SB 滑鬆雪 - 滑雪板 Ski Snowboard

By Anonymous
at 2013-04-04T22:45
at 2013-04-04T22:45
Table of Contents
※ 引述《mountaincow ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《KONOHA (HBK)》之銘言:
: : 小弟最近在日本白馬,八方尾根滑雪場,享受了可說是本季最好的鬆雪。
: : 也順便自拍了一些影片,分享給各位看看,還請大家給點意見、鼓勵。
: : 影片:
: : 場地:白馬八方尾根滑雪場,skiyline雪道未壓雪區。
: :
: : 雪況:可說是白馬村本季最好的鬆雪。
: : 滑法:身體後傾,壓板尾,拉板頭,避免板頭沉下去;
: : 直板為主,利用後腿踢板尾轉彎,些微的edge。
: : 心得:震盪、彈跳太大還是會不穩、摔倒;我滑camber板,還蠻吃力的,
: : 約五趟,後腿就沒力了。
: : 最後還請大家給點建議或鼓勵,感謝。
: 其實是想請教鬆雪的滑法..
: 小弟今年2月跟團在勝山滑 程度約是S turn紅線可以順利下山...
: 但因為今年第一次滑鬆雪(去年是第一次跟團 沒機會滑) 所以一開始滑時很不順
: 就是整個板頭在鏟雪...然後就停在鬆雪裡了...
: 後來就想到跟原PO用一樣的方法 果然很順利~ 很爽~
: 但後來又聽(朋友)說正確的滑法應該是 "重心在前 兩腳力道要平均"
: 可是這樣就鏟雪了啊...
: 請問各位前輩 到底鬆雪該怎麼滑才好呢?
: 還是說 滑爽就好...
: 先感謝各位解答了!!!
When riding powder an open turn-shape is necessary to maintain
momentum. In deeper snow, focus on float rather than edge grip.
Maintaining momentum is important as getting stuck in deep powder
can be hard work. Steeper terrain will help here - avoid flats!
‧ Soft
‧ Light
‧ Fluffy
‧ Dry
Retraction turns are the most efficient turn type for powder riding.
Setting the bindings aft to lengthen the nose will aid flotation.
Longer snowboards will also aid flotation, as will reverse camber or
tapered models.
Vertical movement consists of extending to build pressure and thus create
a base of support under the snowboard. The legs are retracted to lift the
snowboard to the snow’s surface for the edge change.
Pressure can be shifted aft at the completion of the turn to help trim up
the nose of the snowboard for float. Movement back to centre at initiation
is required for effective retraction of the snowboard.
In powder the goal is float, rather than a strong edge grip. Keeping the
snowboard flatter will help aid float.
It is essential to maintain speed while riding deep powder; keep turn shape
open by minimising the amount of steering applied. Excessive lower body
rotation can also increase tilt which will affect your ability to float.
Smooth hip and upper body rotation may be all that is required for steering
in the powder. Lower body rotation can be added as turn shape changes.
╭╮│ ╭╮ │ │
│││∕。││╭╮╭╮│ │├╮╭╮╭╮╭╭╭┤
││││ ││││╰╯╰┴╯├╯╰╯╰┤│ ╰┤
╰╯ │ ╰╯
│ 歡 迎 大 家 來 滑 雪 板 逛 逛 哦 !
: ※ 引述《KONOHA (HBK)》之銘言:
: : 小弟最近在日本白馬,八方尾根滑雪場,享受了可說是本季最好的鬆雪。
: : 也順便自拍了一些影片,分享給各位看看,還請大家給點意見、鼓勵。
: : 影片:
: :
: : 雪況:可說是白馬村本季最好的鬆雪。
: : 滑法:身體後傾,壓板尾,拉板頭,避免板頭沉下去;
: : 直板為主,利用後腿踢板尾轉彎,些微的edge。
: : 心得:震盪、彈跳太大還是會不穩、摔倒;我滑camber板,還蠻吃力的,
: : 約五趟,後腿就沒力了。
: : 最後還請大家給點建議或鼓勵,感謝。
: 其實是想請教鬆雪的滑法..
: 小弟今年2月跟團在勝山滑 程度約是S turn紅線可以順利下山...
: 但因為今年第一次滑鬆雪(去年是第一次跟團 沒機會滑) 所以一開始滑時很不順
: 就是整個板頭在鏟雪...然後就停在鬆雪裡了...
: 後來就想到跟原PO用一樣的方法 果然很順利~ 很爽~
: 但後來又聽(朋友)說正確的滑法應該是 "重心在前 兩腳力道要平均"
: 可是這樣就鏟雪了啊...
: 請問各位前輩 到底鬆雪該怎麼滑才好呢?
: 還是說 滑爽就好...
: 先感謝各位解答了!!!
When riding powder an open turn-shape is necessary to maintain
momentum. In deeper snow, focus on float rather than edge grip.
Maintaining momentum is important as getting stuck in deep powder
can be hard work. Steeper terrain will help here - avoid flats!
‧ Soft
‧ Light
‧ Fluffy
‧ Dry
Retraction turns are the most efficient turn type for powder riding.
Setting the bindings aft to lengthen the nose will aid flotation.
Longer snowboards will also aid flotation, as will reverse camber or
tapered models.
Vertical movement consists of extending to build pressure and thus create
a base of support under the snowboard. The legs are retracted to lift the
snowboard to the snow’s surface for the edge change.
Pressure can be shifted aft at the completion of the turn to help trim up
the nose of the snowboard for float. Movement back to centre at initiation
is required for effective retraction of the snowboard.
In powder the goal is float, rather than a strong edge grip. Keeping the
snowboard flatter will help aid float.
It is essential to maintain speed while riding deep powder; keep turn shape
open by minimising the amount of steering applied. Excessive lower body
rotation can also increase tilt which will affect your ability to float.
Smooth hip and upper body rotation may be all that is required for steering
in the powder. Lower body rotation can be added as turn shape changes.
╭╮│ ╭╮ │ │
│││∕。││╭╮╭╮│ │├╮╭╮╭╮╭╭╭┤
││││ ││││╰╯╰┴╯├╯╰╯╰┤│ ╰┤
╰╯ │ ╰╯
│ 歡 迎 大 家 來 滑 雪 板 逛 逛 哦 !
All Comments

By Xanthe
at 2013-04-06T20:25
at 2013-04-06T20:25
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