Roger in Prague - 羅傑·費德勒 Federer

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-12-03T01:52

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官網球迷 yolka 提供的情報

RF was in Prague yesterday just for couple of hours to shoot TV & print
commercial for Gillette USA.

I know wife of RF's manager Tony (ex-tennis player Mary Joe Fernandez) and
since Tony came down to Prague with Roger and talked to me - I was able visit
this "closed film set" )) ...otherwise local production company Stillking
Films called me to help with advices and some tennis stuff for this shoot ...
so i went i spent whole day @ Barrandov Studios to check it out

Last night RF took of to Dubai with Mirka and kids. He finished with shoot at
9.30pm .... Mirka stayed in hotel ...she didn't come to the set.

Roger 昨天先在布拉格拍刮鬍刀廣告,然後馬上就飛杜拜練球了。
附上照片兩張。旁邊那女生是以前 yolka 的模特兒,那男生是模特兒的好友。
她說她認識 Roger 的經紀人所以才可以進入片廠~各行有各行的道啊XD

For the record You'll always be a part of me No matter what you do
And for the record Can't nobody say I didn't give MY ALL to you
And for the record I told you UNDERNEATH THE STARS that you belong to me
And for the record It's obvious that we just CAN'T LET GO of us"

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2009-12-04T16:02
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2009-12-06T06:11
去布拉格括個鬍子就走 也蠻酷的
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2009-12-07T20:21
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-12-09T10:31
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2009-12-11T00:40

年終賽 費拔 vs 茉莉(無黑幕版)

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-12-03T01:41
雖然時隔很多日了,費拔都放假放得很開心了, 我才把這場比賽傳上來,如果還有人想收,請自己來XD 檔案有2.1G請自行斟酌。 有人想看07年上海MTC的SF(對上Nadal)以及F(對上Ferrer)嗎? 有的 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2009-12-02T21:55
哈哈~伊達最新一篇日記也是超閃的~ po了她跟老公Michael慶祝結婚八週年的照片。 這幾天好像伊達早上都有到學校教課, 還接受了一些採訪和拍攝工作。 然後下午到了父親的墓前拜祭~ 結束後與Michael相約東京的一家義大利餐廳吃飯, 還用了巧克力蛋糕來慶祝兩人結婚八週年。(照片有夠閃的XD) 伊達 ...

Re: 香港網球精英賽 1/6~1/9 2010

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2009-12-02T20:33
有人有買票了嗎? 知道他的票是怎麼給? 是要寄來台灣嗎? 還是到那邊再取? 謝謝~ -- - ...

2009年終有獎徵答 Day 15 (最終回)

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2009-12-02T18:46
請把題號及答案填寫於推文中,每日每天只限回答一題,先搶先贏,除非 你認為他人的答案是錯的方可回已被回答的題目。普通題200p幣,皇牌題300p 幣。今天是最後一天,非常感謝各位參加,來年再見! 五十七、伊達今年摘下的三座單打冠軍中(韓國、西班牙和日本IFT比賽),老公     只缺席了一項決賽,請問是哪項? ...

費天王看光明面 欣喜重登網壇王座

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-12-02T07:31
(路透倫敦29日電) 瑞士的世界球王費德瑞(Roger Federer)週末在ATP年終賽爆出冷門,敗給俄羅斯 的戴維登柯(Nikolay Davydenko)而遭淘汰,他略感意外,但不以為意,強調今年重登 男網王座的成就。 費德瑞以往12次和戴維登柯交手全無敗績,這次卻踢到鐵板,雖 ...