Roddick Visits the Vienna State Opera - 網球

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-10-12T18:56

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Andy Roddick was kept busy on his return to the ATP circuit at the BA-CA
Tennis Trophy in Vienna on Wednesday.

Hours before his first round match against Argentine Jose Acasuso, the
American went to the Vienna State Opera to have a look at the Opera House,
which was built in 1869.

The 24-year-old American, who is visiting the Austrian Capital for the first
time, had a look behind the scenes at the stage, the rehearsal rooms and the
auditorium. He also went on the roof to take a look at Vienna from above.

Roddick had won one ATP title at ATP Masters Series Cincinnati and also
reached the Indianapolis and US Open finals. He is in contention for one of
the six remaining qualifying berths for Tennis Masters Cup Shanghai at No. 4
in the INDESIT ATP 2006 Race.

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All Comments

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2006-10-14T13:20


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2006-10-12T16:19
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: sunhouse (人不離人劍不離劍) 看板: Tennis 標題: 維也納男網賽第三天 時間: Thu Oct 12 12:54:40 2006 Singles – First Round (3)A Roddick (USA) d J Acasuso ( ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2006-10-10T21:42
※ 引述《hanne (我可以辭職不幹嗎?)》之銘言: : 很多名人共襄盛舉喔 包括昔日戰友夫婦 - ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2006-10-10T20:41 -- 兩人對酌山花開 一杯一杯復一杯 我醉欲眠卿且去 明朝有意抱琴來 - ...

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By Joseph
at 2006-10-10T07:38 2006/10/10 蘋果日報 阿格西義賣球拍 老婆1190萬標回 【詹健全╱綜合報導】 美國網球公開賽後正式退休的阿格西(A.Agassi),昨天義賣2把最珍貴的球拍,最後是 由他的太太葛拉芙(S.Graf)以36萬美元(約1190.88萬台幣)買回。 阿格西球 ...

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By Frederic
at 2006-10-09T22:29
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