Safina重返球場 - 網球 Tennis

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-04-27T04:34

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Safina reveals another back injury could end career

AFP - Former world number one Dinara Safina admitted Monday a repeat of the
back injury which has kept her out of tennis since January could potentially
end her career.

前世界第一Dinara Safina星期一時坦承

Safina, who turns 24 on Tuesday, is the second seed at Stuttgart's WTA
tournament but has not played since January's Australian Open when she was
forced to retire at the fourth round stage because of a painful back injury.

Safina周二即將滿24歲 在本周Stuttgart比賽名列第二種子

An examination later revealed she was suffering from a double stress fracture
and a ruptured muscle in her back.


Currently the world number three, the Russian has been receiving intensive
treatment since her set-back in Melbourne but admits she is returning with
some trepidation to Stuttgart where she was last year's beaten finalist.

他目前世界排名第三 自從澳網之後就接受密集的治療
但他承認來到Stuttgart參賽仍然有些不安 他去年在這站比賽拿到亞軍

"I am glad to be here, this is my first big test after having come back from
my injury," Safina, who was world number one exactly a year ago, told

"很高興來到這邊 這是我自從受傷以來第一個大考驗"

"My physio is here and I really want to take it step by step.

"我的物治師陪我在這邊 我希望一步一步慢慢來"

"I only started playing on court again on April 3.


"Everybody, including my brother Marat (Safin), told me to take my time but
it was really difficult because I wanted to come back on court so badly.

但對我來說真的很困難 我真的很想趕快回到球場"

"Right now I feel safe and comfortable, but I need to watch closely that it
stays that way.

"現在我覺得很安全也很舒適 但我還需要小心點以讓背部維持現在這個狀態"

"My back injury is the worst you can get, because if things go wrong again,
that might be it for my professional career altogether."

"我的背傷不可能在更糟了 如果他再出現問題 我的職業生涯可能就整個結束了"

Safina says her enforced break from tennis has made her realise how much she
loves the game and plans to play on for as long as possible.


"There is no way that you can go easy on a lower back injury," she said.


"With a broken arm or leg, you can rest it, but with your back it is almost
impossible. It has made me realise how much I love tennis.

"如果你斷了手臂或是腿 你可以休息 但如果你傷了背
簡直不可能做任何事 這讓我更了解到我有多麼愛網球"

"I just want to get back on court.


"Regarding things like rankings, titles, defending points - who really cares?"

"撇開那些排名.冠軍.要保的積分 - 誰在乎這些東西?"

Both former number ones Venus Williams and Kim Clijsters have withdrawn from
the tournament with injury, but defending champion Svetlana Kuznetsova says
she is happy to be back to get some clay-court practice ahead of Roland Garos.

兩位前世界第一Venus Williams與Kim Clijsters也雙雙因傷從Stuttgart退出

"I love this tournament, it is one of the best on the tour," said the
24-year-old with the French Open set to start on May 23.

"我熱愛這項賽事 這是巡迴賽上最好的比賽之一" 24歲 現任法網冠軍Kuznetsova說

"The clay surface indoors is slippery and different from outdoor clay, but I
like it that way.

"室內的紅土更滑 跟室外紅土球場也不太一樣 但我喜歡這樣的不同"

"I do not think of points to defend, rankings or the possible final. These
questions I block out completely, I take one match at a time."

"我沒有考慮要衛冕的積分跟排名 或者能否晉級決賽
這些問題是我完全不思考的 我只想一場一場的打"

The top half of the Stuttgart draw features top seed Caroline Wozniacki, the
world number two who has a bye, and she is expected to face Victoria Azarenka
in the quarter-finals.

籤表上半部有現任世界第二Caroline Wozniacki
他首輪輪空 預計八強對上Victoria Azarenka

But Kuznetsova and Australia's Samantha Stosur are potential opponents she
may need to overcome if she is to reach the final.

