Re: 一些小道消息 - 美國職棒

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2005-05-17T01:15

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※ 引述《aibakoji (水兵養成學校觀察中)》之銘言:
: 3.Aaron "Suck" Sele可能要找新工作了?
:  Pineiro被送回3A調整投球機制
:  Mateo頂上了他的先發位置,而Sherrill從3A上來頂牛棚
:  但是依官方說法Sherrill在Pineiro回來可能還是會留在牛棚裡
:  所以這意味著有人要走路了嗎?
今天的 pre-game report... 寫的還真無情

Patience in the front office could be running out on the veteran
right-hander, whose inconsistency has been a concern -- especially
now, with the team struggling as a whole. Sele is throwing too many
pitches up belt-high or higher and has been missing his target by
more than just a few inches. Unless he turns things around quickly,
he could be looking for another job.


All Comments


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2005-05-16T17:33
1.Ichiro的MLB生涯1000安已經快要出現  目前他在671場出賽中打出977支安打,以這個速度打下去  他應該在生涯出賽700場以前就可達成這個紀錄(以這個速度會在688場達成)  這在MLB史上可以排到第二  大聯盟史上唯一一個在700場以內打出1000安的是HOFer Chuck Klien ...

5/15 對紅襪

Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2005-05-16T17:14
※ 引述《Pennyjr (一分錢)》之銘言: : HR: Olivo (1, 4th inning off Wakefield, 0 on, 0 out). 終於變身 Olivo是第六位開砲的水手! 出乎意料之外, 我一直猜那會是Winn. 按照最近的打擊熱況, 其他人也快開胡了吧? - ...

Re: 上禮拜洋基球迷的心情我們可以瞭解

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2005-05-16T16:51
※ 引述《cheong12 (我不在我不在我不在...)》之銘言: : 開始光注重個人表現嗎? : : Ichiro! 挑戰最快一千安. : Sexson 會成為2000年以後第一位, 及total第五位揮出40支以上HR的水手 ? : Hasegawa, Mateo, Putz, Villone, Guar ...

5/15 對紅襪

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2005-05-16T14:49
: 推 ichiromow:難得看ichiro在本壘表演特技XDXD 05/16 : → ichiromow:可惜還是出局了 05/16 : 推 laury:ic ...

5/15 對紅襪

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2005-05-16T11:15
Seattle (15-22) Won 1 May 15, 2005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E Boston 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 10 1 Seattle 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 ...