Safina近況 - 網球 Tennis

By Hedda
at 2011-10-01T10:11
at 2011-10-01T10:11
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September 30, 2011
Blog Update On Career
Hello to all my dear fans!!!
我親愛的粉絲們 哈囉!!!
On Monday I’m going to Germany to check my back again. Unfortunately I don’
t know if and when I’ll return.
很不幸的 我不知道何時、甚至能不能夠重回賽場
A part from that, all this time I’ve been in Moscow with my family! One week
I went to Greece to the island Corfu!!! It’s so beautiful. I love Greek
people; they are all so friendly!!! And the food, mmmmm. I have no comment
about it other than, it’s just delicious!!!! I must say you can describe
Greece in three words: live, life, laughing.
我能用三個字形容希臘:live, life, laughing (我想這三個字就不用翻了XD)
September 28 was the first time in my life I was as a presenter at the
leukemia charity event, Alternative Hair Show. It was in Kremlin Palace, so
some new experiences for me.
9月28日是我人生中的第一次,我主持了血癌慈善活動(Alternative Hair Show)
在克林姆林宮 對我來說是些新的經驗
I tried to play some tennis this summer with my friend, but I couldn’t. I
had to stop after 15 minutes because the pain was just too much. :(
每打15分鐘我就得停下來 因為(背部)實在太痛了:(
And of course I went to Elena Dementieva’s wedding!!!! It was so beautiful
and they’re such a beautiful couple!!!! I’m really happy for them!!! Well,
that’s all for now!!! If u want to be more in touch with me, follow me on
Miss and love all my fans!!!!
Take care of yourselves and the people around you!!!
當然! 我還去了戴娃的婚禮。
如果你想要和我聯繫的話 就追蹤我的推特吧!
雖然沒有明講 但背傷那麼久都還是沒有改善的跡象
至少他過的很好 過著很開心的日子(淚)
All Comments

By Aaliyah
at 2011-10-05T08:34
at 2011-10-05T08:34

By Caitlin
at 2011-10-09T06:56
at 2011-10-09T06:56

By Quanna
at 2011-10-13T05:19
at 2011-10-13T05:19

By Suhail Hany
at 2011-10-17T03:41
at 2011-10-17T03:41

By Mia
at 2011-10-21T02:04
at 2011-10-21T02:04

By Xanthe
at 2011-10-25T00:26
at 2011-10-25T00:26

By Freda
at 2011-10-28T22:49
at 2011-10-28T22:49

By Valerie
at 2011-11-01T21:12
at 2011-11-01T21:12

By Jacky
at 2011-11-05T19:34
at 2011-11-05T19:34

By Dinah
at 2011-11-09T17:57
at 2011-11-09T17:57

By Iris
at 2011-11-13T16:19
at 2011-11-13T16:19

By Isabella
at 2011-11-17T14:42
at 2011-11-17T14:42

By Faithe
at 2011-11-21T13:04
at 2011-11-21T13:04

By Irma
at 2011-11-25T11:27
at 2011-11-25T11:27
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