RODWELL-球迷訪談(下) - 曼城足球俱樂部 Manchester City Football Club

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-08-24T12:14

Table of Contents

Who was your favourite player when you were growing up?
James Simmonds

Ronaldo for Brazil. Not because of his position but purely from enjoying
watching him play. Zinedine Zidane, as well, but I would probably say
Ronaldo. The pace he had when he was at Inter Milan and the goals he would
score, even when he was at Real Madrid, were amazing. He has put on a bit of
weight recently and seems to be enjoying retired life!


R:巴西的Ronaldo,不只是因為他的位子,而是很單純地享受他的比賽,Zinedine Zidane



You are a class lad! Are you looking forward to playing against the best in
the Champions League?

Cheers, mate! I did not really get much playing time in the Champions League
last year and it got cut short when we went out at the group stages. But if
we could get to the semi-finals or quarter-finals, it would be brilliant and
invaluable experience for me. The Champions League is very difficult. Every
team is the best of the best. It is a continental style of play and you have
to adapt straight away on the night. The first Champions League game I played
was against Real Madrid at the Bernabeu. Going there, with the atmosphere and
the crowd, was amazing. You are under the spotlight straight away. We did
well in that game but Cristiano Ronaldo got them a win right at the end. Any
chance you give the opposition, they take it every time so you have to be 100
per cent focused.







What are the major differences between Manuel Pellegrini and Roberto Mancini?
Joe Saunders

They play different tactics. Mancini liked to play a 4-5-1 and it was a more
traditional style. Pellegrini is more attacking and a 4-4-2. It is a faster
style of play under Pellegrini and he emphasises playing a good offside line.
To me, Mancini was also never cold to the players. Manchester City fans love
Mancini, as well. Maybe, looking from the outside, Mancini looked cold. But,
inside the club, not at all. Pellegrini is a nice guy and I am sure the fans
will warm to him just like they did with Mancini.






What is the best football stadium you have played in and why?
Harry Skippen

Wembley just ahead of the Bernabeu. Wembley is traditional and, as a kid
growing up, it is the ultimate. It is a special moment at Wembley in a cup
final or playing for England. It is a bit nerve-wracking when you first go
out in front of 80,000 fans. But, as soon as the whistle goes, you do not
think about it and you are focused on your job.




You wear the No.17 shirt for Manchester City. Does this number mean anything
to you and do you have any pre-match superstitions?
Jake Sidebottom

The shirt number means nothing to me. I usually like five, six or eight. But
there was nothing available. I think I picked 17 because it was free and in
between Sergio Aguero and Gareth Barry. I do not have any pre-match
superstitions. I am not superstitious at all.




Have you got any advice for young players?
Tal Da

Keep working hard and do the right things. You have to be professional and
make the necessary sacrifices. If you are determined to be a footballer, you
have to make sacrifices. There is the odd one who does not make the
sacrifices but still becomes a professional. But look at the amount of
talented footballers who do not make it because of things off the pitch. If
you do the right things off the pitch and are willing to learn and listen,
then you have got a good chance.






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Tags: 足球

All Comments

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-08-24T20:25
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-08-25T04:35
去年歐冠只有皇馬2-3能看 Marcelo配C羅跟羅本配Lahm一
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-08-25T12:46
樣靠北 不過穆里尼奧的慶祝動作被改成女的幫他吹蕭XDDD

中甲足球見聞系列5(完)-紅鑽困境 台灣

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2013-08-24T10:43 中甲足球見聞系列5(完)-紅鑽困境 台灣寫照 2013-08-24 01:54 中國時報 【(李弘斌)】  深圳茅台紅鑽足球隊成軍於1994年,雖曾是中國足壇崛起速度最快 ...

中甲足球見聞系列4 特帥看好台灣足球潛力

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-08-24T10:42 2013-08-23 02:39 中國時報 【(李弘斌)】  台灣被譏為「足球沙漠」,但對麾下擁有陳柏良、周子軒兩位台將,也看過陳浩瑋 、溫智豪的法籍名帥特魯西埃而言,台灣 ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2013-08-24T09:23
邀賽人 wu17 聯絡電話及信箱 0937971748 邀賽日期(一定要確定好時間喔) 8/25 早上9點 邀賽地點(務必將場地確定好,以免到時又換場地,浪費球友的時間) 中壢市天晟醫院對面的and#34;新街國小and#34; 欲參加的球友(請確定後再填入) 10~15UP ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2013-08-24T01:38
修了一下 另外基於保護弱勢原則 把農莊的西倫敦德比和東北德比放進來 看球會更有趣點~~~ 24 August 2013 Manchester United v Chelsea 31 August 2013 Arsenal v Tottenham Hotspur North London ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-08-24T00:11 2013-08-23 22:45:59 來源: 網易體育 下週一,英超第2輪的一場重頭戲將在老特拉福德上演,切爾西客場挑戰衛冕冠 軍曼聯。當地時間本週五,莫里尼奧出席了新聞發佈會,他宣稱 ...