Sam可望以第4種子身分出戰澳網 - 澳網 Tennis

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-12-15T19:30

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Stosur closing in on top 4 seeding

Sydney,15 December 2010

No time to rest on her laurels, Samantha Stosur’s first match of 2011 looms
as potentially one of the most important of her career.

Feeling mentally and physically refreshed after a three-week break following
her stellar 2010 season, Stosur is back in full training for the new year.

Her immediate focus is the Brisbane International, where a first-round
success could secure Stosur a coveted top-four seeding at next month’s
Australian Open.

如果她通過第一輪(2010年沒打這站 順帶一提 雪梨賽也首輪掰),就能確保她


With defending champion and five-times winner Serena Williams scratched from
the Open with a foot injury, there are more opportunities than meet the eye
for the French Open runner-up.

In the fourth-ranked Williams’s absence, Stosur will be seeded fourth for
the Melbourne Park grand slam – and avoid facing a higher-ranked opponent
until at least the semi-finals – if she climbs one spot to No.5 in the world.

And trailing the fifth-ranked Venus Williams, who is only playing exhibition
events before the Open, by a meagre three rankings points, the door will be
ajar for the top-seeded Stosur in Brisbane from January 2-8



“An obvious goal would be to try and get [into the] top five,” Stosur said
on Wednesday.

Stosur finished the season on a high with a victory over year-end No.1
Caroline Wozniacki at the WTA Championships in Doha and Williams’s Open
no-show is further fuelling her confidence.

“It definitely opens the door for lots of players,” she said.

“It’s a great opportunity for everyone who can play.”

"首要目標是,我得試著爬升到世界第5。" Sam今天表示。

Sam在年終賽擊敗世界第一 Caroline Wozniacki,結束2010年賽季,"小威廉姆斯公開賽"

"這對很多選手來說都是個好機會,能參賽的都算。" 她說。(想逃嗎? XD)

Stosur reached the semifinals in Qatar’s stifling heat and believes the
similarly hot conditions in Melbourne will give her a decided edge at her
home slam.

“I’m one of the few players that are here now training – on the
(Plexicushion) court, in the sun, getting used to the conditions, so I think
it can only help throughout January,” she said.

“It’s not so easy for the Europeans who have been in winter or training
somewhere else.

“They’ve got to have a long flight over here, a short preparation going
into the first couple of tournaments, so hopefully it will put me into a good




The power-hitting right-hander also believes she’s far better equipped to
handle the intense spotlight than last year.

“It was quite difficult last year,” Stosur said.

“It was harder than what I thought it was going to be and I thought I was
ready for all the hype and the extra attention, but didn’t really handle it
too well in the first couple of weeks.

“But as the Aussie Open went on, I started to feel a bit more comfortable
and started playing quite well.

“So now that I’ve had a good taste of that, not only January this year but
throughout the whole year, I think I’ll be much better prepared.

“I guess it’s a matter of just keeping your head and really focusing on what
’s important and that’s getting on the court and being prepared for matches.

Stosur will complete her Open build-up at the Sydney International, where
seven of the world’s top 10 women will be in action, including Wozniacki.




包括世界第一 Wozniacki。


Tags: 網球

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Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-12-15T13:19
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Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-12-15T12:23
2010/12/14 12:20 李威翰 (法新社德國杜塞道夫13日電) 主辦單位今天說,由於找不到新贊助商,世界團隊盃網球賽(WorldTeam Cup)將離開主 辦32年的德國城市杜塞道夫(Dusseldorf)。 原本這項比賽由德國1間保險公司贊助,不過並未續約,先前傳出主辦單位「無異議決定 把 ...

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Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-12-15T00:23
2010年12月13日    本報訊 昨日,瑞士媒體爆料,昔日女子網壇偶像級的人物--辛吉斯終於在經歷了前11次的 失敗戀情,其中包括5次逃婚後,30歲的瑞士公主終於在她的第12次修成正果--當地時間上 週五下午,與比自己小6歲的法國帥哥胡丁閃婚。    美國著名的網球專業網站剛剛公佈了今年的網壇大事記,辛吉 ...

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Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-12-14T21:56
富商討9千萬 告前國手翁子婷 民視 更新日期:and#34;2010/12/14 21:01and#34; 我國前奧運網球國手翁子婷,驚傳和一名經營婚紗禮服的女富商發生有感情,財務糾紛, 女富商分別在港台提告,指控翁子婷動用她委託管理的3百多萬美元,相當於台幣9千萬的 帳戶,為了討錢,還在網球俱樂部當眾辱 ...

[新聞] 網球》比利時女網雙星考慮搭檔戰奧運

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-12-14T20:49
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板 #1D13n1yt ] 作者: robinlee528 (*羅賓姐*) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞] 網球》比利時女網雙星考慮搭檔戰奧運 時間: Sun Dec 12 11:06:38 2010 網球》比利時女網雙星考慮搭檔戰奧運 麗台運動報 比利時雙星 ...