Serena and Caroline Wozniacki - 威廉絲 Williams

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-12-12T03:51

Table of Contents


My Days in Barbados

Hi Everyone,

Now that I am back from Barbados, I thought you might like to hear about my
trip. I spent 10 days there with my parents and my brother Patrick. We stayed
at one of the most exclusive and beautiful resorts of the world, the Sandy
Lane Hotel. We had the owner’s 5-bedroom penthouse suite with a butler and
full time security. The suite was over 3000 square-feet, with a big jacuzzi
in the living room. It was nothing short of amazing. The Sandy Lane Hotel has
to be the nicest, most excusive hotel I have ever stayed at.

我從Barbados回來了 我跟家人在那邊待了十天 我們住的飯店是全世界最豪華的之一
他叫做Sandy Lane 我們的套房有五個臥室 甚至還有管家跟全天候的保安
整個套房有三千多平方英尺 在客廳還有個超大的按摩浴缸

As I have mentioned in my last blog entry, I was in Barbados to play a
one-weekend exhibition with my friend, Serena Williams. I have to admit, it
went incredibly well; I was impressed with the job the promoter, Kodi Lewis
and his team has done. They organized the exhibition for the 1st time, and I
think this was the best 1st exhibition I ever participated in.

像我上次在網誌中說過的 我來Barbados的原因
是為了跟我的朋友Serena Williams打個表演賽 我得說這次表演賽進行的非常好
我對於主辦者Kodi Lewis以及他的團隊所作的推廣感到非常印象深刻
他們第一次主辦表演賽 我想對我來說這大概是我參加過辦的最好的第一屆表演賽了

Serena and I had a great time; we played in front of 4000 people in the main
gym in Bridgetown on Saturday. The crowd was loud and I could tell that they
were really excited to have Serena and myself there, which I am grateful for.

Serena跟我玩得很開心 我們在四千人的體育館裡打球 球迷很喧鬧
我敢說他們肯定很開心能看到我們在那裏 我很感謝他們

I am glad I got to spend some time with Serena not only this past weekend,
but over the past few years; and might add that we became pretty close
friends. I have so much respect for her and what she has accomplished in her
already legendary career. All young tennis players, including myself, owe a
great deal to Venus and Serena for doing such a wonderful job promoting not
only women’s tennis but women’s sports in general.

很高興能跟Serena一起 不只是這個周末 還包括之前幾年
讓我們變成很親密的朋友 我非常尊敬他 他在他傳奇的生涯中已經有許多成就
所有年輕選手 包括我在內都很感激Venus跟Serena的推廣
不只是對女網而已 還包括對女子運動

On Sunday, I joined Serena, Jeff Tarango and the #1 player from Barbados,
Hayden Lewis in playing the 2nd exhibition in the Sugar Hill Tennis Village.
This absolutely spectacular tennis-only club is owned by John and David
Lloyd. We played mixed doubles in front of 400 VIP guests; I partnered with
Hayden to beat Serena and Jeff in a very fun pro-set.

星期天我跟Serena.Jeff Tarango 還有Barbados最好的選手Hayden Lewis打了第二場比賽
我們是打混雙 只給400名VIP觀眾看 我跟Hayden打敗了Serena跟Jeff
比賽只打單盤 非常好玩的一盤

Other than that, I spent my time mostly on court training. I would like to
send a special thanks to Hayden, who has been my hitting partner in Barbados;
I appreciate your help. When I didn’t practice, me and my family were just
hanging out on the beach. Patrick and I went out sailing on a boat but what I
enjoyed the most is riding the jet-ski. Altogether, it was a great trip, and
I miss Barbados already.

除此之外我花了大部分時間在練球上 我想特別謝謝Hayden
他是我在Barbados的練球搭檔 我感謝他的幫助 當我沒訓練時
我就跟家人一起去海灘 Patrick跟我去划船 但我最喜歡的是開滑艇
整體來說是一個棒呆了的旅行 我已經開始想念Barbados了

I’m now in Copenhagen, staying with my brother in his new apartment. I will
be training and spending time with some of my girlfriends in town. Next
Tuesday, I am flying to Herzo, Germany for a day to meet some of the Stella
McCartney designers in the Adidas Headquarters. The new Stella McCartney
tennis clothing line is coming out soon, and I am very excited to be able to
offer some input regarding the new line. I love fashion, and meeting the
fabulous designers of Stella McCartney and Adidas is something to look
forward to.

我現在回到Copenhagen 跟我的哥哥住在他的新公寓裡
我會開始練球 還有花一些時間跟我的朋友們出去
下個禮拜二我會飛到德國的Herzo去跟Stella McCartney的一些設計師開會
新的球衣快出爐了 很開心能夠對新系列提供一些自己的想法
我喜歡時尚 跟這些傑出的設計師見面是我非常期待的

I will update you soon on my week in Copenhagen and I will offer you some
details regarding my day in the Adidas Headquarters as well.


Thanks for all your support,




Tags: 網球

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2009-12-15T13:42
i love caro! her twitter is funny

Stars on Serena

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-12-12T03:28
美聯社最近在評選and#34;Athlete of the Decadeand#34; 12/16號將會公布最後結果 小威也是候選人之一 在他的主題文章中訪問了很多體壇明星對他的評價 “Serena has redefined women in sports,” says Arlen Kantarian, ...

Alicia Molik訂婚

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-12-12T02:11
剛剛復出的Molik傳出好消息 恭喜恭喜 HER engagement is official and so is her comeback as a svelte Alicia Molik courted the media at Melbourne ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2009-12-12T01:46
Roger Federer I am excited for the Credit Suisse Sports Awards on sat. night. This is the biggest annual awards show in Switzerland. 2009 was an exciting ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-12-12T01:20
※ 引述《herbertcsh (A-bo)》之銘言: : 平常看大家用比賽球 : 大多用S牌比較多 : 但我覺得好像s牌球毛的觸感沒有比較好阿,感覺比較單薄,也比較容易凹凸 : 感覺w牌的球就似乎比較飽滿、毛觸感也比較好 : 想請問大家究竟各位常用s牌比賽球的原因 : 是w牌有什麼大缺點嗎? 因為刻板印象 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2009-12-12T00:28
一般容易看到的切球 在落地後,會有兩種彈跳 第一種是落地後,旋轉很多,但是很像原地彈跳 第二種是落地後,旋轉很少,但有明顯往前竄的彈跳 問題來了... 第二種我怎樣都切不出來 只會第一種 所以想請問兩種切球都會的高手 第二種球該怎麼切呢? 感恩!! - ...