Pierce Loves Playing The Lakers - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2008-06-03T17:08

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ESPN 6月2日的Daily Dime,提醒了我們"The Truth"的由來。我就自己翻囉,還好也不


Pierce Loves Playing The Lakers

Paul Pierce's 57 postseason games played are the most by a Celtic who has
never won an NBA title.

Paul Pierce的57場季後賽經驗,是所有沒得到冠軍戒的塞爾蒂克球員中最多的。

A Celtics-Lakers NBA Finals brings many classic memories to mind. Most of
these memories are distant, dating back to an era where Michael Jordan was a
brash kid and NBA scouts were drooling over the likes of Armon Gilliam and
Dennis Hopson.

一個塞爾蒂克-湖人的 NBA總冠軍賽帶來很多經典回憶。大部分的回憶都是很久以前了
,要回到Michael Jordan還是個死小鬼,而球探對Armon Gilliam和Dennis Hopson這類

But in the 21 years since these old rivals have met in the finals, the
greatest Celtic of the "down" period in franchise history has also made a name
for himself against the Lakers. Pierce, who grew up in Inglewood, Calif., in
the shadows of the Great Western Forum, has always saved his best for the

仍然有個人在對上湖人隊時特別樹立了名聲。在加州 Inglewood長大的Pierce,一直在

Pierce has averaged 27.9 points per game in his career versus the Lakers, more
than his average against any other team. In fact, March 13, 2001 could be
considered his unofficial entry into the league's elite. Pierce scored 42
points on 13-of-19 shooting in a 112-107 loss at L.A.


Pierce was nearing the end of his breakthrough third season at the time. He
averaged more than 20 points (25.1 ppg) for the first time and took the reins
from Antoine Walker (23.4 ppg) as the C's leading scorer. What happened after
the game is what made it a watershed moment in Pierce's career, though.

,超過了Antonie Walker(23.4分)成為塞爾蒂克的得分王。然而,在比賽後發生的事

Shaquille O'Neal, in the midst of his three-peat and a role as the most
dominant force in the game, pulled a Boston reporter aside and offered the
following: "Take this down. My name is Shaquille O'Neal, and Paul Pierce is
the [expletive] truth. Quote me on that, and don't take nothing out. I knew he
could play, but I didn't know he could play like this. Paul Pierce is the

Shaquille O’Neal 那時正處於三連霸期間,是聯盟裡最具主宰力的武器,把一位波士
頓記者拉到一旁,對他說了以下的話:「寫下來。我的名字是 Shaquille O’Neal,而
Paul Pierce 是(消音)真理。引用我的話,一個字都不要漏掉。我知道他能打,但是
我不知道他這麼能打。Paul Pierce就是真理。」

Pierce is a unique character in these Finals. He is the one member of the
Celtics' big three who has been in Boston through plenty of lean years. He also
grew up in Inglewood during the 1980s, where the Showtime Lakers were the
hottest attraction in town. And his numbers show that he brings something
"extra" when he plays the Lakers.

一直待在波士頓的人。在八十年代,他也在 Inglewood長大,那時Showtime的湖人隊在

Despite the tremendous scoring average, perhaps the most impressive aspect of
his game against the Lakers is that he has averaged 10.7 free-throw attempts
per game, which is proof of his more aggressive approach attacking the basket
against LA.


When Pierce has been criticized in the past, one of the main weaknesses that
his detractors see in him is a tendency to fall in love with his jumper too
much at times. Pierce's ability and willingness to attack the rim could prove
crucial in this series.


In his career, Pierce has seven 30-point games and one 40-point game against
Los Angeles.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-06-04T05:01
除了PP 外星人也算另類的LA優勢嗎:)
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-06-04T16:54
還不止 Doc在1991-92球季也待過快艇隊
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-06-05T04:47
推阿!! 別人不讓轉 Bri大自己翻~~:P
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-06-05T16:40
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-06-06T04:32
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2008-06-06T16:25
(我不是說這一篇啦) 我想找新外電來翻...
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2008-06-07T04:18
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2008-06-07T16:11
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-06-08T04:04
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2008-06-08T15:56

英雄的出身 外籍篇

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-06-03T16:30
有道是外國的月亮比較圓 自從高校生被擋在門外後 NBA最Hot就剩下大一flash風和外籍球員風 曾經有個在NBA選秀會上落選的NCAA球員就說 and#34;我名字後面如果多個(vic維基) 我的成績應該可以擠進樂透...and#34; 進入正題~ 外籍的風潮其實不能算是誰帶起來的 NBA對 ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-06-03T15:03
Celtics G Allen doubtful for NBA finals http://tinyurl.com/5mb2m6 看到標題讓人嚇了一跳, 是哪個 Allen? 內文的標題就有寫是 Tony. - ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2008-06-03T14:43
湖人對塞爾提克,猶如大聯盟的洋基對紅襪,充滿著恩怨情仇、新仇舊恨,以及太多如今 仍歷歷在目的傳奇球星,最重要的是,NBA總冠軍賽一共進行61屆,兩隊居然合力包辦了 30冠。活在21世紀的當下,湖人總教練「禪師」傑克生除了是串起歷史與現在的重要連結 ,也將帶領手下的二代湖人,挑戰一手建立起綠衫軍王朝的傳奇教父「 ...

NBA》塞隊重建之路 從爛籤開始

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-06-03T14:34
NBA》塞隊重建之路 從爛籤開始 對塞爾蒂克隊來說,他們的成功,並不像是一般球迷眼中的「一夜致富」。 大多數的人都會記得賈奈特被交易到波士頓的那一刻,但球隊老闆之一的帕格 柳卡就說:「大家都被剎那間的驚奇懾住,但我卻認為這是個長遠計畫。」 塞爾蒂克曾經悲情過,因為上季戰績爛到谷底的他們,竟然沒有抽到樂 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-06-03T13:49
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/basketball/195189_sonx14.html 這裡有原文,不知道前面幾篇他是怎麼翻成and#34;Kobe是我看過 最自私的球員and#34;,沒錯,Allen並不算太友善,但當時的發言和 以上的意思實在不太相同= = 原文: ...