Popcorn Tennis Award 2011 - 網球 Tennis

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2011-01-30T22:08

Table of Contents

It's hard to believe but this is the fourth instalment of
Popcorn Tennis Awards. The Tennis Awards that are always controversial
but rarely recognized by players.


If you're new to the Popcorn Tennis Awards, they honour those players
who made a significant contribution to the Australian Open, be it on court
or off. Unfortunately, we don't have any room in our schedule tonight for
those who have exhibited on-court brilliance, miracuous shot-making
ability or won seven matches in a row - there are plenty of awards that
cover that already. No, the Popcorn Tennis Awards complement the Grand
Slam like the Razzie Awards outrates the Oscars each year.

驚人的球,或七連勝的那些人-他們已經有足夠的獎項。 我們使大滿貫更完整,就像

We have, however, had one person withdraw already - our guest host Marat
Safin. winner of numerous Popcorn Tennis honours, couldn't be us tonight.
His agents mentioned something about these awards not being real and the
whole thing being a waste of Marat's time. Probably fair enough.

不過,我們已經有人退出了-客座主持人Marat Safin,同時也是多座爆米花網球獎

And so, without further ado, it's time to hand out our first gong


The Sara Lee Award for the best impression of an apple pie goes to
Venus Williams' dress. We also had sponsor ship from a lattice
manufacturer for this award, but I don't eat lattice.

由於成功的模仿了蘋果派而得到"Sara Lee獎"的是大威的衣服。

"The Hell Hath no Fury Award" goes to Kim Clijsters for hijacking her
interview with Todd Woodbridge. If you haven't seen it by now you
either haven't been watching tennis or have never heard of Youtube

克媽得到了"The Hell hath no Fury Award",因為她成功的操縱了木橋給她
的賽後訪問。 如果您還沒看過那段訪問,您不是最近沒在看網球,就是

Our next award is pretty self-explanatory, it's the "It's not an Apple
,Stan Award". Next time, Stan, if you're hungry, ask one of the ballkids
for a banana.

我們下一個獎不需多作解釋,它是"史丹,那不是食物 獎"史丹,下一次你肚子餓時

And Stan, While you're up here you also won "The MaratSafin Award for
Racquet Origami", Stan gets the nod for his stunning one strike
demolition of his racquet during his straight set lose to Roger Federer
Stan made his racquet into a smaller compact model. Nice work, Stan.

史丹,既然你已經上台了,你同時也贏得了"Marat Safin的球拍折紙獎"

"The Street Fighting Award" this year was a tie between Spaniards Juan
Monaco and Feliciano Lopez, and Indians Leander Paes and Mahesh
Bhupathi; and the Bryan brothers and Philipp Petzschner and Jurgen
Melzer, for their respective doubles dust ups. Mike Bryan's comment
"You're gonna be on the news if you keep talking like this" was one
of the more insightful things heard all tourament. A career as a media
advisor awaits when he hangs up his racquet.

"街頭快打獎"在西班牙的Juan Monaco 與 Feliciano Lopez,和印度的Leander
Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi,和布萊恩兄弟,和Philipp Petzschner與 Jurgen
Melzer 四組間戰成平手,多虧了他們分別在雙打場上的爭吵。
麥可 布萊恩如是說: "如果你說話繼續這樣會上新聞" 這是大會少見的中肯之言

"The Energiser Bunny Award" goes to Francesca Schiavone who backed up
an icredible four hour, 44 minute epic win over Svetlana Kuznetsova,
in which she saved six match points, with another three setter against
Great Dane Caroline Wozniacki.


Speaking of Caro, "The Truth is More Boring than Fiction Award" goes to
her for her story about being attacked by a baby kangaroo. Turns out
slightly awkawrd No.1 walked into a treadmill. Whoops...


"The Golden Racquet for the Best Actor" goes to Agnieszka Radwanska.
After the Polish 12th seed's racquet came in for a spot of abuse, Agi
was a picture of shock when the head of her racque flew off the handle as
she attempted a backhand return (Youtube it if you haven't seen it).
Reportedly the "oohs" and "ahhs" were drowned out by the sound of running
feet as agents rushed from everywhere desperate to sign Radwanska up
for her first Hollywood feature.

