Pierce's wait is finally over - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2008-06-01T23:26

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Pierce's wait is finally over By Michael Vega / May 31, 2008

it_is_finally_over/ ( http://tinyurl.com/5jxqwz )

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. - When it was all over, and the Celtics had earned their
first trip to the NBA Finals since 1987, Paul Pierce made his way to the
Celtics'bench and extended his hand to Doc Rivers.


But Rivers wasn't having any of that.


The Celtics coach reached out with his hand and cupped Pierce's head. He
wanted to cup Pierce's heart, too, but that would have required more than one
pair of hands, given its enormity in these three tough playoff rounds,
culminating with last night's 89-81 victory over the Pistons in Game 6 of the
Eastern Conference finals.


Who could forget the way he took over with 22 points in a Game 7 triumph the
top-seeded Celtics needed to have against the eighth-seeded Atlanta Hawks? Or
the tour de force 41-point performance he submitted in a shootout against
LeBron James (45 points) in Game 7 against the Cavaliers?

時,與LeBron James(45分)互尬槍戰 XD ,巧取豪奪41分的傑作?

Facing a 10-point deficit with 10:29 left in Game 6 last night, Pierce
delivered once again, taking over the game and scoring 12 of his team-high
27 points in the last 7:35.

的 7分35秒內砍下了他全隊最高27分中的12分。

"I just wanted to try and impose my will," Pierce said. "Just being in that
position six years ago [in the Eastern Conference finals against the New
Jersey Nets] and letting it slip away, I didn't want it to slip away again."


And so, in a poignant moment that played out in front of the scorer's table
at The Palace of Auburn Hills, Rivers threw his arms around Pierce and shared
a hearty hug. The men giddily bounced, thrilled not so much by the fact this
victory had propelled the Celtics to the Finals, but by how far their
relationship as player and coach had come.


"I just pretty much said to Doc, 'Thanks for sticking with me,' " Pierce
said. "We definitely had our ups and downs as a player and coach in the
beginning, but he could have easily went to management and said, 'Aw, I don't
want this knucklehead,' but he didn't. He stuck it out with me."


But Rivers didn't necessarily see it that way.


"He said he loved me," Rivers said. "And then he said, 'Thank you for
sticking with me,' and I was thinking, 'Me with you?' I was thinking the
other way around. It meant a lot, obviously, but we're going to enjoy this."


Pierce whooped it up with his teammates, donning a black Eastern Conference
champions cap and mugging it up in the Celtics' locker room, where he was
congratulated by none other than John Havlicek, who helped the Celtics hang
at least half of their 16 NBA championship banners and presented the team
with the gleaming silver basketball as conference champs.

冠軍帽並且大做鬼臉。而PP也在此接受 John Havlicek(哈維奇克)的恭賀。

Pierce, a native of Inglewood, Calif., even started chants of "Beat LA! Beat

即使PP出身於加州英格塢(加州洛杉磯西南方一郊區),他也哼著「Beat LA! Beat LA!」

"As a kid, I hated the Celtics," Pierce said with a laugh. "I'm going back
home to play my team that I grew up watching. It's a dream come true, man,
just thinking about it. I think that [Boston-LA] rivalry revolutionized the
game of basketball and now I'm part of it."

的球隊對戰。這就是夢想成真吧!我想波士頓 vs.洛杉磯的對決使籃球比賽進化了,而我

Pierce made certain of that by keeping his composure when he needed to most -
at the end of the third quarter.

That's when referee Bennett Salvatore waved off a contested 3-pointer Pierce
had hoisted over Richard Hamilton, inducing him to leave his feet with a ball
fake. Pierce, however, was charged with an offensive foul for creating the
contact with Hamilton.

時正是PP以假動作騙起RIP,使他雙腳移動。然而裁判 Bennett Salvatore認為PP和RIP有

In another time, Pierce said he might have imploded. But he exploded.

"I was a little upset at the call, but, hey, I knew that things wouldn't go
our way being that we were on the road and trying to go to the NBA Finals,"
Pierce said. "I didn't expect calls tonight. My whole mind-set going in there
was if they made a bad call on me, I was just going to suck it up and try to
get it back. So just going into the game mentally, after watching the
Spurs-Lakers game, it seemed like, hey, they let them play for the most part,
and that's just fine with me.


"That was my mind-set going into the game," he added. "I didn't let it
frustrate me, like probably in the past. I probably would have lost my cool,
lost my poise, got a technical. But that would have been selfish of me and
taken away from the team. So I just wanted to brush it off and just keep


He went to the line for a pair of foul shots that would have given the
Celtics a 1-point lead, but after missing the first, he made the second to
tie it, 70-70, after craftily inducing Jason Maxiell to commit a foul that
put the Pistons over the limit.

