“Sea, Taiwan!” 影片預告 - 潛水運動討論
![Eartha avatar](/img/dog1.jpg)
By Eartha
at 2019-02-13T15:41
at 2019-02-13T15:41
Table of Contents
【Sea, Taiwan!】60秒預告
片長17分鐘的《Sea, Taiwan!》有中/英與日/英兩種字幕版本,收錄木下紗佑里(Sayuri Kinoshita)與廣瀨花子(Hanako Hirose)兩位日本自潛選手來臺灣時,感受到的海下、陸上風景。讓世界看見台灣除了有讓人讚嘆的潛水環境外,還有讓人難忘的美食與熱情的人民。
正式影片將於2/16(六) 20:00上映,請鎖定女子的海臉書、IG與Youtube頻道
陸上攝影/剪接 Joey Lin
陸上二機攝影 曾榮裕
水下攝影 袁緒虎
配樂 Gray Liu
廣瀨花子 Hanako Hirose
木下紗佑里 Sayuri Kinoshita
Sea, Taiwan - Official Teaser
The YouTube premiere for the formal video will be held on February 16th. First, watch the new teaser for "Sea, Taiwan!" for the wonderful 1 minute. Let's take a look at the beauty of Taiwan's Ocean and Japanese free divers.
"Sea, Taiwan!" reveals the Japanese Free diving athletes, Sayuri Kinoshita(木下紗佑里) and Hanako Hirose(廣瀨花子), are impressed by the underwater and on land sceneries of Taiwan in their first visit in October 2018. Besides the breathtaking diving environment, the tasty cuisine and passionate people also attracted them during the trip.
The Chinese-English and Japanese-English parallel texts will support in the formal 17-min video.
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