Re: 傳聞幾乎確定了吧 - 網球

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2007-01-07T00:34

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※ 引述《someqoo (噗)》之銘言:
: "Life goes on."


: Since Thursday, Justine is training again, says condition trainer Eddy
: Kuypers, who admits she has serious marriage problems. Henin’s husband is
: still in their apartment in Monaco, though, so hopes for saving the marriage
: stay alive.

訓練員Eddy Kuypers說Justine從星期四開始恢復練球,同時他也承認Justine有

: With Eddy Kuypers, for the first time someone close to Justine tells us what
: is going on.


: What’s precisely going on?
: It’s definitely got to do with relationship problems, there is a reasonably
: serious crisis going on. Although I don’t know anything more than we can
: read in the media. I don’t ask Justine about it.

Q: 到底發生了什麼事啊??????

A: 夫妻之間發生了問題,而且已經到了緊急關頭...但是我沒問Justine發生了什麼事

: Where do her husband and she stay?
: Justine is in Belgium, her husband stays at their apartment in Monaco.
: So he didn’t leave with smashing doors and all of his stuff?
: No. But I don’t know if the break-up is final or not. (if it is a real
: break-up or not.)


A:Justine在比利時, PY在摩納哥



: Do you know when problems raised?
: On New Years day, Monday, apparently they had an argument. [That day,
: Pierre-Yves flew back from Zaventem to Monaco, red.] Tuesday, Justine let me
: know she had marital concerns and hadn’t left for Australia. Wednesday I
: sms-ed her and let her know she was welcome if she felt the need to distract
: herself. Thursday she called me and asked if I still wanted that and at what
: time we could meet. “Live goes on,” she said. “And tennis is my job.” Her
: reaction surprised me.

Q: 你知道問題是從何時開始發生的嗎?

A: 在星期一元旦那天,明顯他們吵了一架.(註:那一天PY從Zaventem飛回摩納哥,Zaventem
是個比利時的機場). 星期二時Justine告訴我她有一些婚姻的問題,而且她沒有去
澳洲. 星期三我傳簡訊告訴她如果她需要做點什麼以分散注意力,歡迎她來我這。
"網球是我的工作" 老實說她的反應讓我有點驚訝

: When did she pick her life up again?
: Well, already that Thursday, she trained for 2 hours. Also today [yesterday]
: she has trained for 2 hours, and she will keep training until Monday.

Q: 何時開始她又重回原來那個Justine?

A: 這個嘛,星期四吧,她練了兩個小時的球,今天她又練了兩小時,而且她會一直

: How is she?
: Psychologically, of course she isn’t at her best. Obviously, she is lacking
: sleep, but it’s okay. Physically some problems are bothering her, like a
: contracture, I suspect it’s due to stress. At the moment we’re doing, what
: I call, maintenance training. The amount of repetition and power she needs to
: do the exercises are less than normal, you see.

Q: 她好嗎?

A: 當然心理狀況上不是太好,而且缺乏睡眠,但應該還好。身體上可能因為壓力的關係,

: But there’s no depression, like some are suggesting?
: No, not at all
: It happens that people with problems loose weight.
: I don’t have the impression she’s lost weight. Although, she might not be
: so hungry.

Q: 那她看起來沒有像其他人那樣會沮喪嗎?

A: 沒有 一點也沒有

Q: 通常發生這種事的人會變瘦耶

A: 我看不出來她有變瘦,不過她可能沒這麼感覺到肚子餓

: When I hear you talking, I get the impression she can play tournaments again
: very soon?
: At the end of December, her physical condition was perfect, and you don’t
: loose condition that fast. At the first of February, she could play again,
: from a sheer physical perspective. Psychology is from a different order. She
: only wants to play when she is in top-form: to play at least semis and
: finals, not to walk there as a figurant. Monday we will plan a new program
: for her with her coach Carlos.

Q: 聽完你講話,我覺得Justine應該很快就能回來比賽了

A: 12月底,她的體能狀態好的不得了,通常狀態不會一下子就掉光.從體能的角度來看,

: Does she reflect upon the consequences of her marital problems?
: She doesn’t mind if she looses a lot of money, but she does think about her
: # 1 ranking, I think. Justine is a very clever girl you know!

Q: 她有沒有說到婚姻問題可能帶來的後果呢?

A: Justine不在乎她是不是會損失一大筆錢,但是她有考慮到她的世界第一寶座..


可能有錯 大家參考就好

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-01-09T14:15
翻的很好啦~感謝 感覺還算正面 也許會有意外驚喜
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-01-10T20:24
推一個 /_______________________\
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2007-01-11T19:40
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-01-16T07:09
推一個 簡潔明瞭
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-01-17T20:22
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-01-18T07:31
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-01-20T23:28
感謝~我們一起等 Justine 回來繼續稱霸女網吧~^^~
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2007-01-22T16:05
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2007-01-26T16:15
感謝翻譯~ Justine 回來繼續稱霸女網吧!
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-01-26T17:55
大推,謝謝~ juju就是那麼堅強~今年還是充滿希望的^^
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2007-01-28T17:03
謝謝翻譯 juju一定會回來的!
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2007-01-30T07:48
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2007-02-01T06:03
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-02-04T05:10
謝謝翻譯 !juju加油~

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Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-01-06T22:36
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Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2007-01-05T19:17
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