Roddick 退休新聞發表會全文 - 網球

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-09-02T04:18

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ANDY RODDICK: Thank you all for coming. I’ll make this short and sweet. I
’ve decided that this is going to be my last tournament.


Q. Why now?


ANDY RODDICK: I just feel like it’s time. I don’t know that I’m healthy
enough or committed enough to go another year. I’ve always wanted to, in a
perfect world, finish at this event. I have a lot of family and friends
here. I’ve thought all year that I would know when I got to this
tournament. When I was playing my first round, I knew.


Q. Is it something you’ve been wrestling with for days, weeks, or months?


ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, it’s been a process. It’s certainly not days. I don’
t know that I would have had you all come in here and waste your time if it
had been days. You know, certain parts throughout the year, I’ve thought
about it. You know, just with the way my body feels, with the way that I’m
able to feel like I’m able to compete now, I don’t know that it’s good
enough. I don’t know that I’ve ever been someone who’s interested in
existing on tour. I have a lot of interests and a lot of other things that
excite me. I’m looking forward to those.


Q. Is there any way to quantify how much the health issue is versus the
mental and emotional issue?


ANDY RODDICK: It’s tough to say. It’s kind of chicken or egg. How much
of mental fatigue is because you don’t feel like you can do what you want to
do physically? You don’t know where it starts. But it’s tough to put a

程度到底有多大? 因為根本不知道心裡的疲憊是從何時開始的,

Q. You’ve been talking about this for a couple years. We’ve talked about
30 is not that old in tennis. Obviously Federer is 30. You’ve been a good
athlete, very competitive. In a sense, you’re sort of retiring early, no?


ANDY RODDICK: Now you’re saying that (smiling)?

ar:現在你才這樣說啊 (笑)

Q. Yes.

ANDY RODDICK: Well, it’s good. I didn’t want to make it through this
press conference without a direct comparison to Roger, so thank you for that.
I don’t know, necessarily. A number is a number. But I think wear and
tear and miles is something that’s not really an age thing. You know, if
you look at my contemporaries that started with me, Roger is the only one that
’s still going and still going strong. It’s a matter of how I feel. I
feel like I’m able to compete at the highest level. Frankly, these guys
have gotten really, really, really good. I’m not sure that with compromised
health that I can do what I want to do right now.


Q. I’m assuming the high point is 2003 here. So good place to bow out.


ANDY RODDICK: I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t view it in a scope of
where you had your best win. I’ve had a lot of different memories. I’ll
certainly look back. I feel like I’d be cheating the other memories if I
said one was the highlight. You know, I feel like I’ve been very lucky.
That’s certainly not lost on me.


Q. You mentioned other projects. What projects would you like to do now
that the tennis career is coming to an end?


ANDY RODDICK: Well, immediately we announced yesterday or the day before we’
re building, with my foundation, a youth tennis and learning center in
Austin. I’d like to be hands on with that and not see it periodically. I’
d like to be kind of on-site every day. There’s some other projects, kind
of side projects, that I’ve been doing. Those excite me a lot right now.
So I’m looking forward to it.


Q. How emotional is this for you? I know you like to make light of things.
Now that it’s final for you, how emotional is it? What was it about that
first round match that clicked?


ANDY RODDICK: I don’t know. On some big moments this year, I think I’ve
known. You know, walking off at Wimbledon, I felt like I knew. Playing
here, I don’t know what it was. I couldn’t imagine myself being there in
another year. I’ve always, for whatever my faults have been, felt like I’
ve never done anything halfway. Probably the first time in my career that I
can sit here and say I’m not sure that I can put everything into it
physically and emotionally. I don’t know that I want to disrespect the game
by coasting home. I had plans to play a smaller schedule next year. But the
more I thought about it, I think you either got to be all in or not. You
know, that’s more kind of the way I’ve chosen to do things.


Q. Is there an emotional element to this? You’ve sat alone and thought
about it, talked to family?


ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, I mean, I’ve had some hard conversations with Brooke
this year, with Doug and Larry. You know, it was Brooke and I’s little
secret over the last couple days. I talked to Larry and Doug today. We had
talked about it throughout the year, obviously. Talked to a bunch of my
friends that are here. It’s time.

