Schilling OK following MRI - 美國職棒

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-06-21T00:38

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Test shows no damage to shoulder; likely to miss next start

BOSTON -- Curt Schilling's right shoulder was normal, according to an MRI
exam, but the Boston Red Sox likely won't take his next turn in the rotation
following a cortisone shot.

"I had an injection yesterday, so I'm giving it a couple of days here to see
how it plays out," Schilling told WEEI-AM on Wednesday. "The best case is
that I'll be pitching on Sunday ... but that doesn't seem like that's going
to be the case."

The 40-year-old right-hander was sent back to Boston from Atlanta on Tuesday
for an exam after he got roughed up in his last two starts.

Schilling nearly pitched a no-hitter at Oakland on June 7, giving up a
two-out single to Shannon Stewart in the ninth inning. But he allowed 11
earned runs and 19 hits in 9 1/3 innings in his next two starts.

On Monday, Schilling, 14th on the career strikeout list with 3,086, failed to
fan a batter -- the first time that's happened in one of his starts since

"I have not felt right this year," Schilling said, adding he believes the
problem may be tendinitis.

"Pain is a relative term. There's been a lot of this year trying to discern
what's because I'm 40 or what's because I don't feel good," he said.

Team spokesman John Blake confirmed the MRI showed no structural damage but
he said he didn't know about tendinitis. He said doctors planned to meet with
manager Terry Francona and general manager Theo Epstein later Wednesday.

"His start for Sunday is in jeopardy at this point, but we have not made a
final determination," Blake said.

Schilling tore his labrum while playing for the Philadelphia Phillies in
1995. He said when that happened, he went from throwing 95 mph in one inning
to 80 mph in the next. He felt fine during that game but woke up in pain.

He said the recent problems were "eerily similar" in that he was throwing
only 82 mph, but the difference this time was he did not wake up hurting.

"We're going to tread lightly here," he said.


All Comments

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2007-06-21T13:52
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-06-23T15:15
沒差啦 我們可以拉Lester上來擋著 擋著擋著就忘記老大的存在
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-06-27T13:04
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-07-01T22:24
So he's not hurt, he's just old and shit

Tavarez CY 是三號??

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-06-20T23:59
這幾次輪值Tavarez都是三號耶~~ 粉科南還是沒想通嗎?? 他可是賽揚轉世耶~~ 只有一號才是他的位置吧~~ 想起他教維尼對gay-ROD第一球就用近身球的畫面.. 這根本就是賽揚級的指導啊!! 從今天開始邁向500勝吧!! -- I w ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2007-06-20T17:31 岡島今天第八局的投球內容剪出來了 大家可以觀察看看 岡島的確有壞球率偏高之跡象 但是每次他還是都平安解決 不知道他會不會覺得粉柯南太愛虐待他 乾脆每次上來都演個劇場反虐待粉柯男的心臟 ...

Coco 仆街

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-06-20T15:46 我比較好奇的是 球都還沒接進去可樂不知道在嗨什麼 manny 在散步 !!! 該打屁股 要是球漏到牆邊應該要manny來處理的 嗯 .. 可樂你以後負責舉手就好 - ...

Curt Schilling

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-06-20T13:25
其實,就 Active Roster 的陣容來說: Pitchers:Javier Lopez、Mike Timlin、Tim Wakefield 以他們的投球內容表現(投球內 容頗糟),Catchers:Doug Mirabelli(老且功能性少);Infielders:Julio Lugo(爛又貴) ...

Curt Schilling

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-06-20T12:51
and#34;We donand#39;t need him.and#34; 這是 Schilling 在某個事件之後的發言 被解讀為意氣之言也罷 至少以現實狀況而言還算是恰當的話 這句話現在也可以用在他自己身上 同樣地並不是因為可能失去他而說出這種輸不起的話 而是平心來看 Schilling 對 Red ...