Open-Agassi says wife Steffi Graf inspires him - 網球

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2005-09-05T01:41

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By Larry Fine

NEW YORK, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Andre Agassi advanced to the fourth round of the
U.S. Open on Saturday with a 3-6 6-1 6-4 7-6 victory over Czech Tomas Berdych
and afterwards said his wife, Steffi Graf, was an inspiration to him.

"I suppose watching her going about her life is the greatest lesson I could
learn," said Agassi, who is mounting a campaign for a third U.S. Open title
in his 20th successive trip to Flushing Meadows.

"I mean, in tennis, when you evolve as a person and you're more disciplined
in your life and more commitment and passion and focus and intensity, it all
translates into the tennis court, and vice versa.

"When you start showing more discipline on the court, then your life starts
to reflect that."

Agassi, who expresses a new appreciation for his career now at age 35, said
he is most grateful for the life lessons he has learned from Graf, winner of
22 career grand slam singles titles.

"Seeing how Stef went about parts of her career, most of it I wasn't anywhere
near seeing close up, but more importantly how she goes about her life," he
said about her greatest influence on him.

"It's pretty clear focus, every day reflecting her values and priorities. So
I aspire to that."

Agassi's new maturity in recent years has also extended to his wardrobe. The
once-flamboyant star, who used to bleach his long hair and wear denim shorts
and iridescent colors, now performs in classic tennis whites.

"I'm at the stage where I've just thought to myself, 'If I dress like my
wife, maybe I can play like my wife'," he said, drawing a big laugh at his
news conference. "Been working, by the way."

Updated on Saturday, Sep 3, 2005 8:21 pm EDT

Tags: 網球

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Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2005-09-05T00:16
穿越球 35歲老男人的魅力 聯合報系紐約記者沈珠妮/特稿 羅迪克出局,阿格西成了美國網球公開賽最吃香的男人。 他1日演出精采無比的三次「搶七」勝仗,宰了比他高28公分的對手卡洛維奇,替美網精 典代表作又添新一章。比賽結束時,全場觀眾起立鼓掌,掌聲歷久不息,有如歌劇院內向 世紀名伶致敬的鏡頭。 一個35 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2005-09-05T00:14
慶幸我們還有阿格西 老將在場上用拍子教訓後生晚輩 女單小女生全軍覆沒 編譯張佑生/綜合外電報導 阿格西腳踩內八字在場上移動,阿格西以帶有攻勢的回擊化解對手的強力發球,阿格西向 觀眾鞠躬送飛吻。 美國網球公開賽9月1日的賽況堪稱「老將之日」,曾拿過女單冠軍的戴凡波和艾寧闖過第 二輪,琵雅絲和茉莉絲摩也都輕鬆 ...

NBC科林斯:佈雷克開始轉運 八強戰他將碰撞阿加西

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2005-09-04T21:12 2005年09月04日12:47 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 在今天早上剛剛結束的美網男單第三輪比賽中,詹姆斯-佈雷克 6-4/3-6/6-3/6-1擊敗了賽會2號種子西班牙天才納達爾,佈雷克的神勇表現甚至和1年前 的他有著天壤之別。以下是NBC專欄作家布德 ...

美網男單阿加西繼續前行 未來對手坦言輸球也無妨

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2005-09-04T21:07 2005年09月04日11:55 新浪體育   新浪體育訊 感謝上帝,阿加西在美網繼續前進著,北京時間9月4日,美國網球公開 賽進入第6個比賽日的爭奪,在亞瑟-阿什球場35歲的老天王阿加西以4-6/6-1/6-4/7-6(2) 逆轉擊敗32號種子捷克人伯蒂 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2005-09-04T20:52 2005年09月03日15:59 燕趙都市報   雖然走了兩輪還堅強地站著,雖然在八強之前沒有什麼勁敵,但阿加西在今年美網還 能走多遠,恐怕沒人能知道答案,包括上帝。   都說瘦死的駱駝比馬大,可阿加西不是一頭普通的駱駝,更沒有到瘦死的地步。自從 桑普拉 ...