Re: Quebec City, Tashkent - 網球 Tennis

Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-09-17T21:25

Table of Contents

Singles - Semifinals
(8) Lucie Hradecka (CZE) d. (Q) Kristina Mladenovic (FRA) 75 76(5)

Singles - Final
Kirsten Flipkens (BEL) d. (8) Lucie Hradecka (CZE) 61 75


Kirsten has a difficult game for me - a lot of slice, a lot of kick on the
serve - she played very well," the Czech said. "It's tough to lose in a final
again, but hopefully I can win my next one."

Tags: 網球

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謝淑薇世界排名53 生涯新高

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-09-17T17:13
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Michael avatar
By Michael
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===== 本週排名 12/09/17 =====

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By Kumar
at 2012-09-17T10:54
單打世界排名 Cur Prv Name Rank Pts Tours Career-High ↑ 53 (61) HSIEH SU-WEI 謝淑薇 1162 23 53 Career-High!! ...

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