Roddick's interview - 網球

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By William
at 2009-09-03T20:45

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(感謝 VWillams 版友幫我修改很多地方)

(路過看見翻一下 Rod真是幽默又可愛)

Andy Roddick
Monday, August 31, 2009
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How did you injure your ear?
ANDY RODDICK: I have no idea. I have absolutely no idea.


Q. Come on, tell the truth.
ANDY RODDICK: No, I have no idea. I didn't go out there with it like that, I
don't think. And then, I don't know, I saw like blood on my towel. I was
looking around like this. No idea.


Q. Possible shaving accident?
ANDY RODDICK: No. My ears aren't actually that hairy.


Q. You played your share of very late night matches here. On a night like
tonight when it looked at some point the over/under on you getting out ahead
of midnight was iffy. What is your take? Would you like to see some change?


ANDY RODDICK: I don't know how much of a change you can make. The only change
that I would make, if all things are equal, we would play first sometimes. I
think that's reasonable.


Beyond that, I think late night tennis, that's part of the Open. It's kind of
what separates it a lot.
And also opening night they normally do a pretty good job of kicking off the
tournament with they've had some great ceremonies the past couple years. You
can't take that away.
They were good about letting us know tip off wasn't going to be about till
8:00 for the women. So, you know, it is what it is. It's the same for
I think also the fact that there's probably the earliest is I think they play
second round Wednesday night, most likely Thursday, I don't think you get
that psyched out about it.
The worst part about finishing that late is just the recovery time.


Q. Have you ever said anything or tried to get that message to the USTA?
ANDY RODDICK: I promise you, you all are my best voice. We'll see, you know.
I think it makes sense, at least sometimes.


Q. There's just not another sport where the event starts at 11:15 p.m. and
that's considered okay.


ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, you know, but there's also I'm having a hard time
thinking of another sport that doesn't have a set time that you play either.
Sometimes baseball, but only one game to follow. It doesn't really affect a
waiting team too much.
You know, it is what it is. It's just something that's always been there in
New York. It's tough sometimes. It's all part of it. Kind of the crazies that
stay till 1:00 in the morning, there's something fun about that.


Q. How is that fun? How is that different from playing somewhere else?
ANDY RODDICK: It's just unique. You know, you play in all sorts of
atmospheres. You know, there's not as many people, but the ones that are
there sure are vocal/drunk.

Q:有趣在哪? 跟在別的地方比賽有什麼不同?


Q. After midnight the crowd turns into crazies?
ANDY RODDICK: I think so. I think so. I guarantee half the people out there
were probably here all day, too. They have to be pretty passionate and really
enjoy what they're seeing and the whole experience of it.
It's 1:00 in the morning. I guarantee you, they all have to work tomorrow.
They certainly have to get up earlier than I do.
It is kind of unique and pretty cool.


Q. I assume some players really get a charge out of those kind of
eccentricities of this tournament. Others may not. I assume you fall in the
former. If so, why does that work with you?


ANDY RODDICK: You know what, it's all part of our game. We don't play on the
same surface. We don't use the same balls. We don't play in the same place.
It's all different all the time.


The thing that makes Wimbledon so cool is the tradition and the whites. I get
into that when I'm there. I love it. I think it's great.
I think the equivalent of that here is the night sessions and the craziness,
the fact that it's a show and it's an event as well as a tennis tournament.
The more things that we have that make our events unique, I think the better
our sport is for it.


Q. Andre talked about his foundation today. One of the things he said was
it's like a baby after you start it. You have to care for it.

Q:Andre 今天談到他的基金會,他提到說這就像生了個孩子似的。看來你得多注意啦。

Q. He started his while he was still active and stepped up his level more now
that he's not as busy. How are you juggling that responsibility with playing?
Have you sought him out for advice on that?


ANDY RODDICK: Andre was probably the impetus behind me starting my
foundation. Goes back to a conversation a long time ago before any of you
knew who I was. He was really good about mentoring me.
You know, I asked some questions. But a lot of times I just watched the way
he kind of went about things, the way he handled his business.
I can't do the work for my foundation alone. I know that I have to be the
face of it. A lot of the big decisions come to me. But I can't sit in an
office and answer phones all day. So it takes a big group of people, hard
working people, that kind of have the same passion for it that I do.
I think that's the thing that you need while I'm still playing.

A:Andre 也許就是我成立基金會背後的動力。很久以前,在我還不太有名的時候,我跟

Q. What was the conversation?
ANDY RODDICK: Well, I was geez, what was I? I think I was 17. I filled in
last minute at a one night exhibition in Houston. I think I was 350 in the
world or something.
After the match he said, Do you want to go I'm going back to Boca, because I
think Stef's mom was living there. Do you want a lift? We didn't fly on
Southwest. Nothing against Southwest, but...
Anyway, this is a long story. But we were about a half hour in. I hadn't
really said much, which as you know is rare for me. He said finally, Listen,
kid. We have an hour and a half left. It's me and you. If you have any
questions, let's knock 'em out.

A:呃,我想想。那時我幾歲?好像17吧。我好不容易趕上一個 Houston的夜賽,那時排

「你要來嗎?我要回 Boca,因為 Stef 的媽媽住在那。你要不要點鼓舞?」

我們沒有沒有飛往 Southwest,不過……反正,這是個很長的故事。我們獨處了大概


I said, All right. That was the last time he ever asked me to talk again. I
asked everything, you know, from Grand Slams to one. I said, What was your
biggest regret, expecting to hear like, I fell off a little bit; I didn't
stay on top of my career. I mean, we all lived in the rollercoaster of the
mid to late '90s, whatever it was.
He said, I didn't start my foundation early enough. Of all the things he had
kind of gone through, that kind of hit home. He kind of preached that you
don't really have to start with events where he has Elton John and Billy Joel
and Usher, and pretty much anybody else he wants playing his events at the
MGM Grand.
I asked Venus and Serena to come and we played an exhibition pretty much in a
parking lot. We raised $40,000, and we thought it was the best thing ever.
Now we have Elton and we're raising $2 million a night. It was all kind of
part of the process. He was a huge inspiration as far as that goes.


