Scout Tabs Barnes as No.1 In 2012 - NCAA

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-06-29T18:48

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After an inconsistent freshman season, Harrison Barnes decided to
remain at North Carolina for the 11-12 season.

Barnes was impressive on Monday while battling Kevin Durant at the
Elite Skills Camp in Chicago.

"Top pick in the next draft -- by far," said one scout of Barnes.

Barnes在Elite Skills Camp裡與Kevin Durant較量後精彩的表現

讓Harrison Barnes於2011-2012再次當上狀元。

The scout must be fully aware that Andre Drummond will not be playing
college ball this fall. The 17-year old “man child” is easily expected
to be the NBA’s 2013 No. 1 pick.

If Drummond had come to the collegiate level a year early, he would’ve been
the clear-cut #1 choice in the ’12 draft. The 6-foot-11, 260-pound mega
talent is being compared to a cross between Amare Stoudemire and Dwight Howard.

In essence, it’s evident that the next two drafts will be head and
shoulders above this most recent draft class – whether it’s Barnes or
Drummond leading the way.

17歲有職業球員般能力的Andre Drummond被預料將是2013年狀元的

不二人選,但如果他能早一步進入大學,這位有著6呎11吋260磅擁有Amare Stoudemire

與Dwight Howard兩種能力混合的球員,將會直接宰制住2012年選秀狀元的位置。



Tags: NCAA

All Comments

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-06-30T03:49
不太懂Drummond怎麼能參加選秀 以前Mayo提早半年高中畢業
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2011-07-01T13:40
又滿19歲都不行 光是離開高中滿一年就不合規定了
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-07-04T10:19
Drummond明年入學, 最快也得等到2013吧...
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-07-07T19:24

2011 Draft concludes

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-06-25T13:23
唉,看到這幾年的選秀後實在越來越感嘆 由於高中生常過水大學一年後,即馬上投入選秀 這股風氣也造成選秀空有天賦,但能力普遍不足的現象 未來幾年相信弱選秀年的出現機率不可謂不小 但私心真的要為 Terrence Jones 和 Perry Jones 鼓掌 尤其是前者,我打從心底佩服,畢竟身處跳板學校, ...

7/1 ASN HD將上架MOD

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-06-24T23:10
MOD and#34;訊息快報and#34; 內 and#34;服務異動and#34; 可以看到: 7/1新增 ch100 時尚頻道 ch197 ASN ASN HD: 精彩體育賽事,獨家轉播,全年無休的熱血感動!每年直播比賽場次超過500場, 每天24小時播出高畫質HD體育賽事的專業體育頻道 ...

2011 Draft conclludes

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-06-24T12:45
常在這板晃的朋友 大概覺得又送走一群小孩/朋友/球員出去了... 大概看了一下 draft result 大概閒聊一下, 這邊就不加上交易之類的 純看選秀 首先 挺意外的, 今天白天很多隊一直想 trade up 最後都沒成. 反而讓 Bobcats 賺到. 小小淺見, 別巴掌的太用力XD * ...

The Future of NBA---Part 1

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-06-23T15:40
網誌完整版: The Future of NBA---Part 1 來寫個2012可能參加選秀的球員介紹好了。 由於今年幾個出色、有樂透區潛力的大一新鮮人沒有如預期的棄學 ...

Knight Issues Challenge To Irving

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2011-06-17T04:06
※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1D-c6g2t ] 作者: olively (小松鼠) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Knight Issues Challenge To Irving 時間: Fri Jun 17 04:03:46 2011 Knight Issues Challenge To ...