AR: 有,我和Brooke老婆大人今年嚴肅的談過幾次,這其實是我和brooke這幾天的一個小

Q. What do you think you’ll miss the most? You’ve been doing this a long


ANDY RODDICK: All of you (smiling). I’m not sure. You know, I’m lucky
enough, there are a lot of players where I live. I don’t think I’m one of
the guys who won’t pick up a racquet for three years. You know, I still
love the innocent parts of the game. I love hitting tennis balls. I love
seeing the young guys do well. I’ll still have a lot of friends to watch. I
’ll miss the relationships probably the most. As time passes, I’ll
probably miss the tennis more. But immediately that’s probably the thing
that is toughest for me.


Q. Why not wait until after your final match, your birthday? Did you want
to give the fans an opportunity?

你為什麼不等到最後一場比賽賽後再宣布? 是因為今天是你的生日,還是你想給球迷機會

ANDY RODDICK: Those are good reasons. I think I wanted an opportunity to
say good bye to people, as well. I don’t know how tomorrow’s going to go.
I hope it goes well and I hope I’m sticking around. I just imagine being
off the court tomorrow in an empty locker room. I think I wanted a chance to
say good bye. Also, if I do run into some emotions tomorrow or in four days
or however long, I don’t want people to think I’m a little unstable, or
more unstable (smiling). That’s why I came to this decision.


Q. You are playing under the lights on Ashe tomorrow for potentially what
could be the last time. What do you anticipate your emotions will be?


ANDY RODDICK: I have no idea. I have no idea. I talked to Larry and Doug
and said, I could come out and play great, or it could be the worst thing you
’ve ever seen. I don’t know. I’ve never done this before. I’m sure it
will be very emotional. I’m sure I’ll still be nervous. I don’t know.


Q. Did Ken’s passing at all in any outside way sort of influence where you
are, in this decision at all, where you are in the game?


ANDY RODDICK: Maybe. I don’t know. Ken was certainly a huge, huge part of
everything for me. He believed in me from very early on. You know, that
certainly wasn’t easy for me. But, you know, his wife and his daughter are
going to come up, so that will be really nice to have them here.


Q. Do you take any example from any athlete you’ve ever seen who knew the
right time to retire?


ANDY RODDICK: I think the thing that you guys have to understand is there’s
not going to be a general rule. It’s not because you have a certain age
next to your name that that’s it. There are a lot of different
personalities. Some people just want to play until they can’t play anymore,
until they’re pushed out just by ranking, or they can’t get into
tournaments. I don’t think it’s fair to maybe generalize this moment for
people. Different people tick in different ways. I don’t know that I
looked at anybody else’s scenario when thinking about this ’cause I don’t
know that I could pretend to relate to whatever they were thinking at a given


Q. Like any top American athlete, you’re praised, you’re criticized. What
are you most proud of in your run, your career? If you could point to one or
two things that you might have changed, what would that be?


ANDY RODDICK: I don’t know that I would change much. Obviously I think
everybody would want to win a match or two more. Had I won a match or two
more, we’d be looking back at something a little bit different. But that’s
also shaped kind of who I am and how I’ve been able to learn. You know, if
everything would have been easy the whole way, who knows how you’d view
things. I’m pretty content with the way I do.


Q. You’ve learned from playing in this era of Roger, Rafa, Djokovic in
terms of your life?

在這個和Roger Rafa Djokovic打球的世代中,有在你的人生中得到什麼啟示嗎?

ANDY RODDICK: I think so. At the end of the day, I know that people view it
as a career, last little while, of some hard knocks. But I got to play. I
got to play in a crowd, play in Wimbledon finals, be the guy on a Davis Cup
team for a while. Those are opportunities not a lot of people get. As much
as I was disappointed and frustrated at times, I’m not sure that I ever felt
sorry for myself or begrudged anybody any of their success.


Q. The first part of that question, what are you most proud of?


ANDY RODDICK: You know, I was pretty good for a long time. The reason I
gave earlier about not feeling like I could be committed to this thing a
hundred percent, that’s one of the things I’m proud of. That for 13 or 14
years, I was invested fully, every day. I’ve seen a lot of people
throughout that time be invested for a year, kind of tap out for a year, come
back. I’ve been pretty good about keeping my nose to the grindstone. I
feel like I won a lot of matches from hard work and persistence, even maybe
when I had better options as far as shot making.

