Sharapova withdraws from Gold Coast due to injury - 俄網 Tennis

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2005-12-24T09:23

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Maria Sharapova has been forced to withdraw from the Mondial Australian
Women’s Hardcourts tournament in Gold Coast, which is set to kick off
the 2006 Sony Ericsson WTA Tour season on January 1, 2006.

Commenting on the withdrawal, Sharapova said, “I am very disappointed
to have to withdraw from the Mondial Australian Women’s Hardcourts in
Gold Coast because my right shoulder is not yet ready to allow me to
compete at the Tour level. Tournament Director Liz Smylie has put
together a fantasticevent that I hope to be able to play in 2007,
and I am sure it will again be a great success this year.

“I will be doing everything possible in consultation with my doctors
to be healthy enough to play the Australian Open. I have spent the off
season training and preparing both on and off the court for the 2006
season. After testing my shoulder this week, my doctors have concluded
that it is not yet ready for Tour competition. The number one priority
for me at this time is getting 100% healthy to compete on the Sony
Ericsson WTA Tour.”

Sharapova’s next scheduled event is the 2006 Australian Open.



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