Re: 頒獎典禮翻譯 - 網球 Tennis

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2009-07-06T05:44

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※ 引述《wind164 (我們的故事 *)》之銘言:
: 頒獎應該是從..43秒開始
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Emcee: Ladies and gentlemen, the runner up --ANDY RODDICK!!!!! (applause)
: 主持人:各位先生女士,今年的亞軍---ANDY RODDICK!!!!! (鼓掌)
: Commentator: It's the third that Andy Roddick had held that - a runner up a
: lot, so much can ~@)_@)*@~<@>?~><!@()~!@)>>>?!~)~)!, the only hope
: that this response is a consolation.

and so much pain you can never fall in for letting emotion show
and in some way you can only hope that this response is a consolation today.
I hope so. I really do.

: 球評:這是A-Rod第三次拿亞軍了...看得出他很傷心..你可以@(()~)(@)(__@$
: _))!*(~!~......只能以這個回覆(亞軍)做為安慰..

我看另一台的轉撥(BBC,原po這個應該是ABC) 球評有提到425000 pounds的獎金
'A check of 425000 pounds, no consolation.'

: Emcee: And now, the singles champion of 2009 --Roger Federer!!!!! (Applause)
: 主持人:然後是2009年溫布頓男單冠軍--Roger Federer!!!!! (掌聲)
: Commentator: The ending of the story is right for anyone BUT Andy Roddick....
: Federer makes history here, meets Sampras here, to acknowledge the passing...
: and Andy Roddick has a speak to ()@()~)(@*)~@)*( (name)
: 球評:這個故事的結尾對任何人來說都是對的...除了對A-Rod以外.....費德
: 勒在這裡創造歷史,在這裡看見山普拉斯親眼承認他的超越 (指第15個大滿貫,超越山大
: 王的14個)..現在,)@()~)@)~@ (人名)要訪問A-Rod.
: Interviewer: Andy... certainly you played your part....after a match like that
: I think that ... this sport is so cruel, sometimes.
: 採訪者:Andy...你的確盡了全力...在那樣的比賽之後我感覺到..這個比賽有
: 時是多麼的殘酷。
: Andy Roddick: No...I'm so lucky I can get so far, so thank you for that, I
: appreciate it ...(great applause) I guess, I have to say congratulations to
: Roger, you know... he is a true champion, he deserves everything he gets, so..
: well done, Roger.
: A-Rod:不,我很幸運的能走到這個地步,所以我感謝你們(對球迷喊) (爆出熱
: 烈掌聲) ...我想,我要對Roger說聲恭喜,你知道的...他是個真正的冠軍,他所拿到的
: 一切都是他應得的,所以...做得好,Roger.
: Interviewer: You threw everything out, didn't you?
: 採訪者:你使盡了一切,對吧?
: Andy Roddick: Well, I tried...sorry, Pete, I tried to pull him off (laughter)
: ...It was a pleasure to play in front of the great champions , like Pete, Rod
:'re there... I still hope one day my name will be up there with those
: winners of this tournament and ...(applause) (cut by interviewer)
: A-Rod:恩,我試過了...(揮手向山大王示意) 對不起,彼得,我有試著要拉住
: 他 (全場笑聲) ...能在那麼多冠軍,像彼得,還有羅德....的面前打球,是種榮幸。不
: 過我還是希望有一天我的名字能跟那些曾在這個大賽中拿過冠軍的人一起刻在那牆上,還
: 有...(全場爆出掌聲) (A-Rod 被採訪者切斷)
: Interviewer: I really hope so. And thanks very much, ladies and gentlemen --
: Andy Roddick!
: 採訪者:我很希望如此,非常感謝你。各位先生女士--Andy Roddick!
: (A-Rod走回費德勒旁邊,全場掌聲,接著換費德勒走出)
: Interviewer: So, Roger, congratulations, history made today... but before we
: talk about that I'm sure you'd like to )(@)(~@)~*@) to someone who paid you a
: heck of a fight today.

to pay tribute to somebody who gave you a heck of a five today.