在 Maxiell狡猾地犯規後,PP站上罰球線並有兩罰的機會可使超賽取得一分領先,但在第

He contorted his body on a lane spin job that induced Rodney Stuckey to
commit his first personal and tacked on the foul shot to give the Celtics a
73-72 (打錯,應該是75-74) lead. On the Celtics' next possession, Pierce nailed
a clutch jumper from the corner for a 77-74 lead and followed with a pair of
foul shots that made it 79-77 and capped a 7-point tear.

(應該是指第四節剩5:25,落後兩分時)PP扭曲身體轉身穿過僅存的夾縫,引誘 Stuckey

"Paul's been through so much, on and off the floor," Rivers said. "I think we
were talking about this, the fact that he stayed in the times when all the
stars, when their teams get bad, they want to bail, they want to get traded,
but Paul reupped. He stayed with us.


"To me that means a lot, and I said that when he did it," Rivers added. "So
he deserves this."

That and a hug from the coach.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-06-05T21:55
Beat LA!!
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-06-09T20:24
Beat LA!!
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-06-13T18:52
Beat LA!! Beat LA!!
Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2008-06-17T17:21
Beat LA!! PP真男人!!
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-06-21T15:50
Beat LA!!~~~~~
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-06-25T14:18
Beat LA!! Rivers:I love u
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-06-29T12:47
Beat LA~~~~~~~~~
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-07-03T11:16
Beat LA!!
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-07-07T09:44
Beat LA!! PP KU魂!
George avatar
By George
at 2008-07-11T08:13
Beat LA!!
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2008-07-15T06:41
Beat LA!!
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-07-19T05:10
Beat LA!! piercepaul:I love u
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2008-07-23T03:39
Beat LA!! Rivers wanna gun gun?
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-07-27T02:07
Beat LA!! No I want to gun gun with KG
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-07-31T00:36
Beat LA!!
Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2008-08-03T23:05
Beat LA!!
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-08-07T21:33
Beat LA!! PP嬌喘一聲倒在rivers懷裡 >//////////<
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2008-08-11T20:02
river本人都說要gun gun with kg了XD
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-08-15T18:30
Beat LA!! 好想看冠軍賽>Q<
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2008-08-19T16:59
Beat LA!!
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2008-08-23T15:28
Beat LA!!
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-08-27T13:56
Beat LA!! 衝吧綠巨人們!!
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-08-31T12:25
Beat LA!!
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2008-09-04T10:54
Beat LA!! 加油!!!


John avatar
By John
at 2008-06-01T23:19
我自己列的 1.湖人換來耶穌哥 但是我完全想不起到底湖人損失了誰? 2.熱火鐵了心要拼狀元(重建魂!!) 頗有前幾年灰熊拼狀元的氣勢 可惜手氣不好..... 3.大歐被換到太陽(嗚嗚 就結果來看是不好的 andgt;andlt; ) 4.勇士居然打不進西區八強 (勇士:我要換區 換區魂!!) 5.小 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2008-06-01T23:14
我覺得有點像湘北跟凌南爭奪最後門票的情形 1.魚住跟赤木都陷入犯規麻煩 KG跟華勒斯這場也是 2.互相拉鋸就不用說了 不過包皮在落後的時候還是夠冷靜... 一個人把劣勢拉回來..好像當時的仙道一樣 3.最後快結束的時候,小王子被抄球的那個play 還有big baby衝出來蓋掉畢拉斯的那球 桑 ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2008-06-01T20:03
這次那些所謂的專家都看好湖人,大部分說六場一個七場還有說五場的 但我想這對賽隊是好的!!想當初大家都認為賽隊是最有可能的東區冠軍 但經過那一輪對老鷹,大家對他們產生了質疑 對上小皇帝,又再再顯示出賽隊是乎在季後賽是一隻不一樣的隊伍 不像我們這季熟析的那個運作流暢的隊伍 但我想真的問題是出現在球員的心 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2008-06-01T19:45
※ 引述《chenaren ( )》之銘言: : 1號 , 3號 我印象滿多明星球員用的 : 請問大家覺得最多的 : 是哪一個? : QQ NBA現役球員共433名 球衣號碼前五名 第五名:  4 號    共有16名球員 第四名:  12 號    共有17名球員 第三名:   5 號 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-06-01T19:27
我只想說 Boston加油!!! 只有總冠軍 才打得贏活塞隊 -- Q:人生的目的是什麼? A:就是轟掉所有擋在前面的東西! http://blog.pixnet.net/cnc414 - ...