career record in tour finals, his mental strength in big
matches is sure to be questioned again after Sunday's big loss to good friend
and practice partner Djokovic.

儘管在巡迴賽事中握有16勝8負的成績, 在禮拜天被好友Djokovic痛宰之後,

Murray also failed to take a set off Roger Federer in the 2008 US Open final
and again in last year's Australian Open decider.

Murray在2008年的美網決賽也沒能從Roger Federer手中拿下一盤, 在去年的澳網決賽中

But if Murray needs some positive reinforcement as he contemplates the future,
there are a number of players who struggled to register their maiden
Grand Slams before eventually breaking through, including Clijsters and Agassi.

如果Murray在思索未來的同時需要一些正向的鼓舞, 有許多選手在獲得他們第一座
大賽金盃之前也是歷盡千辛萬苦, 而這當中包含了Clijsters和Agassi.

Clijsters, the women's winner here on Saturday, was beaten in her first three
major finals, but has won her last four. Meanwhile American great Agassi
failed in three major finals before breaking through and going on to win
eight majors, including a career Grand Slam.

Clijsters,今年澳網女單的冠軍, 輸掉了她的頭三個大滿貫決賽, 但是卻在最近四個裡面
大獲全勝. 同時, 偉大的美國選手Agassi在突破個人大賽冠軍荒並且進而在生涯中贏下
八座大賽金盃, 包括生涯全滿貫之前, 也是連續在三個決賽中剎羽而歸.

Despite the continued frustration, Murray still believed he would win a major,
although he also conceded that nothing was certain. "I'm not Andre Agassi and
I don't pretend to be any of those guys but I work hard and I try my best,"
he said. "If I don't get there, it's not the end of the world."

儘管接連遭受挫敗, Murray依舊相信他可以贏下大賽冠軍, 不過他也承認沒有什麼是
肯定的. 他說: "我不是Andre Agassi而且我也不想假裝是那些偉大選手的其中之一,
但是我努力練球而且我總是盡我所能去嘗試." "如果我沒能達到那個高度, 這也不會是

There were also words of encouragement from Djokovic, who said he was sure
the Scot would win a major. "He's a very talented player and he's a hard
worker," the Serb said. "He's been in finals three times, and he just needs
to make that final step. "Of course, it's not easy, it's a learning process
but he's still young. I'm sure he's gonna have more chances to win it."

Djokovic也對Murray送出祝福和鼓勵, 他說這個蘇格蘭人一定會贏得大賽冠軍.
塞爾維亞搞笑天王說"Murray是一個非常有天賦的球員, 而且他也很認真努力打球."
"他打到大滿貫決賽三次了, 他只需要跨出那最後一步."
"當然, 那並不容易. 這是個學習的過程, 他也還年輕. 我很確定他會有更多機會去

Murray said he felt more comfortable with his fate on Sunday than after his
previous loss to Federer here last year, when he shed tears straight after
the match.

Murray曾經說過和去年在這裡輸給Federer相比之下, 他對於星期天贏下這命運的一勝
感到更有自信了. 不過最終他還是在賽後灑下失落的淚水.

The 23-year-old conceded he would need to go back to the drawing board and
work on ways to sharpen his own game so he can take the final step in his
career and finally become a champion.

這位23歲的年輕人承認他需要回到最基本的層面, 來找出讓他自己在比賽中更加犀利
的方法, 這樣他才能在職業生涯中跨出最後一步, 成為一個大滿貫冠軍.

"I'm going to need to improve," he said. "You know, obviously I lost in
straight sets, so I'm going to need to get better."

"我需要進步." 他說. "你知道的,很明顯我總是直落三輸球, 我需要變得更好."

1;33mAnd while he will inevitably face great scrutiny of his mental strength in
the wake of this defeat, he said there were still positives to take out of
his efforts here.

即便他無可避免的會在這次失敗後承受隨之而來的巨大檢視和批判, 特別是在針對他的
心裡強度方面. 他認為他在比賽中所做的努力仍然是值得一些正面評價的.

"I don't think anyone would say that reaching a slam final is a bad
achievement," he said.


"It's a very, very good achievement. There's not many people that can say
they've made slam finals.

"這是個非常, 非常棒的成績. 並沒有多少人可以說他們曾經打到大滿貫決賽"

"So I'll be very happy with the way the tournament went. But I would have
obviously liked to have gone one step further."

"所以我對這次比賽的結果感到開心, 但如果我能夠拿下冠軍的話, 當然會更爽啦."


Tags: 網球

All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-02-03T11:37
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-02-06T14:50
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2011-02-09T18:03
才23歲 很有機會~~
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-02-12T21:16
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-02-16T00:29
Andy加油 我不會放棄的 希望你真的能有圓夢的一天
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-02-19T03:42
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2011-02-22T06:55
Kim應該不止輸過一次大滿貫決賽喔 記得好像是三次?
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-02-25T10:08
Kim四次,先四連敗後四連勝 三次指八個月內對Henin三敗
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-02-28T13:20
哇咧 竟然沒看到那個three..= = 怪不得我自己都覺得怪怪, 感謝指正

2011 Fed Cup(聯邦盃)世界組初賽球員名單

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2011-01-31T00:58
是的, 2011年的聯邦盃(Fed Cup)世界組第一輪賽事將在2/5~6展開啦! 世界組各國家隊也紛紛公布選手名單, 其中不乏眾多知名好手,不曉得世界組賽事有沒有機會看到~ 以下各隊選手名單是節錄自聯邦盃官網公布的新聞稿, 原文公布的全部名單可參考這裡: ...

Re: 開放年代後女單大滿貫冠軍之整理(1968 ~ 2011)

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2011-01-31T00:56
一個巧合 就是關於小威奪大滿貫橫跨的年份 今年是關鍵的一年 因為 Graf,Navratilova,Evert 三位擁有最多冠軍的女子選手 拿下的第一個冠軍跟最後一個冠軍都是相差13年 而且都是在相同的大滿貫上 Graf 法網 1987(1,1)/1999(6,22) Navratilova 溫 ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-01-31T00:33
羅蘭加洛斯大滿貫史恐將作古 網協下月決定是否易地 2011年01月09日22:03 新浪體育 1928年起法網就從未離開過羅蘭加洛斯   新浪體育訊 北京時間1月9日消息,日前,法國網球協會已經完成了對2016年法國網 球公開賽舉辦地的投標篩選,並 ...

2011澳網 各項比賽數據排行榜

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2011-01-30T23:49
╭───────────────────╮ ║ 2011 澳洲網球公開賽 發球排行榜 ║ ╰───────────────────╯ *ACE球排行榜Top10 Men: 1.Milos Raonic : #94(四場,平均單 ...

[現實] 2010全球運動員收入總排行

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-01-30T23:48
※ [本文轉錄自 The-fighting 看板 #1DExV9rJ ] 作者: nwohippo (橫衝直撞‧西西波) 看板: The-fighting 標題: [現實] 2010全球運員收入總排行 時間: Sun Jan 23 13:08:17 2011 美國最大的體育雜誌運動畫刊Sports Ill ...