Ricky Rubio成為世界盃賽史助攻王 - 籃球

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2019-09-11T02:11

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Ricky Rubio is now the World Cup all-time leader in assists
Ricky Rubio成為世界盃賽史助攻王

10/09/2019 NEWS 2 MIN TO READ

SHANGHAI (China) - For a boy who made his professional debut before his 15th
birthday, it was always clear that Ricky Rubio is going to break some records
along the way. In China, he surpassed Pablo Prigioni and is now the player
with most assists in the history of the FIBA Basketball World Cup.

對一個在15歲生日以前就在職業賽場出道的男孩來說,Ricky Rubio總會在生涯打破一些
紀錄。在中國,他超越了Pablo Prigioni成為現在FIBA世界盃賽史上最多助攻的保持者。

Prigioni, the Argentine genius, had 106 assists in 24 games played to lead
that stat department since assists were included in the boxscore in 1994.
Rubio tied him with 4 assists against Serbia, then went on to take the
overall lead when he found a wide open Juancho Hernangomez for a
three-pointer against Poland, early in the second quarter of the
Quarter-Finals in Shanghai on Tuesday.

上海對戰波蘭的八強賽中,第二節的前段他傳到了大空檔的Juancho Hernangomez投進三分

"It's an honor, really, to be mentioned in the same sentence as one of my
idols. I played against him multiple times and I learned a lot from him.
Being named in the same category as him, it's a huge honor," Rubio said when
informed he was right next to Pablo Prigioni at the top of the all-time list.

助攻榜僅次於Pablo Prigioni時這麼說。

Rubio reached 106 assists in the 21st game of his World Cup career, and took
the overall lead in the 22nd one. With his level of play in China, praise has
been coming from all over the world since day one.


"A brilliant playmaking role by Ricky Rubio. He held all the strings to the
game in his hands, absolutely," Serbian head coach Sasha Djordjevic, a former
point guard himself, acknowledged after Rubio's outstanding performance
against Serbia, in which he was selected for the TCL Player of the Game award.

"Ricky Rubio是一位傑出的組織球員。他完全掌控了比賽的內容。"身為前控球後衛的塞爾
維亞的總教練Sasha Djordjevic,在得知Rubio對塞爾維亞一戰的出色表現獲選TCL單場最


Not surprisingly, Sergio Scariolo, who has overseen Rubio's progress for most
of his national team career, got emotional when asked about the growth of the
new Phoenix Suns member.

一點也不奇怪,看著Rubio大半國家隊生涯進化的Sergio Scariolo,在被問到這位新的鳳

"Before, when we were coming here, I was going through the past and I looked
at a photo from the podium when we won (FIBA EuroBasket) in 2009. I was
watching the faces of the players. You could see Ricky being really, really a
baby. It was 10 years ago, he was 18, but my point is... When I took over, my
decision was: 'For however long I'm coaching this team, you will be my
starting point guard.' Because he's special. He can do many different things,
such a good passer, smart player, good defensive player. He's finding his
way, his balance between running the team and scoring now. He is still in
process. I think Ricky is still on his way to improve, to finally get that
balance between passing the ball and shooting the ball himself. He is close
to the full maturity and best years are still to come for him," Spanish
national team coach smiled throughout his reply.


Baby Rubio, third from the right, celebrating in 2009

Rubio will turn 29 on October 21, and it is somewhat symbolic that he reached
the top of the passing list in China. It was right here that he made his
grand entrance to the big scene, playing his first Olympics in 2008 as a
17-year-old, the youngest player to ever play the Final of the Olympic Games.
Now, 11 years later, he is living up to all the potential he showed back then.


And you should rely on coach Scariolo's words. Ricky Rubio's best years are
still to come.

而且你該相信Scariolo說的話。Ricky Rubio最好的歲月還沒到來。

FIBA https://tinyurl.com/y68vkt25

Tags: 籃球

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