Re: 新加坡WTA年終賽 - 網球 Tennis

By John
at 2015-11-01T23:12
at 2015-11-01T23:12
Table of Contents
15 F: Radwanska won 62 46 63
Biggest title of career so far~
Aga在高潮迭起的決賽中勝出 拿下年終賽冠軍
"A few weeks ago I didn't even know I'd have a chance to be here, and there
you go. It's just an incredible day for me," an emotional Radwanska said
during her on-court interview after the match.
"It means everything. It couldn't be any better. I think that was the biggest
day in my life."
* Aga今年在本週前還沒打贏過Top 5,這禮拜就拿了三勝
* 過去年終賽冠軍只有82年的Sylvia Hanika沒拿過大滿貫,就看Aga能不能突破拿一個了
Biggest title of career so far~
Aga在高潮迭起的決賽中勝出 拿下年終賽冠軍
"A few weeks ago I didn't even know I'd have a chance to be here, and there
you go. It's just an incredible day for me," an emotional Radwanska said
during her on-court interview after the match.
"It means everything. It couldn't be any better. I think that was the biggest
day in my life."
* Aga今年在本週前還沒打贏過Top 5,這禮拜就拿了三勝
* 過去年終賽冠軍只有82年的Sylvia Hanika沒拿過大滿貫,就看Aga能不能突破拿一個了
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