Ryan Garko Signs with Samsung - 韓國職棒

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-12-12T19:46

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The once promising bat of Ryan Garko is heading to the KBO to play
baseball with the Samsung Lions. Garko signed a one year contract
for $300,000, just below minimum wage if he could land a job in the
major leagues.

In 2009 Garko was traded by the Cleveland Indians to the San
Francisco Giants to generate some offense. After he failed to do
that, hitting only .235 in 40 games the Giants released him. He
signed with the Seattle Mariners in 2010, a team begging for offense,
but they released him during spring training. The Texas Rangers
picked him up, but after 15 games he was busted down to AAA when his
average sunk to .091.

Garko shows some promise. Before his failures with the two World
Series teams he did have some good years with the Cleveland Indians,
hitting 21 homeruns in 2007 and driving in 90 runs in 2008. After
being demoted by the Rangers in 2010 he still couldn’t get on track
in AAA, hitting only .235 with 12 homeruns for Oklahoma City. The
Rangers did run through some first baseman last year before settling
on Mitch Moreland, so Garko could have had an opportunity at a World
Series appearance if he had showed some offensive production in 2009
with the Giants or this last year with the Rangers.

He was originally a catcher out of college, winning first team All
American honors for Stanford during his senior season. He shared the
Pac-10 player of the year award with Dustin Pedroia. The Indians
drafted him in the third round of the 2003 draft. By 2006 he had won
the starting first base job for the Cleveland Indians. He is not the
most fluid of first basemen so perhaps the Lions will use him in the
DH role. He has long past any ability to catch.

Source: myworldofbaseball


All Comments


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-12-09T21:00
http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101209/5/2ip4m.html 2010/12/09 19︰50 (中央社記者蕭保祥台北9日電) 南韓職棒SK飛龍隊日前對台灣投手潘威倫傳出有興趣的消息,引發南韓球迷的討論。部分 SK球迷認為,潘威倫年輕又 ...

Re: 王信良專欄/韓職FA拉抬 球員身價三級跳

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-12-01T21:53
※ 引述《Js1233 (1233)》之銘言: : 王信良專欄/韓職FA拉抬 球員身價三級跳 : http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/nov/4/today-sp4.htm : : KBO雖比CPBL早了8年,但在中華職棒發展到5年後,球員待遇已追上南韓,南韓只有 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-11-24T22:15
尚武棒球隊最終合格名單 (共21名) 投手9名-尹錫柱(SK,1990.04.27生) 金賢宇(三星,1988.01.21生) 吳賢擇(斗山,1985.07.17生) 柳熙寬(斗山,1986.06.01生) 元龍默(斗山,1986.06.25生 ...

王信良專欄/韓職FA拉抬 球員身價三級跳

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-11-16T09:13
王信良專欄/韓職FA拉抬 球員身價三級跳 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/nov/4/today-sp4.htm SK飛龍陣中年薪5億韓元(台幣1367.4萬)的「三人幫」,均拜自由球員制度獲得天價合 約,39歲最老的捕手朴勍完仍是衛冕大將,36歲金宰炫考 ...

請問投手 陳雅各 現況

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2010-11-14T18:49
大家好 這兩年提到韓國年輕強投不外柳賢振(1987) 金廣炫(1988) 我記得前幾年還有一個 陳雅各(1989) 有來台灣 那時候感覺未來也會長成大物 上了wiki看,發現他這三年在斗山熊表現普通 上場機會很少 2010甚至出賽1場 ?? 請問這位選手是受傷了嗎?? PS.斗山 ...