Roddick要開始主持廣播節目! - 網球

By Sierra Rose
at 2012-09-13T02:18
at 2012-09-13T02:18
Table of Contents
最近一期的Radio Andy在Hampton作的電話連線
很有趣 幾個重點和大家分享一下
1. Andy正走在一條身材變型的路途上 XD
"I am not fat yet, but I am on the road to be huge"
退休後不負眾望的在大吃大喝, 已經連續吃了四天的垃圾食物
thank god he is married XD
(他說他還是跑跑步之類的啦~ finger corss, 希望不要很快看到變寬的他 囧)
2. 睡到飽的退休生活?
目前還滿開心的 瘋狂打高爾夫中
可以多進行一些會燃燒多一點脂肪的運動嗎? (望天)
3. Will he come back to US open?
因為Andy在退休感言中有說到他會"come back" to US open
所以很多人都在猜測他還會再打嗎? 但他老兄顯然去意堅決
"absolutely not, they asked me 18 times last week"
"clearly, not even a little bit"
"I shut the door firmly"
4. Reality show !!???
Bobby很突然的問起了這個問題 還小心翼翼的問一下Andy說這個可以問嗎?
Andy遲疑了一下 承認確有Reality show的邀約...BUT
Andy: "That's just not something that I want to do"
Bobby: "I know that's not what you want to do"
"dude! that means they will film the reality show in the studio!! "
Bobby: "NO NO NO! you don't know the reality show"
Andy: "This one will not" "You will gain nothing from this"
Bobby 最後以一句很神祕的 "I'll tell you off the air" 作結
hmmm....... good call Andy!!
說實在我也不太希望看到Andy的Reality show
但是好多名人的Reality show都會讓我看到很反感 囧a
5. 邁向PGA選手之路?
Bobby問了Andy有沒有要朝此發展 既然他這麼愛打高爾夫XD
"I am not good enough, you see me play golf. I certainly wasn't good enough
this morning. It will be fun but there is no chance"
6. No one can hate Roger Federer
co-host Bobby Bones提到他去看美網時
Roger有主動過去拍拍Bobby 和他打招呼
"you see where my dilemma is?"
"He is impossible not to like!!!"
7. Gossip Time!!!
然後最後居然問起了Andy Murray最近有和某人約會嗎? (某人我聽不出來是誰 囧)
Andy居然即答 (真的是即答喔! 一點都沒有猶豫XD)
"沒有啦! 人家有個交往七年的女友耶!" (七年也太精確XDD)
Andy Quotes~~
Q. What's the best thing about tennis to you?
ANDY RODDICK: The best thing about tennis to me?
Q. Yeah. What keeps you playing it?
ANDY RODDICK: The cheerleaders. Wait, there are none"
- Andy on the REAL reason he plays tennis, Wimbledon 2002.
很有趣 幾個重點和大家分享一下
1. Andy正走在一條身材變型的路途上 XD
"I am not fat yet, but I am on the road to be huge"
退休後不負眾望的在大吃大喝, 已經連續吃了四天的垃圾食物
thank god he is married XD
(他說他還是跑跑步之類的啦~ finger corss, 希望不要很快看到變寬的他 囧)
2. 睡到飽的退休生活?
目前還滿開心的 瘋狂打高爾夫中
可以多進行一些會燃燒多一點脂肪的運動嗎? (望天)
3. Will he come back to US open?
因為Andy在退休感言中有說到他會"come back" to US open
所以很多人都在猜測他還會再打嗎? 但他老兄顯然去意堅決
"absolutely not, they asked me 18 times last week"
"clearly, not even a little bit"
"I shut the door firmly"
4. Reality show !!???
Bobby很突然的問起了這個問題 還小心翼翼的問一下Andy說這個可以問嗎?
Andy遲疑了一下 承認確有Reality show的邀約...BUT
Andy: "That's just not something that I want to do"
Bobby: "I know that's not what you want to do"
"dude! that means they will film the reality show in the studio!! "
Bobby: "NO NO NO! you don't know the reality show"
Andy: "This one will not" "You will gain nothing from this"
Bobby 最後以一句很神祕的 "I'll tell you off the air" 作結
hmmm....... good call Andy!!
說實在我也不太希望看到Andy的Reality show
但是好多名人的Reality show都會讓我看到很反感 囧a
5. 邁向PGA選手之路?
Bobby問了Andy有沒有要朝此發展 既然他這麼愛打高爾夫XD
"I am not good enough, you see me play golf. I certainly wasn't good enough
this morning. It will be fun but there is no chance"
6. No one can hate Roger Federer
co-host Bobby Bones提到他去看美網時
Roger有主動過去拍拍Bobby 和他打招呼
"you see where my dilemma is?"
"He is impossible not to like!!!"
7. Gossip Time!!!
然後最後居然問起了Andy Murray最近有和某人約會嗎? (某人我聽不出來是誰 囧)
Andy居然即答 (真的是即答喔! 一點都沒有猶豫XD)
"沒有啦! 人家有個交往七年的女友耶!" (七年也太精確XDD)
Andy Quotes~~
Q. What's the best thing about tennis to you?
ANDY RODDICK: The best thing about tennis to me?
Q. Yeah. What keeps you playing it?
ANDY RODDICK: The cheerleaders. Wait, there are none"
- Andy on the REAL reason he plays tennis, Wimbledon 2002.
All Comments

By Mia
at 2012-09-17T20:12
at 2012-09-17T20:12

By Frederica
at 2012-09-22T14:06
at 2012-09-22T14:06

By Adele
at 2012-09-27T08:00
at 2012-09-27T08:00

By Genevieve
at 2012-10-02T01:54
at 2012-10-02T01:54

By James
at 2012-10-06T19:48
at 2012-10-06T19:48

By Ula
at 2012-10-11T13:42
at 2012-10-11T13:42

By Robert
at 2012-10-16T07:36
at 2012-10-16T07:36

By Suhail Hany
at 2012-10-21T01:30
at 2012-10-21T01:30

By Adele
at 2012-10-25T19:24
at 2012-10-25T19:24
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