球上,這是我很自豪的,過往的13 14年內,我毫無保留的每天全心投入。我看過許多球

Q. What does it mean to you to be the face of American tennis for the last
eight years?


ANDY RODDICK: It’s been a pleasure. It’s not something that’s easy every
day, for sure, especially when you get kind of anointed at a young age, 17,
18. It’s something you roll with. For the moments where it’s been hard, I
’ve had 25 positive things that have come from it. Again, anything that
people may view as tough, I’ve been very lucky and very fortunate. I’ve
gotten a lot of opportunities. I wouldn’t trade away a day of it. I’ve
loved every minute.

AR:這絕對是榮耀。但這並不容易,尤其是當你很年輕17 18歲就接受這殊榮。當我覺得很

Q. On behalf of Australian tennis and Australia, any chance of taking you
out for a few beers tonight?

(來亂的:因為第二輪對上澳洲選手Tomic XD)

ANDY RODDICK: We’ll talk after this (laughter).

AR:我們事後再談 (笑)

Q. You said there’s some interesting things you’d like to move on to do.
What are they? What does your wife think of this decision?


ANDY RODDICK: I haven’t asked her yet (laughter). I’m joking. A lot of
stuff with my foundation will probably be my primary focus from here for a
little bit. Obviously I’ve gone over to the dark side with you guys with
the radio show a little bit. So that’s fun. It’s something I enjoy doing.
I’ll probably build on that a little bit. There are some other things
also. I’m looking forward to it.

AR:我還沒問過他 (笑) 騙你的啦,基金會的事情會是我主要的聚焦項目,我已經在廣播

Q. There’s plenty of athletes that make this kind of announcement in a
flood of tears. You seem quite clear about it.


ANDY RODDICK: I feel clear. If I’m being honest, I would have bet against
myself on getting through this without tears today. I must have already
gotten them all out earlier. I feel pretty good today. This has been a huge
part of my life always. But I don’t know that it’s always been my entire
life. So I do feel very confident in the things and the people that I have
to fall back on.


Q. Your first time here at the US Open, what has this place meant to you

你第一次在此打球 這場地對你的意義是什麼?

ANDY RODDICK: My first time? I was here in ’98, I played Fernando Gonzalez
in the juniors first round.

AR:我第一次是在1998年,在青年組第一輪碰上 Fernando Gonzalez

Q. You came as a fan before that?


ANDY RODDICK: Oh, gosh, yeah. I came here in I think it was 1990 with my
parents as a birthday present. I snuck into the players lounge without a


Q. Did you see Pete?


ANDY RODDICK: I saw Pete. He was playing video games. I’m pretty sure I
beat him at like Mortal Kombat or something. That was fun. I was here in ’
91 when Jimmy was making his run. We only had grounds passes, but I got into
the stadium every day somehow. Then playing here, I think I played
professional in ’99 doubles for the first time. There have been a lot of
memories here.


Q. What does this place mean to you?


ANDY RODDICK: It’s meant a lot. It’s the highest of highs and probably
the lowest of lows also. It’s certainly never been boring. I’ve always
enjoyed the energy. I feel like each Grand Slam is almost a microcosm of the
place it’s played in. This is a show. It’s New York City in every way. I
’m glad that I’ve been a very, very small part of it.


Q. You mentioned the run of Jimmy Connors. Are you ready to let it hang all
out, go on a dream run here?

你提到Jimmy Connors的大驚奇,你是不是也期待今年能像他一樣,在此地打幾場完美的

ANDY RODDICK: We’ll see. I wish it was a choice (smiling).

AR:我們等著看吧 ,我希望這是選項之一(笑)

Q. You mentioned you talked to Doug and Larry. What were the reaction of
some of your friends?

你提到和訓練師防護員Doug and Larry談過,他們和其他朋友的反應是什麼??

ANDY RODDICK: Some are still learning. I didn’t want to tell the guys that
had to play, so James is going to be surprised. Dougie was a little baby
about it all (laughter). Lost a lot of man respect for him. Everyone is a
little stunned just because of the finality of it all, but I don’t think
anybody was really surprised. I think the people that know me know that I’
ve been thinking about it for a little bit. It’s the time. I think they
all understood that. They’re all happy. Some of my friends are excited
because it means more golf rounds. I see some head nodding there. No,
everyone’s been very supportive.

