R1G1 vs. Rockets 傷勢消息 - 史蒂芬·柯瑞 Stephen Curry

By Steve
at 2016-04-17T15:07
at 2016-04-17T15:07
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Curry半場三分球5-7 24分 勇士33:60領先(鬍子2-9 4分)
Curry第一節在天空貝貼身防守後推了天空貝一把 雙方都被插T
第二節鬍子想單打Curry crossover後被單抄長傳快攻得分
半場剩下一分鐘的時候 Curry右腳踝不舒服
馬上下場由訓練員觀察 隨即進入locker room
Curry回到場上開始第三節比賽 大約打了三分鐘後再度回到locker room
最後有回到場邊 但是並沒有上場 終場以78:104的比分大勝火箭
Steve Kerr said Stephen Curry (ankle) is questionable to play against Rockets
in Game 2 on Monday.
"We are not going to let him play if there is any risk of making it worse,"
Kerr said. The coach added he didn't want to play Curry at all in the second
half because he didn't like how Curry was moving, but Curry talked him out of
Curry第一節在天空貝貼身防守後推了天空貝一把 雙方都被插T
第二節鬍子想單打Curry crossover後被單抄長傳快攻得分
馬上下場由訓練員觀察 隨即進入locker room
Curry回到場上開始第三節比賽 大約打了三分鐘後再度回到locker room
最後有回到場邊 但是並沒有上場 終場以78:104的比分大勝火箭
Steve Kerr said Stephen Curry (ankle) is questionable to play against Rockets
in Game 2 on Monday.
"We are not going to let him play if there is any risk of making it worse,"
Kerr said. The coach added he didn't want to play Curry at all in the second
half because he didn't like how Curry was moving, but Curry talked him out of
All Comments

By Liam
at 2016-04-21T18:25
at 2016-04-21T18:25

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at 2016-04-25T21:44
at 2016-04-25T21:44

By Callum
at 2016-04-30T01:02
at 2016-04-30T01:02
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