"金球牌之最佳演員獎"頒給了Agnieszka Radwanska,在這位波蘭第十二號種子

"The Golden Microphone Award" for the best work in the press room goes to
Chinese sensation Na Li for these gems among others:


"I was wake up every hour [because my husband was snoring],so I say
'Stop, I couldn't sleep' My husband just like say 'Relax.' I say, 'How?
Tell me how can relax because I couldn;t sleep.' "

"我每個小時都被(我老公打呼)吵醒, 所以我對他說'別打呼了,我睡不著',他就只

When asked "What got you through the third set even though you didn't have
a lot of sleep last night?" Li's answer with a smile "Prize money".


"Do you think your Mom will come over for the final on Saturday?"


"I ask her many times, I say 'please come with me' 'No, no I have my life
I didn;t want to come with you'"

我問她許多次了,我說"拜託來嘛" 她回"不,我有自己的生活,我不想去"

And finally, "The John McEnroe Award for the Best Dummy Spit" goes to Sophie
Ferguson for her first-round meltdown against Croatia'a Petra Martic.

最後,"John McEnroe的最佳發脾氣獎"的獲獎人是Sophie Ferguson,
得獎原因是她第一輪面對克羅埃西亞的Petra Martic時的大崩潰。

Thanks for joining us and see you in 2012 for the fufth Popcorn Tennis Awards.
Next year we may even have real awards with a proper ceremony.
Then again, probably not.

和正式的頒獎典禮! 話又說回來,應該是不會有



梗(X) => 哏(O)

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-02-04T15:03
哈哈 很有趣 XDDD
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2011-02-09T07:57
origami是摺紙喔 小卡把球拍折一半
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-02-14T00:52
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2011-02-18T17:47
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-02-23T10:41
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2011-02-28T03:36
meltdown是爆走 也就是在球場上崩潰 McEnroe是個火爆浪子
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-03-04T20:31
了解 我現在主要是卡Dummy SpitSplit
Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-03-09T13:25
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2011-03-14T06:20
是lattice... 我打了白字@@
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-03-18T23:15
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-03-23T16:09
原文是dummy spit 你打錯囉~ 是發脾氣的意思
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-03-28T09:04


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-01-30T21:03
※ [本文轉錄自 Spain_PL 看板 #1DHDiPTY ] 作者: chaohsiu (蔡阿砲) 看板: Spain_PL 標題: [籤表] 智利男網賽籤表 時間: Sun Jan 30 11:29:26 2011 [1] NALBANDIAN, David ARG vs BERLOCQ, Carl ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-01-30T20:39
如題~~ 剛從台北回來 沒有看到比賽 很慘的事情是 剛剛在台北錢包被人偷了= = 年關難過....怎麼就這樣把我錢包偷走了.... 回來看到nole拿到冠軍小高興 希望有重播的網址 讓我忘卻錢包被偷的憤怒.... 謝謝啦!!! - ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-01-30T20:36
大滿貫結束了吧 現在可以在版上討論了 我想請問版主公告鎖文是誰決定的? 有經過版友們表決嗎? 版主的公告判決鎖文,讓版友的意見沒辦法被討論 版主可以在此版依己意判決 當事人及版友卻被禁止發言 這種板規真的適合? 怕版面混亂就禁止回公告就好,開放推文也過分了? 版主的判決標準本來就應該在版上接受 ...

開放年代後男單大滿貫冠軍之整理(1968 ~ 2011)

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-01-30T19:36
年代 澳網 法網 溫網 美網 2011 Djokovic 2,2 2010 Federer 4,16 Nadal 5,7 Nadal 2,8 Nadal 1,9 2009 Nadal 1 ...

2011澳洲網球公開賽 冠亞軍全紀錄

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2011-01-30T19:26
※ [本文轉錄自 AUS_Tennis 看板 #1DH2naBN ] Australian Open Melbourne, Australia January 17-30, 2011 $9,264,098/Grand Slam Hard/Outdoors Womenand#39;s Singles 冠 ...