Rezai第二輪賽後 - 法網 Tennis

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2010-05-28T01:20

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Day 4 - Aravane Rezai
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Q. In terms of pressure, is the third set one of the most difficult you've
had to play since the beginning of your career?

ARAVANE REZAI: No, I wouldn't say that. I'd say this was a very difficult
match. I managed to cope with my emotions and come back. It's always
difficult to lose the second set 6 2, you know. All of a sudden you get
struck, and you feel, I'm on the Lenglen, I want to do my best.
All of a sudden she wins 6 2 and she's not a top seed, and she hits very hard
and she hits in all directions. It's not that easy. But I had to react, and I
did at the beginning of the third set, and I had to do that. That's what I
did. That's all.

Q. Can you tell us how you managed the two breaks and what Patrick told you

ARAVANE REZAI: I tried to stay in my bubble. I try not to think about other
things, so there was a long break at the end of the set, and I thought to
myself, You have to start from scratch. We were at deuce, so I thought about
it, and it went fine.

Q. Lots of weighted balls during the match. Did you stick to your tactical
choices, or did you try and change your game?

ARAVANE REZAI: No, I'd say well, I don't know how to say that, sorry, but I
wanted to stick to my tactics, to my strategy. I didn't want to change it,
especially not at the beginning of the third set.
So no change. I wanted to be more aggressive on the backhand side and take
her wrong footed more and look at her more, because she was moving quite
well, and she could anticipate very well. So I had to look at her and be
faster than her in order to win the point.

Q. What was the difference between the Australian Open and today? Do you feel
that you really made a big progress?

ARAVANE REZAI: Well, I want to forget about the Australian Open, because that
wasn't a match, really, and when I lost I lost because I made the mistakes,
so I don't want to take this match as a baseline. I mean, I was not the same
player. I missed a lot of points back then, and today I fought from one end
to the other, so I have another mindset, and this is what made the difference

Q. Can you give us more details about the rain, the break due to the rain at
one set all? Did you talk to Patrick? Did you revisit your strategy? How did
it go?

ARAVANE REZAI: No, I was in the locker room, and I was very focused and I
stuck to my strategy, my tactical plan. We didn't talk that much. I did what
I had to do.

I think the fact that we had this break because of the rain, it didn't change
many things, because I know that I had to react at the beginning of the third
set. So, you know, the rain well, the break was not too much of a problem.

Q. In terms of emotions, can we compare this match to the one against
Petkovic in Madrid? Is this a springboard for you in the tournament?

ARAVANE REZAI: The match against Petkovic in Madrid was a very intense match,
beautiful points, a big struggle. Today we did struggle, but not that much,
but there were far more emotions. There was more stress that I had to manage
myself. That was the objective, to be able and manage that.
In my match against Petkovic, I had to struggle, fight, give nothing to my
opponent, whereas here I'm working on myself. I don't want to be overexcited
on each point. I want to remain calm on each point, to manage my emotions.

Q. But winning and being average, isn't this making one step forward?

ARAVANE REZAI: Yeah, you're right. The objective is to win, so whether you
play well or not that well, if you win, and if even though your game was
average, it's good.
It proves that I still have a lot of potential for the next round.

Q. Yesterday Marion Bartoli, after she finished her match, she showed some
jealousy against you and the interest we, the press, have for you instead of
her. What do you think about it?

ARAVANE REZAI: Well, Marion is a difficult girl. She already attacked me two
years ago when I reached the final in Istanbul. So it's a bit strange she
says that, because okay, if she has a problem with me, I don't know, because
I did nothing. That's a bit of a shame, but that's her education. I mean, she
attacked me many times in the press. I don't have the same education as the
one she has. I think I have respect for players. I do what I have to do. I
get on with many people. But with Marion, it's very difficult. She has
difficulties getting included with the other girls.

But it's a shame she says that, because I'm a French player, just like her.
So that kind of behavior is a bit of a shame, because I never had any bad
behavior towards her. I always showed respect for the other players, and I
think players that deserve to be spoken about in the media, well, it's
because they deserve it.

But today I'm on the Fed Cup team, I'm part of many things. I try and get
included to many things, and if she's not happy, she is not that much in the
media. I guess she has to make efforts just like I did. Then she has to see
what she wants to say.

Q. Next round Petrova. She will play with a greater momentum. Don't you think
this is a style that's better for you? Don't you think this is going to be
your real test on this tournament?

ARAVANE REZAI: Each match is a fight. Each match is different. Each player
has a different game, so I will work on my strategy against Nadia. I know
it's going to be a very difficult match. I'll have to fight just like on
every match.

She's more intense. She really hits the ball very early, so this is what I
work on tomorrow in order to, you know, define my tactics and be aggressive
when I play her.

Q. You played her here in 2008. Which court was it? What are your memories?

ARAVANE REZAI: It was court No. 3. As for my memories, I try not to look
back, because, you know, you make progress every year after each match, so I
want to forget about the past and take onboard everything that's positive.
And on that match, there was not much that was positive. I was not present,
mentally speaking. It wasn't a good match, so I want to forget about these
moments. But I analyzed her match today. I went to watch it a bit, so, you
know, I have good starting points to start working.

Q. About the analysis of the game, you get DVDs with all statistics on a
Grand Slam tournament like here. Is this something that you use? Is this
something that you watch with your coach?
ARAVANE REZAI: Yes. I do take a look once in a while, because it's important,
especially for serves and winning serves. It's important so that you can work
on some compartment of your game.
So yes, I do, and I would also watch matches which are important, and I keep
my DVDs so if I ever have to play against the same player again, I try and
watch how I played the time before not to make the same mistakes.

Q. Is the environment the same since slightly before the tournament at the
very beginning of the tournament and now? Or has it changed?

ARAVANE REZAI: What do you mean? How do you mean it evolved? It changed?

Q. Well, you, you with the press, you with other people, you with people in
the stadium.

ARAVANE REZAI: If I changed something, it means I'm not in my bubble. So, you
know, I try and keep a straight line. I try not to change my routine.
Of course, the press is more present and there are more people around me, but
that's something I can manage well.

Q. Is there something you also felt for the crowd around the Lenglen court
today, their expectations?

ARAVANE REZAI: Yes, I felt there was more people supporting me than usual,
and, well, it's very pleasing. It's very satisfying. That's a lot of
emotions. And as I said, I have to work on myself. I have to work to manage
my emotions.

As for the crowd, the more I play in the tournament, the more people will be
attending my matches, but I love that. So it's not a problem.

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Tags: 網球

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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2010-05-27T21:51
小弟現在服役中 剛好在8月底退伍 (美網開打前幾天) 想利用退伍後的時間一圓親臨大滿貫賽事的夢想 (畢竟有工作以後也很難排出時間與機會) 不過目前還沒確定是否能順利成行 由於自己還沒有到北美出國的經驗 希望能找個伴同行 因此詢問有意願想要結伴同行的板友 請私下回信聯絡我 感謝~ - ...

特松加抱怨組委會 為何我是一哥卻得不到照顧

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2010-05-27T21:18
2010-05-27 09:16:21  and#34;我們這是在法國比賽啊,我是法國人,我還是法國的No.1。我覺得法網組委會多少應該考 慮一下我的感受,給我一個機會。and#34; 網易體育5月27日報導: 僅僅用時79分鐘,8號種子特松加就以6比1、6比1和6比4擊敗同胞奧恩納,順利挺進本屆法 網32 ...

法網引爆本土球員矛盾 雷紮伊炮轟巴托麗沒教養

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2010-05-27T20:41
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