Over-36 Rule - NBA

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2003-08-19T20:24

Table of Contents

忙,有誰願意主導協調把製作一份除錯報告送過去呢 @_@
(point point starking....//grin)


(2) Over 36 Rule: The following provisions shall apply to any
Player Contract entered into, extended, or renegotiated that,
beginning with the date such Contract, Extension or Renegotiation
is signed, covers four (4) or more Seasons, including one (1) or
more Seasons commencing after such player will reach or has
reached age thirty-six (36) (an "Over 36 Contract"):

(i)Except as provided in subsections (a)(2)(ii) - (v) below,
the aggregate Salaries in an Over 36 Contract for Seasons
commencing with the fourth Season of such Over 36 Contract or
the first Season following the player’s 36th birthday,
whichever is later, shall be attributed to the prior Seasons
pro rata on the basis of the Salaries for such prior Seasons.

(ii)Except in the case of a Contract between a Qualifying
Veteran Free Agent and his Prior Team, which is governed by
subsection (a)(2)(iii) below, if a player who is age 33, 34
or 35 enters into an Over 36 Contract covering more than four
(4) Seasons, the aggregate Salaries in such Over 36 Contract
for Seasons commencing with the fifth Season shall be
attributed to the prior Seasons pro rata on the basis of the
Salaries for such prior Seasons.

(iii) If a Qualifying Veteran Free Agent who is age 32, 33 or
34 enters into an Over 36 Contract with his Prior Team covering
more than five (5) Seasons, the aggregate Salaries in such Over
36 Contract for Seasons commencing with the sixth Season shall
be attributed to the prior Seasons pro rata on the basis of the
Salaries for such prior Seasons. If a Qualifying Veteran Free
Agent who is age 35 enters into an Over 36 Contract covering
more than four (4) Seasons, the aggregate Salaries in such Over
36 Contract commencing with the fifth Season shall be attributed
to the prior Seasons pro rata on the basis of the Salaries for
such prior Seasons.

(iv)If a player who has played for his current Team for at least
ten (10) consecutive Seasons enters into an Over 36 Contract that
is an Extension and that, beginning with the date the Extension
is signed, covers more than five (5) Seasons, the aggregate
Salaries in such Over 36 Contract for Seasons commencing with
the sixth Season shall be attributed to the prior Seasons pro
rata on the basis of the Salaries for such prior Seasons.

(v) For each Season of an Over 36 Contract beginning with the
second Season prior to the First Zero Year (as defined in
subsection (a)(2)(viii) below), if the player has not been placed
on waivers as of the July 1 prior to such Season, then the
Salaries of the player for such Season and the subsequent two (2)
or fewer Seasons covered by the Contract (including any Zero Year)
shall, on such July 1, be aggregated and attributed in equal shares
to each of such three (3) or fewer Seasons.

(vi)Notwithstanding subsection (a)(2)(i) above, there shall be
no re-allocation of Salaries pursuant to this Section 3(a)(2) for:

(A)any Contract or Extension (beginning with the date the Extension
is signed) covering four (4) or fewer Seasons entered into by a
player at age 33, 34, or 35;

(B)any Contract between a Qualifying Veteran Free Agent and his
Prior Team covering five (5) or fewer Seasons entered into by a
player at age 32, 33 or 34; and

(C) any Extension that, beginning with the date the Extension is
signed, covers five (5) or fewer Seasons and is entered into by a
player who has played for his current Team for at least ten (10)
consecutive Seasons.

(vii) For purposes of determining whether a Contract is an Over 36
Contract pursuant to this Section 3(a)(2) only, Seasons shall be
deemed to commence on October 1 and conclude on the last day of
the Salary Cap Year.

(viii) "Zero Year" means, with respect to an Over 36 Contract,
any Season in which the Salary called for under the Contract has
been attributed, in accordance with subsection (a)(2)(i), (ii),
(iii) or (iv) above, to prior Seasons of the Contract. "First Zero
Year" means, with respect to an Over 36 Contract, the earliest
Season in which the Salary called for under the Contract has been
attributed, in accordance with subsections (a)(2)(i), (ii), (iii)
or (iv) above, to prior Seasons of the Contract.

(ix)For purposes of this subsection (a)(2), a player (x) whose
birthday is on a date during the month of July and (y) who signs
a Contract, Extension or Renegotiation on or before August 5 shall
be treated as if his age, at the time of such signing, was his age
on the immediately preceding June 30.

Tags: NBA

All Comments


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2003-08-19T19:39
※ 引述《Lyotard (非人)》之銘言: : 呃這個可能性不大,因為自由球員還是要抵到球隊薪資空間的,而且 : 抵得更多。Duncan宣布成為自由球員後,他在馬刺佔掉了上一薪資乘 : 以150%,也就是18,108,750....只要他不趕快與馬刺簽訂新約,就會 : 以那樣的額度反而造成馬刺的麻煩。這也是 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2003-08-19T08:00
: James Posey, Grizzlies: 4 years, $22.6 million : Alonzo Mourning, Nets: 4 years. $22.6 million 這兩份都是以全額中產階級條款簽的四年合約: 03-04 4,917,000 04-05 5,408,70 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2003-08-19T04:55
: Kenny Thomas, Sixers: 7 years, $50.4 million 對於一隻大鳥來說,七年五千萬的可能薪資梯度是很好推估的: 03-04 5,200,000 04-05 5,850,000 05-06 6,500,000 06-07 7,150,000 07-08 ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2003-08-19T02:49
: Richard Hamilton, Pistons: 7 years, $62 million 這份合約很單純,就是活塞用大鳥條款與Hamilton的續約。若以起薪 六百五十萬以及最大漲幅12.5%可推估出: 03-04 6,500,000 04-05 7,312,500 05-06 8, ...


James avatar
By James
at 2003-08-19T02:29
※ 引述《starking (.....)》之銘言: : 嗯....這點小弟也清楚 : 只不過假設Duncan已經有轉隊的想法,那Duncan何必又要馬上和馬刺簽約呢? : 反過來說也就因為不想讓馬刺造成預測薪資的負擔 : 所以雙方也就馬上澄清只是為了換新約而已 : 而且我記得Duncan這份合約也是過不久之 ...