Scouting Report: Leonys Martin (OF) - 美國職棒

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-09-29T00:01

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※ 引述《kaijun (都瑞米)》之銘言:
: 第一次翻譯 有錯漏的地方還請gonza大不吝指教
: Scouting Report: Leonys Martin (OF)
: BLUF: Very solid everyday CF with all-around ability on offense and defense.
: 穩定的先發CF 攻守都有不錯的能力


"all-around ability on offense and defense"


offense tools - batting, power, speed

defense tools - arm, defense

: The Player: Leonys Martin (OF, Texas Rangers) – The Rangers inked Martin to a
: big league deal valued at $15.6 million last May after he defected from the
: Cuban National team in Taiwan. The 23-year old outfielder moved quickly to
: Double-A where he posted a .348/.435/.571 line in just 29 games before being
: promoted to Triple-A. With Triple-A Round Rock, his pace slowed to just
: .263/.316/.314 in 40 games but that didn’t stop him from getting a big league
: look along the way. Martin has bounced between Triple-A and the big leagues in
: 2012, posting an ugly .184/.262/.395 line with Texas, but a whopping
: .362/.429/.617 mark in 45 minor league games.
: Leonys Martin
: 這位23歲的外野手在小聯盟交出 .362/.429/.617 的成績單
: 在大聯盟卻是難看的 .184/.262/.395
: Body (6-2, 190): Good frame with good strength and athleticism. Has added too
: much muscle mass at times but looks thinner and more lively this year. Has some
: fast-twitch ability. Plus body.
: 他有非常好的體格 有力量而且運動能力佳
: 今年增加不少肌肉 看起來卻更輕快更靈活
: Hit: Shows a good feel for the strike zone and solid pitch recognition skills.
: Can work counts and wait for pitches he can handle. Better served being
: aggressive early at times as he can get passive on occasion. Plus to plus-plus
: bat speed but a swing path that’s hyper-focused on contact. Works line to line
: very well and has ability to be an easy plus hitter with strong on-base
: abilities beyond his average. Everything is already there with little hitting
: projection remaining. Grade – 60/60
: 選球能力佳
: 非常好的出棒速度 (但太過專注於觸碰到球)
: 上壘能力也很好
: 打擊能力已經大致完備 得分60/60





"Works line to line very well"指的是他打出去的球範圍廣達兩邊的界外線內,


60/60 前後代表的是 (目前分數/預期分數)


另外提一下這個60分是根據 80-20 scale 下的分數,滿分80,最低20

: Power: Has ability to drive the ball with good strength and outstanding bat
: speed. Will flash HR power in batting practice, but rarely shows it off during
: games. Swing becomes contact oriented during games and he’s more of a
: gap-to-gap hitter. Can still develop in-game power with refinements to swing
: approach. Should accumulate 30+ doubles a year with 10-15 home runs as well.
: Grade (raw power) – 40/50
: 長打能力只展現在打擊練習中 得分40/50

這邊是說他偶爾在打擊練習時有展現出 HR power,但在比賽中顯少展現出來,

比賽中流於以碰到球為主的打擊方式,因此只展現出了 gap power,

只要調整打擊方式,Martin仍舊有機會在比賽中長出 HR power,

預期他最終有機會打出 30+二壘打 10-15全壘打這樣的成績

: Arm: Best tool. Really strong and quite accurate. Easy plus-plus tool with
: quick release, tons of carry and exceptional velocity. Outstanding thrower.
: Grade – 70/70
: 臂力絕佳 能傳的又快又準 得分70/70
: Fielding: Strong overall OF. Shows ability to range from gap to gap. Plus
: instincts and feel for the position. Reads balls well off the bat and gets
: quick jumps. Combines jumps with regularly proper routes, giving him plenty of
: range. Above-average to plus overall defender, though it’s not as flashy as
: some of the better CF gloves. Still improving reads in larger stadiums with
: higher second decks. Grade – 50/60
: 對球的落點判斷很有天分 能快速起步並跑出適當的接球路徑
: 造就了廣闊的守備範圍
: 接球動作在水準以上
: 在更大的球場中對球的判斷能力還在持續加強 得分 50/60
: Speed: Easy above-average runner in every aspect of his game and will
: consistently show plus times from home to first. Has athleticism and body type
: to maintain speed. Plays up because of impressive fielding and base running
: instincts. Overall plus. Grade – 60/60
: 平均以上的速度
: 令人印象深刻的跑壘直覺
: Summation: Very good all-around player with few weaknesses and a broad range
: of tools and skills. Has natural hitting ability with a consistent swing and
: bat speed. Uses the whole field well. Can become too focused on contact at the
: expense of his strength and power. Potential to hit .280 with 30 doubles 10-15
: home runs and 20 stolen bases. Quality up-the-middle defender with good range
: and a true plus-plus arm that is an in-game weapon. Nice blend of tools and
: skills with very good feel for the game. Potential to be an average to
: above-average CF that hits toward the top of the lineup.
: 總結:
: Leonys Martin是個全方位的球員
: 有交出 .280打擊率 30支二壘安打 10-15支全壘打 附帶20次盜壘的潛力
: 守備範圍大而且臂力絕佳
: 預計會是個聯盟平均水準以上的CF與前段棒次
: Relative Risk: Moderate. Early MLB struggles raise an eyebrow, but without a
: glaring weakness there’s plenty of hope.
: 今年的MLB之旅的糟糕表現讓人意外
: 但充滿希望的是他看不出明顯的缺點
: Future: He has very little to prove in the minor leagues and could be in line
: to take over in center field on an everyday basis in 2013. If the Rangers opt
: not to hand over the reins, he should be a very valuable trade piece.
: 在小聯盟已經幾乎沒有值得證明的能力

: 明年先發CF的重要人選
: 如果沒辦法順利接手 (我猜這裏是指我們續約HAMMY)
: 他會是個非常有價值的交易籌碼
: 來源:
: 發表時間:20 August 2012


All Comments

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-09-29T06:58
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2012-10-02T12:06

9/27 TB @ CWS Game 1

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2012-09-28T23:47
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E TB (86-70) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 5 0 Winnnnnnnn!!!!!!!! CWS (82-74) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 8 0 Los ...

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Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-09-28T18:28
【特約作家王老吉】 整體來說2012年球季可用「驚奇」兩個字來形容,許多球隊打出出乎意料的佳績,甚 至好到將一路挺進季後賽,可以確定這個十月將出現許多新面孔。 但有驚奇,也會有失望,同樣有好幾支球隊無法打出相符的戰績,如果要做個排名, 第一名肯定是紅襪,第二應該是馬林魚,毫無爭議,錢都白花了,至於第三名 ...

Rodney for CYA!

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-09-28T15:18
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By Olivia
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