Paul Pierce has long memory - 波士頓塞爾提克 Boston Celtics

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2008-05-23T14:11

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Paul Pierce has long memory
By Mark Murphy

Like any athlete of his celebrated stature, Paul Pierce has enough
memorabilia to stock Christie’s Auction House.

像任何有明星地位的運動員,Paul Pierce已經有夠多東西可以放在佳士得拍賣行了。

But for now, the most important piece may also be the newest -- the game ball
from Game 7 against Cleveland.


Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck was so moved by Pierce’s 41-point performance,
and his legendary shootout with LeBron James, that the gesture didn’t just
sound good.

Celtics老闆 Wyc Grousbeck被Pierce 41分的表現所感動,他跟LeBron James的傳奇決

It had to be done.


“I told him, ‘Thanks for sticking with us,’ and he said ‘Thanks for
sticking with me,’ ” Grousbeck said yesterday of a bond that has grown
stronger than ever with Pierce’s last two performances.

“我告訴他’謝謝你堅持跟我們在一起。’然後他說’謝謝你堅持在我身上。’ ”

At a time when several national pundits -- including former players Magic
Johnson, Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley -- questioned whether the Celtics had
someone capable of taking charge, Pierce attacked.

當幾個全國自命權威的球評-包括前球員Magic Johnson、Kenny Smith和Charles Barkley

In the process, he became an inspiration.


“I look at what he’s done as vindication for our years of sticking by him,”
Grousbeck said. “From Day 1 I decided to stay by him, and I’m glad. His
jersey is supposed to hang in the rafters here some day, and that’s not going
to happen anywhere but here.”

“我看到他的作為,像是替我們堅持在他身上的辯護。”Grousbeck 說”從第一天我就

Pierce, who only a year ago had mulled demanding a trade and who had seriously
envisioned life in another city, now sounds relieved.


Relieved that ownership and management didn’t pull the trigger.


“It’s a great feeling when you know you can come through for them,” Pierce
said. “In a lot of places the relationships between players (and management)
can fall apart. A lot of guys sign long-term deals and then everything goes

“當你知道可以跟他們溝通良好是種很棒的感覺。”Pierce說””在很多地方,球員 (

“I look at it this way -- I could be somewhere else, playing for a lottery
team with my career rotting away. That kind of thing happens all the time. But
once they did their part, it was time for me to do my part. It’s the both of
us doing our part that is making this work.”


A darker thought also settled in for Pierce as the Cleveland series dragged on,
with the Celtics in real danger of not reaching the Eastern Conference finals.

當克里夫蘭系列不斷地拉長,Pierce 心中也有一點陰暗面,就是Celtics要進入東區決

He thought back to the team’s listless elimination by Indiana in the first
round of the 2005 playoffs.


Pierce was at his petulant worst at the time, accented by his bizarre behavior
while getting ejected during a Game 6 win at Conseco Fieldhouse. The team
followed his lead in Game 7, going down without a fight in an emotionless loss
at home.


Pierce was jolted -- haunted -- by the thought of dropping another Game 7 in
front of a Garden crowd.


“Truthfully, I think everything started for me in Game 7,” he said of last
Sunday’s win. “I had a lot of bad memories, and a bad taste in my mouth, from
that Game 7 against Indiana, and everything that happened in that series. I
didn’t want that happening again.


“So if I was going to go out, I was going to go out with guns blazing. It all
carried over from that series way back then.”


Pierce has never forgotten what he means to this team. But those memories from
2005 drove home the idea of who he is expected to be at the toughest moments.


“When I’m aggressive, it loosens up the whole team,” he said.


This doesn’t merely apply to how he finishes at the rim. In addition to
setting a nice backdrop for Kevin Garnett’s 26-point performance with 22 of
his own, Pierce also had six assists, six rebounds and made one of his more
concerted efforts of the playoffs to get to the line in Tuesday’s series
-opening win against the Detroit Pistons.

這不僅僅在他攻擊籃框時適用。除了以自己的22分替Kevin Garnett的26分掩護,Pierce

“Paul’s just making plays now, and it’s freed him up,” said coach Doc
Rivers. “When you get to that point where he is now, you’re a pretty free
basketball player.

“Paul現在開始主動進攻,而這使他釋放活力。”Doc Rivers教練說。”當你達到他現

“He’s more aggressive because we’re putting him in those spots. He’s
getting better shots. Him and Ray (Allen) together have gone through that
stretch where they thought they have to get themselves going.

“他現在更加有侵略性,因為我們把他放在那些位置上。他的出手更好。他和Ray (Allen)

“But just making plays can make a big difference.”


It’s not as simple as it sounds.


But the Celtics captain is suddenly making the job look that way.


Tags: NBA

All Comments

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2008-05-25T04:06
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2008-05-26T18:01
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-05-28T07:56
上面刪除不當推文 順便淚推一下自己這篇XDDD
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-05-29T21:52
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-05-31T11:47
辛苦了m(_ _)m
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2008-06-02T01:42
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-06-03T15:37
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-06-05T05:32

5/22 Eastern Final Game#2 vs. Pistons

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2008-05-23T12:48
今天Celtics主場輸了 Celtics球迷:雖然輸球但阿雷回來了,好高興喔! ^0^ Doc:呼...壓力減輕了 KG andamp; PP:恭喜三師弟歸位 Ray Allen:因為你們,讓我找回自信 Piston:幹! 贏球竟然沒有高興的感覺,怎麼會這樣? 桑德斯:慘了! 阿雷回來了 好啦... ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-05-23T12:44
輸了就輸了 遇上活塞這種老經驗鐵衛軍 不吐出一個主場真的有難度 重點是客場也要逼他們吐出來阿阿阿阿!!!!(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧ 進攻上的問題真的不得不正視了.... 其實火力集中在GAP沒什麼不好 一支球隊有三個火力點已經很夠了 不一定要打的遍地開花 但是火力集中並非輪流單兵作戰 今天的助攻數只有19 ...

5/22 Eastern Final Game#2 vs. Pistons

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2008-05-23T12:03
PISTONS CELTICS ╔════════╗╔════╦════════╦══╗╔════════╗ ║ ║║Team ║ 1 2 3 4 ║ T ║║ ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-05-23T11:50
很明顯 不輸一場怎麼在自己家拿到東區冠軍 PP: 這次我希望我們還是要在自己家晉級,比較溫暖 KG: 恩~~可是我覺得在客場拿勝利比較重要 PJ: 我年紀大了 場次越少越好 RAYGUN:看來我們只好輸一場主場 再來個三連勝 三個願望一次滿足 ...

GAME 2 及 Ray Gun

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2008-05-23T11:49
==================================前言============================== 今天雖然輸了.. 但是我覺得未必不是一件好事.. 讓塞隊的板凳有所體驗也不錯.. 如果這關過不了~以後也難勝利~ ========================== ...