Safin談Agassi - 網球

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2006-06-30T12:30

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Q. Years from now when you're old and have grey hair, your grandkids ask you
to tell them a story about great Andre Agassi, what story would you tell them?

MARAT SAFIN: Well, I think it's the first guy who made tennis a show and
entertainment. Of course, he achieved a lot of Grand Slams and everything,
but he made this entertainment with his looks, with his pants, with the
fashion that he brought into tennis. The people start to be a little bit with
the glasses he played, first guy who played with glasses, I think, short
hair, long hair, earrings. What he's missing, tattoos. But he made a show on
the court actually. He had such charisma. Also in the same way he could
concentrate on what he was doing. He keeped his level of tennis during 15
years he's been on the tour, even more, 18 years that he's been on the tour.
He's been there all the time top 10, top two, top three. He had only one
slip. One year, I don't remember which was it, '97 I guess, '96, something
like that. Well, he slipped a little bit, but he could come back from being
150 in the world and playing challengers, come back and I think he's been No.
1 in the world afterwards.

Q. You said entertainment, personality is so important in tennis. Can we
replace Agassi?

MARAT SAFIN: No, because he's a personality. You cannot replace personality
with another personality. It can be a different story, different guy has to
be. The second one who tries to copy him will never be the same, that's for
sure. It's going to be who will take a place and who will try to be as close
as him. But I think they should be doing it in a different way. Well, of
course we have Federer, we have Roddick, we have Hewitt. But of course Agassi
is Agassi. It's like a brand already. Andre Agassi, you already know what
you're talking about, you know what to expect. Compared to him, we are kids.
We have to learn much more in our lives to be able to get there.

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2006-07-05T00:47
Agassi真的是男網流行時尚的開端 第一次看到他時 綁頭巾
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-07-06T03:04
當時就覺得這人真帥 球技好又很有型 跟其他球員都不同
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2006-07-09T14:41
跟99年之後開始跟葛拉芙交往 還真是大不相同阿 整個樸素
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2006-07-13T21:02
葛拉芙真利害 馴服從前的叛逆小子變成好男人 XD
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2006-07-17T09:56
頭巾AA真的很帥 迷人
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2006-07-19T18:56
Safin講的太棒了 尤其是第2個問題 大推!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2006-07-21T02:11
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2006-07-21T04:45
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2006-07-21T06:06
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2006-07-22T14:06

2006溫網第三輪 vs Nadal

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2006-06-30T01:16
這場絕對是本屆溫網的注目焦點 當代傳奇 Agassi 對壘新生代天王世界排名第2的Nadal 對戰紀錄 Nadal 1-0 領先 2005 ATP Masters Series Canada Montreal, Canada Nadal在決賽以6-3 4-6 6-2打敗Agassi 對Agassi而言 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2006-06-29T22:52
Agassi (USA) Seppi (ITA) 1st Serve % 60 % 53 % Aces 9 10 Double Faults ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-06-29T22:49
請問那裡可以看到這兩場完整的比賽 bt那裡找的到! p.s 不好意思,bt的事如果不能提,就麻煩版主刪了它,謝謝! - ...

agassi vs seppi

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2006-06-29T22:40
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: momo7426 (Miranda...) 看板: Tennis 標題: agassi vs seppi 時間: Thu Jun 29 20:13:55 2006 開打了阿...... 可是衛視還在播彭帥 SOPCAST的ESPN2又消失了 好想看.. ...

Re: 2006溫網第二輪

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-06-29T22:37
贏了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andre Agassi (USA)[25] def Andreas Seppi (ITA) 6-4 7-6(2) 6-4 賽後Agassi很開心用招牌式的飛吻向觀眾致敬!!!!!! 真可愛 ...