Scott Hall的近況 - 摔角 Wrestle

By John
at 2011-04-12T03:14
at 2011-04-12T03:14
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標題:Hall in hospitl, Nash and HBK comment about viedo.
作者:Colin Vassallo
Scott Hall 就醫,Kevin Nash 與 HBK 對影片的評論。
Scott Hall ended up at the hospital following his appearance at the Top
Rope Promotions 30th anniversary event in Massachusetts over the weekend
with a rep for Hall saying he was taken in to be treated for cardiac
issues and possible complications from 10 different prescriptions he is
taking at the moment.
Scott Hall 的發言人表示,在麻塞諸塞州出席 TRP(Top Rope Promotions)30 周
年的活動之後, Hall就醫了,他服用十種不同的處方藥物以治療心臟方面的問題以
Hall, through his rep Geena Jinev Anac, said that he is furious that TRP
was using the video of him intoxicated to sell the pay-per-view.
發言人 Geena Jinev Anac 表示 Hall 對於 TRP 使用他喝醉/中毒的影片來促銷他們
的 PPV 感到非常生氣。
Anac told TMZ, "We find the footage to be very distasteful and not
suitable for a pay-per-view audience and it's sad that the promoter has
decided to air the uncut footage from the pay-per-view."
發言人告訴 :「我們認為這段影片非常令人討厭而且不適合 PPV 的觀眾,
Meanwhile his friend Kevin Nash wrote on Twitter that he'll be at the
airport when Hall lands back home and he will take him to his house to
take care of him.
同一時間,Hall 的好友 Kevin Nash 在 Twitter 說他會在機場替 Hall 接機,帶他
"Please don't judge Scott on what you just saw," Nash wrote.
「請不要用你們所看到的一切來批評 Scott Hall。」Kevin Nash 寫道。
Another close friend of Scott Hall, WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels said
that Hall will be receiving help and doesn't wish to discuss further as
this is a private matter.
另一位 Scott Hall 的好朋友 HBK 表示,Hall 將會接受幫助,但不願意談更多了,
HBK 認為這是私人方面的事情。
Kevin Nash 的一則 Twitter:
Talked to Scott today,told him how many of you are upset.
He is resting in a hospital,and had me laughing.
Thought he was in the UK last nite
「今天與 Hall 談過了,告訴他你們當中有多少人感到憂心。
最後一句真辛酸啊,感覺上應該不是 Hall 在搞笑,
希望 Scott Hall 早日恢復健康!
All Comments

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