Re: Santiago - 網球 Tennis

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-02-04T12:32

Table of Contents
Singles - Second Round
H Zeballos (ARG) d [1] D Nalbandian (ARG) 62 75
[3] T Bellucci (BRA) d R Machado (POR) 75 16 61
[4] J Chela (ARG) d [Q] C Zampieri (BRA) 62 63
[6] T Robredo (ESP) d R Mello (BRA) 60 76(7)
[8] S Giraldo (COL) d I Andreev (RUS) 76(7) 46 62
M Gonzalez (ARG) d J Souza (BRA) 46 63 61

Zeballos爆冷淘汰了Nalby,其他晉級八強的有Bellucci, Chela, Giraldo, M.Gon

"I didn't feel comfortable in the match today. I was tense,” Chela
admitted. “The conditions were difficult; the court is really dry and with
altitude, if you don’t hit the ball correctly it goes out. I won in two sets
even if the score doesn't reflect at all how I felt out there. It is a great
feeling at the end of the day to be in the quarters though.”

“It was a very difficult match against Andreev,” said Giraldo. “I think
the altitude and the heat made it really tough but the fact that I am from
Bogota and I am used to this probably helped me today. I am really happy with
the beginning of my season so far, I won some good matches and made some good
results already.”


Tags: 網球

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-02-03T18:31!/Steffi.Graf.Tribute 應該還是粉絲團 不過有空可以看看 -- █▊ ...

坐上決賽主審席 王薏婷high翻了

Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-02-03T13:44
坐上決賽主審席 王薏婷high翻了 【聯合報╱記者雷光涵/綜合報導】  來自台灣的國際裁判王薏婷坐上大滿貫賽決賽主審席,「雖然沒當上男、女單打決賽的 裁判,但在輪椅組決賽當主審,真的太開心了。」  王薏婷這3年到墨爾本當裁判,年年都有「進步」;第1年在第1周結束,就收到「畢業通 知」,去年待到8強戰。 ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-02-02T01:14
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Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-01-31T21:58
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Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-01-31T21:45
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