Roddick falls - 網球 Tennis

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-06-29T03:38

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Taiwan’s Lu stuns Roddick at Wimbledon

LONDON, June 28 (Reuters) - Taiwan’s Lu Yen-hsun sprang the biggest shock of
the tournament on Monday when he stunned last year’s runner-up and fifth
seed Andy Roddick 4-6 7-6 7-6 6-7 9-7 in the fourth round at Wimbledon on

來自台灣的盧彥勳 以4-6 7-6 7-6 6-7 9-7在溫網第四輪比賽擊敗了去年亞軍RODDICK


Roddick, beaten 12 months ago by Roger Federer following an epic final set
16-14, looked poised for a regulation win when he took the opening set
against the world number 82 with a single break in 39 minutes.

在一年前的第五盤遭到費神以16-14擊敗的RODDICK 今天只花39分鐘便拿下比賽的第一盤

But Lu kept his focus and won tiebreaks 7-3 7-4 to put Roddick under pressure
and though the American took it to a decider the Taiwanese won through when
he fired a forehand winner past the three-times finalist after four hours and
36 minutes.
但是小盧這場保持專注並且贏了第二以及第三盤的TIE BREAK使得RODDICK充滿壓力

即使美國人把比賽推向決勝局 臺灣人依舊靠著正拍反擊贏得比賽!!

Lu kissed his fists and raised his arms in triumph after the gripping tussle
on Court Two.

在二號球場...一場雙方緊咬的激烈比賽後 盧親吻著他的雙拳高舉著勝利雙手 迎接勝利!
“I thought it was a dream, I could not imagine this moment happening,” Lu
said in an interview just after his dramatic win which saw him become the
first Asian man to reach the quarter-finals of a slam since Japan’s Shuzo
Matsuoka in 1995.

"我感覺這一切就像是夢...我真的打敗了RODDICK"戲劇般的勝利後盧彥勳說, 他是1995年


He will play Serbian third seed Novak Djokovic for a place in the semi-finals

(Reporting by Miles Evans and Pritha Sarkar; To query or comment on this




剛剛比賽結束 ANDY是不是沒去跟LU握手阿??

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2010-06-29T14:55
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-06-30T02:11
有的 ~有的~不用緊張~
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2010-06-30T13:28
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2010-07-01T00:44
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-07-01T12:01
有去握手啊 還說恭喜
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2010-07-01T23:17
有握 也有talk
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-07-02T10:34
熊熊看 以為是 賽亞人= =
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2010-07-02T21:50
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2010-07-03T09:07
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2010-07-03T20:23
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-07-04T07:39
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2010-07-04T18:56
有啦 Roddick 還跟他說恭喜
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2010-07-05T06:12
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-07-05T17:29
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-07-06T04:45
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-07-06T16:02
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2010-07-07T03:18
推二樓 別緊張

政府請多重視網球 如果要錦上添花就滾吧!!!

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2010-06-29T03:37
我想馬總統 蕭副總統一定會立刻發賀電 但是之後的情形 我不想往壞的想 但是我真的希望 體委會能多花多一點經費 在網球 當然體委會一定會說 我們已經花很多錢在網球上面了 但是請給我們一個像樣的網球中心 台灣真的有很多很優秀的選手 他們缺的不是能力 而是一個像樣政府的PUSH 我們一直批評韓國 但是人家政府 會提 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-06-29T03:35
40 Benneteau, Julien (FRA) 1,059 41 Petzschner, Philipp (GER) 1,055 42 Troicki, Viktor (SRB) 1,000 43 Dolgopolo ...

此刻 心情複雜

William avatar
By William
at 2010-06-29T03:34
相信Roddick心情一定也不好受 現在的心情真的好複雜 大概在04年偶然看到他的比賽 聽主播說他保持最快發球的記錄 開始對他感興趣 進而查了他的資料 竟然跟我生日同一天生日耶 接下來就一直追他的比賽 那年他首度打進了溫網的決賽 之後就喜歡上了大安迪 他的發球真的很迷人 當盧彥勳打進16強 ...

〈溫網〉宰掉Roddick 盧彥勳殺進八強

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-06-29T03:34
記者:張繼元 這真的是台灣人驕傲的一刻!盧彥勳充分展現亞洲一哥身手,面對世界排名第7的Andy Roddick依然無懼,展現優異抗壓性兩度搶七得手,最後便以4比6、7比6、7比6、6比7、9 比7苦戰五盤拿下勝利,並成為15年來首位闖進溫網八強的亞洲球員。 「比賽中我不停提醒自己撐住撐住,我要把這場勝利現 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-06-29T03:33
去年的溫布頓,讓我感動萬分;因為有Roddick。 一直以來,我都認為Roddick是男子網球界發球最好的選手(比Federer還好) 今天你也沒有讓我失望, 可惜的是今天對面的那個人爆氣,打的比你好一點點, 真的,只有一點點,也只差那麼一點點。 這場比賽,即使到了第五盤,我也不覺得你會輸, 理由 ...