Re: Notes - 美國職棒

By Irma
at 2007-06-15T08:30
at 2007-06-15T08:30
Table of Contents
※ 引述《aibakoji (水兵養成學校觀察中)》之銘言:
: 6.Guillen又被球迷boo了,這次是小熊的球迷
: 原因?他在接到第三個出局數後沒照慣例把球丟給觀眾席
: 推 Epsilon:桂蓮那個要怪他自己. 如果只是沒把球丟觀眾席就算了, 06/14
: → Epsilon:但他是做勢要丟, 弄得一堆觀眾很興奮 (喔喔), 最後卻不丟. 06/14
: → Epsilon:搞得觀眾火大..... 06/14
Thanks a lot: Ichiro must be wondering why they call Wrigley Field "The
Friendly Confines." He tried to give fans sitting below the huge scoreboard
in center field a souvenir by throwing the ball he caught for the third out
of the sixth inning Tuesday night. The fan that got the ball threw it back
onto the field.
似乎得稱讚Guillen做得好! @@
: 6.Guillen又被球迷boo了,這次是小熊的球迷
: 原因?他在接到第三個出局數後沒照慣例把球丟給觀眾席
: 推 Epsilon:桂蓮那個要怪他自己. 如果只是沒把球丟觀眾席就算了, 06/14
: → Epsilon:但他是做勢要丟, 弄得一堆觀眾很興奮 (喔喔), 最後卻不丟. 06/14
: → Epsilon:搞得觀眾火大..... 06/14
Thanks a lot: Ichiro must be wondering why they call Wrigley Field "The
Friendly Confines." He tried to give fans sitting below the huge scoreboard
in center field a souvenir by throwing the ball he caught for the third out
of the sixth inning Tuesday night. The fan that got the ball threw it back
onto the field.
似乎得稱讚Guillen做得好! @@
All Comments

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at 2007-06-15T17:02
at 2007-06-15T17:02

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at 2007-06-19T10:57
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