AR:有些人不知道,我不想和那些有比賽的人說,所以James(James Blake)應該會嚇一大

Q. 2006, Agassi retires. I remember you saying, The training wheels are off
for us. Now the training wheels are off for the younger guys. Are you
comfortable where the younger guys are moving ahead?


ANDY RODDICK: I think so. You know, I can’t protect them now, you know,
that’s for sure. But I think John’s ready. Mardy is really good with the
younger guys. Ryan will play well once he figures everything out. Doesn’t
change the fact that I still live four miles away from him. I’ll still kick
his ass. No, I feel pretty good about it all. Even though I won’t be
competing against them, I think they all know I’ve never been more than a
phone call away from them.

AR:是的,我現在也無法當他們的前導了,但我確定John(John Isner)準備好了,

Q. When you’re back at home in Austin, walking about the house, see the US
Open trophy you won, what goes through your mind?


ANDY RODDICK: Honestly, I don’t see it very often. It’s in a study. We
all know I don’t go there very much (laughter). I see it probably as much
as you guys see the one here.


Q. To play another match at night, how much have you enjoyed night matches
here at the Open and how much different are they from day matches?


ANDY RODDICK: I mean, it’s the most electric atmosphere in our sport. There
’s something about it. There’s a lot of eyeballs on TV sets from people
who don’t even normally watch tennis during night matches of the US Open. I
think I’ve played as many as anyone. Again, it’s just something I’ll look
back on with really fond memories. Hopefully won’t be my last one.


Q. Do you think it’s going to be an adjustment to be at home? You guys are
world wanderers. You haven’t really ever stayed at home for years on end.


ANDY RODDICK: You know, I don’t think I’m foolish enough to think that it’
s all going to be easy for me. I don’t know that I would be that
presumptuous. I love my home life, my friends, my wife. My dog is going to
be excited. I’m not going to be a dead beat dad anymore (smiling). It will
be an adjustment, but hopefully if I ever want to come say hi to you all, they
’ll give me a credential.



Tags: 網球

All Comments

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2012-09-06T16:22
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-09-11T04:26
真的是淚推... ToT
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-09-15T16:30
想哭..但有些問題回答又讓人想笑 真是幽默的大男孩!
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-09-20T04:35
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-09-24T16:39
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-09-29T04:43
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2012-10-03T16:47
感謝翻譯OAQ Andy的幽默是讓我愛他的地方,但是Q^Q
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2012-10-08T04:52
Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-10-12T16:56
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2012-10-17T05:00
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2012-10-21T17:04
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-10-26T05:09
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-10-30T17:13
Roddick是我第一個愛上的男網選手,我非推不可T T
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-11-04T05:17
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-11-08T17:22
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2012-11-13T05:26
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-11-17T17:30
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-11-22T05:34
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-11-26T17:39
淚推!!!!!!Roddick fighting!!!
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-12-01T05:43
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2012-12-05T17:47
有人翻譯了 我今天不用翻了 XD
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-12-10T05:51
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2012-12-14T17:56
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-12-19T06:00

Retiring Roddick not done yet

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2012-09-02T04:06 RETIRING RODDICK NOT DONE YET New York, U.S.A. by ATP Staff | 31.08.2012 Andy Roddick celebrated a win over Bernard Tomic on Friday. ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-09-02T04:04
Arthur Ashe Stadium 11:00 AM Menand#39;s Singles - 3rd Round Julien Benneteau (FRA)[31] vs. Novak Djokovic (SRB)[2] Not Before:1:30 PM (台灣時間不早於凌晨1點半) Men ...

FED. V.S. Verdasco

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2012-09-02T03:08
FED VS VERDASCO 希望費板多點人加油! - ...

Federer vs Verdasco

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2012-09-02T02:37
set1 set2 set3 Roger Federer (SUI) 6 6 6 Fernando Verdasco (ESP) 3 4 4 費爸對上髮膠~ ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2012-09-02T01:52
公佈最新團購數量 好消息網球名將胡娜小姐50支 宣布95消光白,消光黑成團 感謝各位球友支持,9月15日前報名訂購95消光黑或消光白多算團購價1700元 9月16日以後零售價一支2200元空拍不含運 有需要的球友請踴躍報名 100那達那達消光黑1支,100羅迪消光黑2支 比較有希望成團的是90消光黑1 ...