: 採訪者:恩,費德勒,非常恭喜,你今天創造了歷史... 不過,在我們談論那
: 之前,我相信你會想到對今天讓你打了一場惡戰的人說上幾句話。
: Federer: You played unbelievably today, Andy, you played unbelievably...don't
: be too sad, I once was there too, I was on this court last year...I came back
: and won, so ... I won, but it still hurts. (Laughter) So you're going to come
: back and win it, I really hope are an unbelievable guy and we played
: unbelievably today, but unfortunately there has to be a winner sometimes, and
: today I'm on the lucky side.
: 費德勒:你今天打得很不可思議,安迪,你今天打得很不可思議...不要太難
: 過,我曾經也在那哩,去年我也在這球場...不過我回來贏得了勝利。 雖然它(暗指去年
: 決賽輸給納豆)還是會痛...(全場爆出笑聲)所以你也可以回
: 來並贏得冠軍,我真心希望如此...你是個不可思議的傢伙,我們今天也打了一場不可思
: 議的比賽。 不幸地,比賽總是要有輸有贏,而今天幸運女神站在我這邊。 played a unbelievable tournament. Don't be too sad. I went through
some rough ones as well. I went on this court last year.

(Andy) ..You already won five.

I won five, but still. It hurts.

: Interviewer: And how does it feel to have that cup back?
: 採訪者:要回那個金盃,你有什麼感受?
: Federer: It's funny for some reason, because I was here last year and I didn't
: have it... but now it feels great, it was a crazy match, I feel my head still
:'s an unbelievable moment in my career.
: z費德勒:我去年站在這裡卻沒有拿到金盃....但是我現在拿到了,它現在感
: 覺很棒。這是場瘋狂的比賽,我現在感覺到我的頭還在旋轉..這是在我職業生涯中很不
: 可思議的一刻。
: Interviewer: And also especially, doing it in front of Pete, he's been here to
: watch you today. do it in front of Pete, to flew in specially to watch you today.

: 採訪者:而且很特別的,你在山大王面前做到了,他今天專程來看你呢。
: (其實是協會硬拉他過來,要他見證紀錄的......)
: Federer: Thanks very much for coming...thank you. (pause) I know it's a long
: way, but you're member.'re here seeing us play, that's such a
: pleasure, and great legends .... thank you.
: 費:感謝你過來...(向山大王揮手致意) 感謝你。 (抱歉,以下該段英文本人不是聽得很
: 清楚,故暫不翻譯)

to play in front of such a legend like what Andy said.

: Interview: And how does it feel to be the most successful player ever in
: the Grand Slam history with fifteen titles?
: 採訪者:成為大滿貫史上最成功的球員,拿下了十五座大滿貫,你感覺如何?
: Federer:It's not really one of those )@(_~!@ you said, but's quite
: a career and quite a month, I feel amazing...but this is not why I am playing
: tennis- to break all sorts of different records, but it's definintely one of
: the greatest wins to have. But this doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing
: tennis. I'm going to keep enjoying tennis and many years later I hope to come
: back here and play some good tennis in the future. (applause)
: 費德勒:(前面那段我聽不懂orz,不翻譯)這是個令人驚奇的生涯,令人驚奇的一個月,我
: 感覺很棒,不過打破紀錄不是我在打網球的原因,不過這也是種難得的經驗。不過這不表
: 示我會停止打網球。我會繼續享受網球,日後我再回來時希望能再打出更好的網球。(掌聲)

It's not really one of those goals you set, you know, as a little boy.

: Interviewer: So...fifteen and counting. And also, fifteen titles and once
: 採訪者:你拿了十五個大滿貫,而且這個紀錄還在持續。並且,你除了拿下第
: 十五個大滿貫之外,你還重新回到了 世˙界˙第˙一。
: Federer: I guess that's nice to have, you know. But also I'm aware that Rafael
: isn't playing here..injury let him get out of the game, unfortunately.. but
: I'm happy I became number one of the world by winning this title because this
: is the biggest one that is out there...and I love playing there, so thanks a
: lot for all you guies' support, you're unbelievable.

...injury is a part of the game...

: 費德勒:我很高興我又是世界第一了。不過我發現納豆今年很不幸得因為受傷沒有出賽..
: 不過我很高興我靠著贏下這個大滿貫又回到了世界一的寶座,因為這是...(原因我無法理解
: 故此不翻譯)。我很喜歡在這裡打球,謝謝你們這群不可思議的人的支持。

我想他是指Wimbledon是最大的title? (我不清楚是不是 不要鞭我...><)

: Interviewer: And one final question- you won the French open, you #)(!@)#)!@#)
: -_#!:@#>!@#>!(@#(!@#, you won here......this is going to be a summer you're
: gonna remember isn't it? joined that exclusive group of just 6 to have won all 4 Grand Slams.'ve won here and you are gonna be a father in a few weeks.

