Pistons-Celtics series is not time for nostalgia - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-05-22T13:28

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Detroit News和Boston Herald在同一天分別刊出了有關 Dumars/Ainge的文章,擺在一


Pistons-Celtics series is not time for nostalgia
Chris McCosky / The Detroit News

BOSTON -- Assistant coach Dave Cowens didn't want any part of it.
"Get that (recorder) out of here," he said.

助理教練Dave Cowens不想要搞任何這種東西。”被那個(錄音機)拿開。”他說。

Cowens is one of the legendary Celtics. His jersey No. 18 hangs in the rafters
of the Banknorth Garden. He's one of the 50 best players in NBA history and he
won two championships with the Celtics. Heck, he was even a player-coach with
the Celtics in 1978-79.


But if you wanted to get him to wax nostalgic about his days in green, forget
it. His current employer is the Detroit Pistons, and in case you missed it,
there's this little matter of the Eastern Conference finals that he's rather
preoccupied with.


It's a no-win proposition for him. Talk nice about the Celtics and get in
trouble with the guys he coaches now; dismiss the Celtics and disappoint an
organization and fan base that has raised and revered him since 1970.


Pistons president Joe Dumars sat several rows up off the court during the
Pistons' shoot-around Tuesday morning. Now, you want to talk about history
converging onto the present?

活塞隊總裁Joe Dumars在底特律星期二早上進行投籃練習時,坐在場下好幾排之上。現

Dumars and Celtics general manager Danny Ainge battled each other in three,
knockdown, drag-out conference finals in the late 1980s. They were shooting
guards on their respective teams.

Dumars和塞爾蒂克GM Danny Ainge在1980年代晚期,彼此拼鬥了三次激烈的分區決賽。

Now, they are the architects of those same teams. Enemies again, only this time
they are wearing suits instead of basketball shorts and sneakers.


But, when Dumars was asked a question about his and Ainge's parallel career
paths, he just threw his head back and groaned.


Begrudgingly, Dumars said, "There is an historical point of view to this series
and from that standpoint I can see how it can generate fan and media interest,"
he said.




"But at this point, right now, the way that I look at this and the way we look
at this, the Boston Celtics is what stands between us and the NBA Finals right


In other words, this isn't the time to talk about old rivalries and old


Dumars did, though, stop and give praise to Ainge.


Dumars built the Pistons by establishing a foundation and a philosophy and then
steadily added players that fit the model. The one flashy trade he made was
when he acquired Rasheed Wallace in 2004 -- a trade that Ainge helped

唯一一個靈光一閃的交易,是2004年他得到Rasheed Wallace—一個Ainge幫忙促成的交

Ainge, on the other hand, endured several tough years and a lot of criticism
until last summer when he pooled his assets and acquired Ray Allen and Kevin
Garnett. Boom -- instant powerhouse.

另一方面,Ainge 承受了好幾個辛苦的年頭和一大堆批評,直到去年夏天他集合資產換
來了Ray Allen和Kevin Garnett。碰—瞬間變成大熱門。

"What it says is there are different ways to build a contender," Dumars said. "
There is no one cookie-cutter way, no one way you have to do it. Any way you
can build a contender, I respect it. It's hard to do."


For now, that's about it for historical perspectives and pleasantries. When
asked if he planned to talk to Ainge at all during the series, Dumars smiled.


"No," he said. "I don't usually talk to any of the other GMs during the
playoffs. There's nothing to talk about. Your teams are in the trenches right
now and that's it."



Joe Dumars a proven winner
By Tony Massarotti

Historically speaking, the Celtics and Detroit Pistons have switched roles in
this NBA playoff series. The Pistons now are the established, battle-hardened
squad, while the Celts are the upstarts.

從歷史上來說,塞爾蒂克和底特律活塞隊在 NBA季後賽裡交換了角色。活塞隊現在是已

After all, before Danny Ainge rebuilt the Celtics franchise, Joe Dumars did
the same for Detroit.

不論如何,在Danny Ainge重建塞爾蒂克之前,Joe Dumars已經對底特律作了相同的事。

A Hall of Famer who spent his entire 14-year playing career with the Pistons,
Dumars took over their basketball operations in June 2000. Since that time,
Detroit is 416-240 in the regular season, a winning percentage of .634.

身為一個整個生涯在活塞隊待了14年的名人堂球員,Dumars在2000年 6月接管了籃球營

“I have a great deal of respect for him and the job he’s done,” said Ainge,
the NBA’s Executive of the Year for his work as the C’s director of
basketball operations. “He’s had great success. Five times (in a row) in the
Eastern Conference finals - I think he’s very highly regarded.”

“我對他和他完成的工作有很多的尊敬。”Ainge 說,他以塞爾蒂克籃球營運主管完成
的工作,讓他得到了今年的 NBA最佳總管。”他有偉大的成功。連續五年打進東區決賽

As understated now as he was as a player, Dumars was not available for comment
before the Pistons’ 88-79 loss to the Celtics in last night’s Game 1 at the
Garden. According to a team spokesman, Dumars prefers not to answer questions
about the rivalry between the two teams in the late 1980s, when the Pistons
dethroned the C’s as the premier team in the East.


Regardless, the Pistons have returned to the top spot in the conference during
Dumars’ reign as executive, a period in which they have acquired, among
others, Chauncey Billups, Rasheed Wallace and Rip Hamilton, the latter in a
onesided trade for Jerry Stackhouse. Those moves all played key roles in
elevating Detroit to championship status, also earning Dumars the title of
Executive of the Year in 2002-03.

無論如何,活塞隊在Dumars擔任經理人時回到了東區的頂尖,在那段時間他 們得到了
Chauncey Billups、Rasheed Wallace和Rip Hamilton,後者是經由用Jerry Stackhouse

During the past five seasons, including their championship campaign in 2003-04,
the Pistons have been to every Eastern Conference finals. Detroit has two East
titles in the past four years and is looking to add a third.

在過去五季,包括他們在 2003-2004年的冠軍球季,活塞隊每年都至少打到東區決賽。

Said Ainge of his counterpart: “He was well-respected as a player - as a
talent and as (having) high character.”


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2008-05-26T13:00


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-05-22T12:03
湖人對馬刺撥完 直接重撥超賽對活塞 主撥耐力還滿厲害的 一定知道結果了還能live再講一場 佩服 不過大家應該在衛視都看過了 緯來這樣撥有人看嗎0.0 - ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2008-05-22T11:57
糗大了 湖人居然在落後達20分時逆轉 看來天意難違 喔不是 是糗意難違! - ...

馬刺 @ 湖人 GAME 1

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-05-22T09:04
西區冠軍戰終於要開打了 揪靜~~~ 是柯神和耶穌的合作比較威 還是三劍客會大殺四方呢 線上轉播 http://www.zhibo8.com/sopcast/41683.htm - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-05-21T19:10
如果打到東區冠軍戰就有瓶子的文章看,那以後我們要多打進決賽....XD 東區冠軍戰 G1 http://0rz.tw/d549X 活塞休息了一個禮拜,要進入狀況其實有點困難。我比較擔心他們熱 開之後,在第二戰會為難攻的波士頓主場帶來甚麼樣的衝擊。波士頓 在騎士系列遇到了非常恐怖的後場壓迫, 很多人擔心 R ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-05-21T18:44
最近這兩場外星人好像都沒有上場 他算是超賽中最有季後賽經驗的球員 是不是有都麼問題 - ...