Sam不再穿鱷魚牌了! - 澳網 Tennis

Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-01-01T18:11

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Sam signs with ASICS


Leading global sports brand ASICS today announced the signing of 2011 US Open
tennis champion Samantha Stosur as an ambassador in a multi-year contract
commencing 1 January 2012. The Australian will commence using ASICS tennis
apparel at Brisbane International 2012.

從2012.1.1開始 與亞瑟士簽訂是以年計算的長期合約

Renowned as both a singles and doubles player, the big-serving Stosur boasts
a powerful all-court game that makes her a Grand Slam contender on all
surfaces. As the world No.6 prepares for Australian Open 2012, Stosur spoke
of her partnership with ASICS: “I am really excited to join the ASICS team.
I’ve actually worn their shoes for a couple of years so now to be fully
kitted out is really exciting for me and I am really looking forward to
getting the year started.”

Sammy去年就開始穿亞瑟士的球鞋 今年連球衣可以湊成整套 她覺得很興奮 = =

ASICS Corporation Global President and CEO Motoi Oyama said “We are very
proud to add Samantha Stosur to our global marquee Sports Marketing assets.
Tennis is one of ASICS Group’s key priority categories in our strategic
growth plan to 2015, and we are delighted to have Samantha become our brand
ambassador, as she perfectly fits with our company values and our brand’s
True Sport positioning. We look forward to helping Sam excel through our
tennis apparel and footwear.”

亞瑟士執行長說 計畫到2015年 網球運動是他們的關鍵行銷策略領域
然後稱讚Sam 完全符合其品牌價值及運動精神

One of Stosur’s strengths as a player is her supreme fitness and stamina.
To that end, ASICS will not only be developing tennis equipment with Sam’s
input, but also product from the Training/Fitness category.

亞瑟士投入網球這塊領域 不單單出Sam的網球裝備
由於Sam很強壯 體力也很棒 所以還會研發訓練及健身方面的產品

In addition to her tennis prowess on court, Stosur’s sportsmanship and
dedication to her sport makes her a great role model for young athletes

除了在場上的精采表現 Sammy的運動和奉獻精神 是全世界年輕運動員的榜樣

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-01-01T20:12
她開心就好 以後去日本可以接受亞瑟士的招待:P
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-01-01T22:13
連鱷魚帽也不能戴了...Sam戴帽子很好看的說 sad :(
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-01-02T00:14
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-01-02T02:15
me too. 至少比Sam穿的外套顏色好找 XD
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2012-01-02T04:16其實好像還不錯
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-01-02T06:17
往好處想 大概就小眾比較不會撞衫吧 ....


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-01-01T17:51
霍普曼杯看點:科維托娃戰沃茲成焦點 李娜獨木難支 2012年01月01日14:41 新浪體育微博   新浪體育訊 北京時間1月1日消息,隨著霍普曼杯昨日在珀斯的打響,澳洲賽季也拉 開了序幕。作為年初一項重要的澳網熱身賽,霍普曼杯在今年吸引了包括李娜(微博)、科 維托娃、沃茲尼亞奇以及伯蒂奇等頂尖球手的 ...

布里斯班賽 小克復出取開門紅

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2012-01-01T17:34
布里斯班賽小克復出取開門紅 斯齊亞沃尼收退賽大禮 2012年01月01日14:14 新浪體育微博  新浪體育訊 北京時間1月1日消息,總獎金為655,000美元的WTA頂級巡迴賽布里斯班國 際賽開始了首輪的爭奪。2010年賽會冠軍克裡斯特爾斯在此展開新賽季的征戰,她在面對 羅馬尼亞小將哈勒普的挑戰 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-01-01T17:32
斯托瑟期待和小威再次交鋒 小克贊黑珍珠是奪冠大熱 2012年01月01日12:05 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 北京時間1月1日消息,雖然布里斯班賽聚集了澳洲本土寵兒斯托瑟、比 利時名將克里斯特爾斯等好手,但美國“黑珍珠”小威吸引到了更多的關注。根據已經公 布的簽表,三人同分在上半區,斯托瑟和小克可能會提前 ...

Stefan Edberg & Boris Becker

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-01-01T15:37
大家新年快樂 前面提過貝克的第二波高峰是在1995年下半年到1996年上半年。 貝克在連續三項的大滿貫中分別獲得亞軍,四強,冠軍的佳績。 中間的年終賽也順利奪冠,這跟五年前的情況不謀而合。 五年前的1990年下半年到1991年上半年。 貝克也是在連續三項的大滿貫中分別獲得亞軍,四強,冠軍的佳績。 唯一的 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2012-01-01T13:40
From Sam的臉書 Sam Stosur Today I say goodbye to the Crocodile and HELLO ASICS!!! I hope you all like my new match outfit which you will see tomorrow at 7pm. ...