Re: Brisbane, Auckland WTA - 網球 Tennis

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-01-07T14:06

Table of Contents

Singles - Quarterfinals
(4) Marion Bartoli (FRA) d. Barbora Zahlavova Strycova (CZE) 62 61
(5) Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) d. Lucie Safarova (CZE) 62 67(4) 63
Petra Kvitova (CZE) d. Dominika Cibulkova (SVK) 60 64


"Anastasia was too tough in the end but it was a great match," Safarova said.
"The preparation has been good here in Brisbane. I've reached the
quarterfinals of the Australian Open before and I would love to do it again.
But it's tough - you have to be healthy and playing well, and you need a
little bit of luck too. It all has to come together at the right moment. I
hope to do well."

"Because of the rain I warmed up three times for this match, but I'm happy I
finally played and won," Kvitova said. "Dominika moves well and is really
fast so it's always tough playing her. I'm happy to reach the semifinals in
my first tournament of the year. I prepared well for this year during the

Tags: 網球

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Re: Chennai, Brisbane, Doha

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-01-07T14:00
清奈 Singles - First Round [1] T Berdych (CZE) d F Gil (POR) 60 61 Singles - Second Round [1] T Berdych (CZE) d I Dodig (CRO) 62 64 Berdych八強對手是Kavcic。 and ...

高鐵初體驗 阿格西沙芬趕補眠

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2011-01-07T13:04
高鐵初體驗 阿格西沙芬趕補眠 (中央社記者李宇政台北7日電)前世界網球天王阿格西、沙芬及現役世界第10的尤茲尼 ,今天上午搭乘台灣高鐵前往高雄,3人都是首次坐台灣高鐵,但也許昨晚比賽太累,都 在車上稍作休息。 「Rise of Legends傳奇再現夢幻球星邀請賽」請來台灣網球好手盧彥勳、王宇佐及阿格 西 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2011-01-07T12:35
剛剛的最新消息 Safin在高鐵左營站遭到民眾(粉絲?)推擠 右腳受傷!! (右腳膝蓋撞到電扶梯) 不知道情況如何,聽說表情痛苦... 有新聞出來再附上 希望沒大礙...atat - ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-01-07T12:04
這是溫布敦照片 就不附上小巨蛋照片了 這次是有感而發大家觀賽的水準 一開始就一直告知不要開閃光燈,但還是有人會忘了要強制關閃光燈 於是有時候總有閃光燈出現, 但中間一度有人大聲叫罵他們不要開閃光燈, 最後還有人說an ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2011-01-07T10:56
雙打完賽後訪問(印象中): Safin 和王宇佐部分: =================== 主持人對Safin說: 請描述一下你今天的搭檔(王宇佐) Safin: 我有像這樣子的一位搭檔,我還有甚麼辦法呢? 這場雙打根本不是2打2,我感覺是1打3! 這根本是不可能的任務嘛! ...