許多名人如 Elton John, Billy Joel, Usher 在 MGM Grand 飯店的慈善比賽一樣。

後來我就連絡了 Venus 和 Serena,我們也在停車場辦了個慈善比賽。我們募到

Q. You've won your last four opening round matches here pretty routine. Did
that match change the way you prepare for these matches?
ANDY RODDICK: No, I just laid an egg that night. There's no other way around
it. I was nervous. I was tight. I went out and played that way. To be honest,
I don't really think of it. I've had plenty of success before that match and
plenty of success after it. It was a bad match.


Q. Your court coverage was tremendous tonight. Talk about your renewed
commitment to conditioning.
ANDY RODDICK: Yeah, it's been better all year. It was probably necessary
tonight because he definitely takes his cracks at the ball. You kind of have
to fight him off a little bit. It's just nice to have the option of playing
differently according to what you need to do versus said opponent.



Q. In baseball they have hitting coaches. In the NBA they'll have shooting
specialists, free throw specialists. Why do you not see serving gurus in
ANDY RODDICK: Well, I feel like the team pays for the free throw specialist.
You know where I'm going with this, right?


Q. It's a matter of economics?
ANDY RODDICK: Well, I mean, yeah. Let's be honest with ourselves for a
second. If you're looking at making six figures a year, you're going to have
to be in the top 80 as a tennis player. You have to pay for all your own
expenses. You're not going to see that much.
I think you've seen kind of the precedent. I think Andy Murray hired Corretja
for clay. You have to be making some bank in order to take on those expenses.
We pay for all of our own stuff.
So I think that's probably the difference. We would probably all have
everything if that was the case.

實例,像 Andy Murray 請 Corretja 指導紅土球場。你必須賺不少錢去支付這些開

Q. How much are you running on the track, and is that something new or
something you've always done?
ANDY RODDICK: It's something I'm doing a lot more and more consistently, and
really carving out kind of weeks out of the schedule to make time for it.
That's another thing that Andre did great in his career. You know, he started
managing weeks he was playing versus training. He was really diligent and
organized about how he went about it.
That's something that I'll probably do more and more of.

A:很多都變得越來越平常,而且常要花上好幾週的時間。這也是 Andre另一個厲害的地

Q. Do you do like sprints, 400s, 100s?
ANDY RODDICK: It varies. We don't go out and do the same workout every day.
Some of it's speed work, some of it's endurance. I work with a guy named
Lance Hooton in Austin who worked with a bunch of track and field athletes,
various athletes. We get out there and have a pretty good time.

。我現在跟一個叫做 Lance Hooton 的人在 Austin 一起訓練,他曾經陪舉重以及田

Q. Do you enjoy it or endure it?
ANDY RODDICK: I love it. It's actually pretty cool. In the off season we have
8:00 a.m. call time. We have a bunch of kind of athletes from around Austin.
It's baseball players, Jujitsu masters, all sorts of that stuff. We all meet
out there in our gloves and mittens at 8:00 in the morning.
If you're the one that doesn't show up, you better believe you're getting
seven or eight phone calls.


Q. Are you pretty fast?
ANDY RODDICK: It's okay. It's okay. Sneaky.




Tags: 網球

All Comments

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-09-06T18:55
Andy真的很好笑 辛苦原po了
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-09-10T19:20
謝謝啦^^ Andy這段訪談真可愛!!繼續加油啦!!
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2009-09-14T22:58
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-09-16T12:31

[新聞] Agassi hails Federer as game's greatest

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2009-09-02T22:03
※ [本文轉錄自 Federer 看板] 作者: ying11027 (懷念) 站內: Federer 標題: [新聞] Agassi hails Federer as gameand#39;s greatest 時間: Wed Sep 2 15:26:42 2009 Agassi hails Fede ...

TIME MAGAZINE - Andy的10個問題

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2009-09-01T14:55
這是我昨天收到的TIME雜誌裡面的文章 打上來跟大家分享一下~ --- 10 Questions. Americaand#39;s top tennis player takes the court at the U.S. Open on Aug. 31. Andy Roddick will now ...

[新聞] 美網/禁推特 洛迪克嗆:無聊

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2009-08-31T22:29
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: sonyptt ( ) 看板: Tennis 標題: [新聞] 美網/禁推特 洛迪克嗆:無聊 時間: Mon Aug 31 14:52:57 2009 【聯合晚報╱記者陳宛晶/綜合報導】 美國網球公開賽昨天才宣布,將限制球員的推特(Twitter)內容, ...

Andy 27歲生日快樂

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2009-08-30T19:55
發現都沒人出聲 那我來搶頭香啦 因為我也今天生日XD Happy 27th Birthday, Andy!!!!! 很喜歡你以前得分時很high地鼓舞自己的樣子 不過溫布敦是那種沉穩更令人感動 希望你美網也能像溫布敦一樣勇猛!!!! - ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2009-08-30T11:21
Arthur Ashe Stadium 11:00 Start Womenand#39;s Singles - 1st Round Viktoriya Kutuzova(UKR) vs. Kim Clijsters(BEL) Not Before:13:00 Menand#39;s Singles ...