On Five And Still Counting - 網球

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2006-09-10T21:58

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On Five And Still Counting

Justine entered a bit of tennis history today being only the 7th player in
women's professional tennis to play in all four major finals of a grand slam
(4x = gs). She would've loved to had made the US OPEN her 6th major title,
and 2nd New York trophy, but Maria played more focused, and concise tennis to
win 6-4 6-4 in this meeting. Congratulations to Sharapova.

Justine started out strong, but as the match went on there was a noticeable
lack of punch in shots, and cat like foot speed. Maria on the other hand was
extremely focused to the point of being muted from her famed noises when
hitting shots. Solid serves from both players, but a bit less consistent for
Justine. It was a match oddly lacking in drama from two players that seem to
attract it in big matches. Respectful of each others tennis skills, the final
was more about concentration. Justine wasn't hitting powerfully as she had
done in the Davenport match, and Maria took speed off her groundstrokes to
keep them in court for rallies. Sharapova won the match with mature
restrained tennis, and Justine lost it being a level below her usual renown
aggressive skills.

Final score 4-6 4-6 to Sharapova

Disappointment is a large part of following tennis. There are two players,
and only one wins. After the joy of seeing Justine make it back to finals
night at Flushing Meadows supporters are surely heartbroken, but this loss is
no tragedy. There is still work to be done.

Next weekend on September 16 and 17 Justine will lead her Belgian team for
Fed Cup glory against Italy. The Belgian, and Italian team rosters have been
released on the official Fed Cup site. Please check your local sports cable
for tv times, and the broadcasting list on the Fed Cup site. And on the week
of November 7, Justine will cap off her 2006 tennis season in the tournament
finale at the WTA championships to be played in Madrid, Spain. The
championships will feature the top 8 players in the world based on this
season's Sony Ericsson race points. The Belgian lioness is currently #1, and
has already officially qualified for the event, while 6 other spots will be
fought for during the Asian hardcourt season starting next week, and the
European indoor leg of the WTA tour.

Allez Justine!

Tags: 網球

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2006-09-14T13:35
我沒看完比賽就有事走了 知道輸了好難過

海寧贊莎娃更具爭勝勇氣 坦承兩關鍵環節不如對手

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2006-09-10T15:16
海寧贊莎娃更具爭勝勇氣 坦承兩關鍵環節不如對手 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年0 ...

06 美網決賽心得

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2006-09-10T13:03
其實這場比賽開打前就沒有抱著非常大的期待 畢竟Henin打到八強就舊傷復發了, 準決賽也因為受背傷影響而打的跌跌撞撞的, 要不是Henin堅韌的心理,以及對手自亂陣腳, 恐怕連進決賽都很難。 而且決賽對手莎娃明顯狀況調整 ...


Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2006-09-10T11:23
Henin今年似乎被這2個魔咒纏身? 魔咒#1:在四大滿貫賽之前若只參加一項熱身賽,且該熱身賽時間在滿貫賽事 前一個星期,且該熱身賽拿冠軍的話,則該滿貫就不會奪冠 Look here: 澳網前唯一的熱身賽:Sydney -----andgt;冠軍 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-09-10T11:10
大家別再說喪氣話囉~ 我們換個角度看嘛~ 其實這次就積分而言,其實是HENIN進補最多耶~ 下週的積分排名應是: (第一次試算,希望沒算錯) 名次 美網進補 總積分 1 MOMO +140 3610 2 HENIN +396 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2006-09-10T10:50
看了決賽Henin以直落二輸掉比賽 雖然有點遺憾但是and#34;這樣已經很好了and#34; 自從Henin從病毒感染缺席賽場很久,恢復之後我常常都會這樣子想and#34;這樣已經很好了and#34; 畢竟Henin以她168CM的身高(還是167阿=and#34;=) 能夠跟一大票重砲手同場較勁,然後還 ...