: 採訪者:最後一個問題。你贏了法國公開賽,你#)@!#)!@_#_!@#__!@##?>!@#,你又在這
: 贏得比賽...這將是個難忘的暑假對吧?
: Federer:This year is crazy, I told you... Things look so good, I lost the
: finals )_@_#!@_#!@#<>!@><#<!@# last year...but to come through and battle back
: and _@#_!@#_!@>?#?>!@#!@(#!@# a couple of times... it's amazing, I hope she'll
: go well.(points to his wife)
: 費德勒:這年很瘋狂...事情看起來沒有很美好,我去年輸了決賽..不過我今年捲土重來
: ...這很棒。(手指妻子)然後我希望他過得好..
: (好吧 我知道這句翻得很爛 我真的聽不懂嘛- -...)

Things didn't look so good when I lost in the final in Australia Open
which is still an unbelievable result....
...and to win Paris and to win Wimbledon back to back something beyond for a
couple of times. ... I hope everything's gonna go well.

: Interviewer: You put through quite a match today!
: 採訪者:你今天完成了一場不可思議的比賽!
: Federer: I know, it's not really fair is great, I'm happy there's
: an end to it because I thought this could've gone on for a few more hours...
: (laughter)
: 費德勒:我知道,這有點不公平...不過我很高興這比賽終於有個終點,不然我可能還得
: 再打上一兩個小時吧.... (觀眾大笑)
: Interviewer: Look back Roger, what have you seen on your suit...that's a
: fifteen, congratulations, that's all about the record... THE GREATEST PLAYER
: IN GRAND SLAM HISTORY, ladies and gentlemen-- Roger Federer!!!!!!
: 採訪者:你看你背後羅傑,你的衣服上有一個15...那是你的紀錄....
: 各位先生女士,大滿貫史上最偉大的球員,Roger Federer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 不要怪我只翻到7'57 我肝快爆掉了....
: 靠邀我不睡覺我在這搞這東西幹麻阿(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧
: 對了,亂碼部份我不會翻請見諒zzz,我得一邊聽影片的英文一邊打出來再翻成中文...
: 如果翻出來的跟影片有些不合也還是敬請見諒...
: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 好了,該睡了...(昏死過去)
: 欸對了,我可不可以很無恥的要求版主把這篇m起來阿..(被揍飛)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2009-07-08T10:28
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2009-07-10T15:11
歷史最悠久 最沒有商業氣息

L. Paes & C. Black vs M. Knowles & A …

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2009-07-06T05:30
※ 引述《colleger (認真你就輸了)》之銘言: : Mark Knowles (BAH)[9] / Anna-Lena Groenefeld (GER)[9] : def. Leander Paes (IND)[1] / Cara Black (ZIM)[1] 7-5 6-3 : 恭喜AL ...

2009 Wimbledon

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2009-07-06T04:39
我是Roddick的球迷 從03年的美網就被他吸引住 他不管在場上場外總是表現的幽默、可愛 當時他跑上看台抱家人的畫面真的很讓人感動 但是 自從04溫網那次雨停以後 他就一直無法再有所突破 每每當他有所表現 一遇上老費他的心裡就似乎被陰影壟罩 無法施展開來 即使先拿下一盤還是被倒趕 06美網再次進決賽 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2009-07-06T04:38
總共77局的一場比賽 足夠一般賽事打上八盤了 到最後雙方還是屢有佳作 實在是一場不可多得的經典! 一直都是Federer的死忠球迷 哪怕對手再可敬也希望Roger贏 但這兩年面對Nadal的表現令人心碎 不是因為輸 而是那麼努力最後卻未能贏 相信今天支持Andy的球迷也是同一心理吧 雙方都經歷體能撞牆期 誰 ...


Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-07-06T04:38
※ [本文轉錄自 Roddick 看板] 作者: raportvc (咩) 看板: Roddick 標題: [感想] 感動與歷史的見證-2009年溫布頓網球決賽 時間: Mon Jul 6 04:31:26 2009 看完決賽之後馬上花了一些時間把他打成了網誌 到現在還是興奮不已XD 網誌圖文版:h ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-07-06T04:32
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: wind164 (我們的故事 *) 看板: Tennis 標題: 頒獎典禮 時間: Mon Jul 6 04:30:01 2009 頒獎應該是從..43秒開始 ...