One on one with…the future of Brazilian tennis - 網球 Tennis

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2009-05-24T12:34

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Gustavo Kuerten may have packed away his rackets and started taking acting
lessons, but Brazil still boasts a few young players who are dreaming of
emulating their illustrious compatriot this year at Roland Garros. They may
not be household names in Europe, but Thomaz Bellucci, Franco Ferreiro and
Marcos Daniel have all secured their place in the draw. Daniel has been
rewarded with a first-round match against the King of Clay himself, Rafael

Marcos Daniel, 29 years-old, world ranked 96: Spiritually inspired

Like many Brazilians, Marcos Daniel first dreamed of becoming a footballer.
He and his father were regulars on the pitches in Rio Grande do Sul until a
serious knee injury put paid to his future as a footballer. But tennis soon
filled the void: "I first picked up a racket when I was 12, and quickly came
to love the sport. Even when my friends were going to the beach I would stay
behind and practice," remembers Daniel.

By the time he turned 19, Marcos had turned professional and signed up with a
sponsor. But then a slipped disc struck a terrible blow to his progress. For
four years he was virtually unable to move, and the injury nearly pushed him
to end to his budding career. Then, on the long road to recovery Daniel found
God. He became an Evangelist and joined the Atletas de Cristo ("Athletes of
Christ") association, alongside the footballer Kakà. "It is thanks to
God that I didn't give up," he says. "He helped me to keep going and get out of
the dark hole I was in. My family were also there for me. I owe them a lot."
Since then, "el padre", as he is known by his friends on the circuit, has
forged a respectable career for himself, the highlight being an ATP ranking of
No60 in September 2008.

Today, Marcos Daniel is ranked world No96 and eager to make up for lost time.
At nearly 30 years of age, he feels he still has progress to make. After
getting through the qualifying rounds, Larri Passos' ex-pupil drew the short
straw and faces Rafael Nadal in the first round. Not that he is overawed. "I'm
really excited about the match! Facing the King of Clay on Centre Court at
Roland Garros – that's great, isn't it? And you never know… Nothing's

Franco Ferreiro, 24 years-old, world ranked 186: Music in his veins

One look at his forearm gives you an idea about his personality: the tattoo
of a record on a turntable is unlike any other. In fact, Franco Ferreiro is
not much different to other young people of his age. He likes night clubs and
techno. A big fan of house music and David Guetta, he loves to get behind the
turntable and DJ in the clubs of Porto Alegre, his home town. "It's my way
of unwinding, getting away. Some people need to take drugs for that. Music is
my drug," he explains. Some have speculated that the supremely talented
player with the superb forehand has sacrificed success for his love of the
night life. At 24, "Franquito" is only No186 in the world rankings.

"I could probably play better," he admits. "But I'm becoming more mature. I
can feel it. I manage my matches better. I'm handling my temper better as
well." Ferreiro's newfound maturity helped him make it through the
qualifiers and secure a spot for the first time in his career in the main
line-up of a Grand Slam. "I'm extremely happy. This is a dream come true.
I was 9 years old when I first saw images from Roland Garros on television.
Making it through is also a relief since it is going to help me a lot
financially. I am going to call up my family to invite them to come and see
me play in Paris (against Feliciano Lopez )." When the great experience is
over, he can also invite them to Paris' hottest nightclubs to unwind with
him and dance to his favourite DJs...

Thomaz Bellucci, 21 years-old, ranked 120: Brazil's new hope

Thomaz Belluci is undoubtedly Brazil's biggest tennis hope. After a great
2008 season, Bellucci broke into the top 100. The left hander won four
challengers, disposed of a few top players on the circuit and even put up
great resistance against Nadal in the first round of Roland Garros. This
season should have seen him come into his own, but apart from a fine run at
Costa do Sauipe where he defeated Ferrero and only lost by a whisker to
Robredo in the final, Bellucci has not turned any heads.

He has lost all the points he racked up during the same period last year, and
now finds himself ranked at No120. Could it be the shy young man is finding
it hard to assume his role as Brazil's No1? "I have not played very well
these last few weeks," he admitted to Fabrizio Gallas of Lance. "I have
dropped in the rankings but I have to put that behind me. I am positive and I
have high hopes because I know I'm technically on top of my game." Belluci
will definitely need that positivity to beat Vassallo-Arguello then Igor
Andreev in the second round.

Tags: 網球

All Comments


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2009-05-23T22:11
現在博斯網球台有Hingis... 看起來應該是她之前復出時候的一些訪問和介紹 真懷念她.. 我最愛的女網選手 - ...

Steffi and Agassi一家人

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2009-05-23T21:15
這應該是2009年的吧~在miami 十月時,jaden要8歲,jaz要6歲了~ 二個人都長好大了,jaden變的瘦瘦高高的,jaz還帶了眼鏡 大家看看吧 ...

法網女雙的Entry List

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2009-05-23T20:40
話說籤表就都快出來了 現在貼這個似乎意義沒前幾天大 不過還是貼一下好了 如有不妥 再刪掉 這個有點麻煩 因為選手的名字長短不一 單雙打排名落差太大 所以表變得很亂 經過調整仍無法在一行塞下一隊 所以決定不調整了 選手後面的數字是單打排名/雙打排名 一組人馬後面的數字上聯合排名 雙打的比賽可 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2009-05-22T23:56
當初就是因為看了阿山哥的精采表演 慢慢的一頭栽入了網球的世界 還記得阿三哥的全盛時期 把三個有機會登頂的男單選手(張德培、阿格西、庫瑞爾)硬是壓下去 長期獨霸男單王座 教科書般的發球 穩健的正手 以及令人有點難以捉摸的反拍 令我一再回味 就算會被人說老氣 我也寧可捨Federer和Nadal 繼續維護山大王在 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2009-05-22T20:17
※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板] 作者: a111156987 (燈泡) 看板: Tennis 標題: 2009法網男單籤表 時間: Fri May 22 19:02:59 2009 Rafael Nadal ESP (1) vs. Qualifier Igor Kunitsyn RUS vs. T ...