Kuznetsova或者是澳洲的Samantha Stosur是他要晉級決賽可能遇到的對手

In the bottom half, Safina has an opening bye but is potentially up against
the likes of Ana Ivanovic and Jelena Jankovic, while Belgium's Justine Henin
faces Germany's Julia Goerges in her first match.

下半籤Safina首輪也得到輪空 但接下來可能會對上Ivanovic或Jankovic
而比利時的Justine Henin將在第一輪對上德國小將Goerges

Competition in the Porsche Arena promises to be tough with a total of seven
top ten players appearing at the 33rd edition of the long standing event, a
key warm-up for the French Open next month.

本次賽事將在Porsche Arena進行 世界前十中有七位都來到這次賽事
這項比賽本年度邁向第三十三屆 是法網最關鍵的熱身賽事之一


- 吉米威廉斯 《胖蝴蝶》

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-04-30T18:13
我喜歡她說的 積分跟排名 (比起不能打球)誰在乎?
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-05-04T07:52
這篇比較看好Ivanovic大過Aga :P
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2010-05-07T21:31
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-05-11T11:10
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-05-15T00:49
看太快,看成Safin重反球場,開心了一下 囧莎妹加油!!!!
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2010-05-18T14:28
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2010-05-22T04:07
David avatar
By David
at 2010-05-25T17:46
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-05-29T07:25
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-06-01T21:04
看成Safin重返球場+1 害我受驚了XD
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-06-05T10:43
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2010-06-09T00:22
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-06-12T14:01
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-06-16T03:39
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-06-19T17:18
看成Safin重返球場+1 想說真是太好了 XD
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-06-23T06:57
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-06-26T20:36
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-06-30T10:15
Safina加油 !!
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-07-03T23:54
加油阿! 雖然我愛著Safin= = 莎妹衝了
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-07-07T13:33
看成Safin重返球場+1 Q_Q去年第一次看他打球就喜歡他了
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2010-07-11T03:12
結果沒多久就退休 <囧> 只能看影片了...話說他跟納豆都是打球時頭髮會微卷 比平常帥!!!
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-07-14T16:51
今天是Safina 24歲生日耶~
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-07-18T06:30


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2010-04-26T23:53
日本與中國兩支亞洲勁旅挑戰聯邦盃World Group II Play-offs 日本1-4負斯洛維尼亞 中國打完前四點1-3,也確定落敗 明年中日都將回到亞大一級........ OMG.....也太擠了 -- ( 既然如此 你 就該拋棄 負累 大辣辣的享受 陽光下被晒傷的滋味 ) ...

有"心"就會成功 平凡的義大利造就不平凡的聯杯

George avatar
By George
at 2010-04-26T22:08
2010-04-26 義大利五年裏第四次殺入了聯合會杯的決賽,這是巧合?是運氣?是實力?還是一種精神? 網易體育4月26日報導: 2006年,義大利男足奪得了世界盃;同一年,義大利女網拿下了聯合會杯。如果說義大利 男足捧起大力神杯靠的是實力,是實至名歸,那麼義大利女網榮膺女子團體網球最高榮譽 依靠的是什麼? ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-04-26T21:10
版上好像都沒什麼討論過 前幾個禮拜小威球后週數超越戴媽時 我就在想不知道會不會再過不久趕上ju 這禮拜看到小威球后週數正式突破100週 好擔心ju的紀錄要被破啦~~~ 希望ju身體狀況不要再出問題 接下來的紅土賽季多累積點分數吧 希望在法網能有亮麗的成績!! - ...

===== 本週排名 10/04/26 =====

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2010-04-26T21:03
單打世界排名 Cur Prv Name Rank Pts Tours Career-High — 89 (89) CHANG KAI-CHEN 張凱貞 779 24 88 — 90 (9 ...

FED CUP 2010 semifinal USA v. Russia

Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-04-26T20:36
USA defeated Russia 3-2 in USA R1 - M.OUDIN (USA) def. A.KUDRYAVTSEVA (RUS) 6-3 6-3 R2 - E.DEMENTIEVA (RUS) def. B.MATTEK-SANDS (USA) 6-4 6-3 R3 - E.DEME ...